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Posts posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Looky what the mindless printed on the blogs for the Star Tribune, same old no facts BS.

    lakesbiisonJul. 24, 1110:36 PMHUNDREDS OF EMAILS? there's 600,000 people in north dakota. most of them NDSU fans, no one cares outside the racist und people. think about it.Standing Rock Reservation DOESNT want their own state to use the sioux name, a Native Senator voted NO, (they arrogantly didnt listen to either) Great Plains Indians passed a 11-0 resoluation against the use of the nickname. its been over 80 years and they've offerred the tribes NOTHING.

    "Standing rock Reservation doesnt want the name" They want to vote on it, and can't get one, but you keep on printing this crap over and over and over and over!

  2. Pretty clear this wasn't said. How you get from his statement to your conclusion is similar to what happens in the media and with blogs. People may infer or conclude whatever they wish without evidence then discussion continues based on a mistatement of facts.

    "As if with Minnesota and Wisconsin leaving, the WCHA is any position to dump UND" *******.(understand this and I agree)********* " Plus, the Badgers and Gophers showed their true colors about how they really felt about the nickname after they announced their plans to leave the conference." *******(So this comment before mine is not insinuating anything of them being negative about the Sioux nickname????)********** "Is there any love for our logo in St. Cloud and Mankato and Duluth?" *****(Is this part insinuating another conspiracy???)****** " When's the last time you heard McLeod speak strongly in favor of UND keeping its nickname? I'm guessing that he feels the need to keep a low profile on the issue".

    Don't understand the confusion here, but if its me, I apologize, but I doubt these comments are able to be taken in any other way! But hey, its just a blog and the media drives me, apparently!

    But who cares, I just want the Sioux to keep their name and logo, and to keep up the good fight!

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  3. As if with Minnesota and Wisconsin leaving, the WCHA is any position to dump UND. Plus, the Badgers and Gophers showed their true colors about how they really felt about the nickname after they announced their plans to leave the conference. Is there any love for our logo in St. Cloud and Mankato and Duluth? When's the last time you heard McLeod speak strongly in favor of UND keeping its nickname? I'm guessing that he feels the need to keep a low profile on the issue.

    LMAO, so what your saying is Mn and Wisc left the conference because of the Sioux nickname? LOL

    Now lets start the conspiracy that St cloud, Mankato, and Duluth are upset with it! WOW!!

  4. Congratulations on getting in the Hall of Fame .................another Fighting Sioux Forever !

    Was awesome to see that on the news last night! The picture showed him standing in a Sioux jersey. Was from the night he was at the Ralph, and I was there taking pictures from my seat! Go Sioux!!

  5. I guess I don't recall him saying Miller should go to the OHL. I just remember it being said that he was committed to North Dakota, but also that his rights were owned by Plymouth of the OHL and that it'd be interesting to see what he would do. Maybe I missed something. I was at the draft so maybe I missed it when I re-watched the replay on the NHL network.

    What he said was "He is committed to UND, but I will be surprised if the Rangers let him do that and not have him in the Canadian league" Heard it, rewound it on my DVR and than all of us watching this yelled at the T.V. Now as far as who said it, I don't know, just know it was said by one of the two on T.V.

  6. The vote at Spirit Lake was 67% in favor. That's 2 out of 3 in favor. But, that also means that one out of every 3 people there were not in favor. So you're telling the 33% who were against it how to feel, huh?

    Well how is voting suppose to work? If it is for what you believe than its a good vote. Not what you believe than "poor 33%, their voice should be heard"?

    How is this different from any other voting?

  7. Don't know if anyone else caught this, but when Miller was announced to being drafted from the Rangers, the announcers said "I would be surprised if the Rangers let him go to the U of North Dakota and not make him go to the Canadian hockey program"!!

    Can this be possible? Or is he a lock to the Fighting Sioux?

  8. "Tar Heels" is based on a North Carolina (pro-slavery) Civil War unit.

    Doesn't. Matter.

    "Sooners" is based on people who stole Indian lands sooner than it was legal to.

    Doesn't. Matter.

    The NCAA's own "monikers policy" says "race-based" yet Notre Dame, Michigan State, Southern Cal, and Idaho have race-based monikers.

    Doesn't. Matter.

    Pointing out Minnesota's rouser.

    Doesn't. Matter.

    UND having one tribe (Spirit Lake) approval just like Florida State, Utah, and Central Michigan have one tribe approval.

    Doesn't. Matter.

    NCAA's "catalyst for social change" agenda.

    All. That. Matters.

    This whole page needs to be sent to the NC$$, well done!

  9. Well the "Flames" better not be the name! I could think of a thousand slams with that name! Don't like it! This is all a friggin joke! Why can't they just get the vote from the tribe? Wouldn't that solve everything?

  10. I have no idea what your problem is :angry: I agree with you about sioux players playing for the wild. If they can play who cares what college team they played for or where they are from.

    Now that you said that, I understand why I'm arguing with you! If you were a fan, it would make you proud that a player on a pro team is from the college that you love and support! Until you understand that................................nevermind

  11. Relax Bigsky, That's nice you bleed sioux hockey and your a Wild fan but I was responding to your comment about sioux players playing in Mn would be "a little salt in the wounds". I'm just saying that I don't think any Wild fan in Mn could care less if the Wild have ex- sioux players on their team especially if they are good (Parise, Toews, Stafford)

    Thats why it would be even better! (I'm such a rodent fan) GO SIOUX!!

  12. I don't think the majority of Wild fans, me included, could care less if their was some ex-sioux players on the team. I would take Parise, Stafford, Toews in a heartbeat if they wanted to sign with the Wild. They are just great players.

    I guess the thing you should have noticed that I said was "I would like it" What that means is I would like to see that and I could care less what you think! You see I bleed Sioux hockey and I am a fan of the Wild! Just a thought.

  13. I hope he goes to the Wild, with Chay, and possible Parise going there, it would be cool to have a Fighting Sioux Pro team, (especially in Mn, little salt in the wound) The Wild! I wish he would have stayed, but good luck JG, you will be missed. GO SIOUX!!

  14. If your Hackstol, the Sioux team, or the Kristo family, how is any of this anyones business? I get a kick out of how people think its their right to opine on, or tell us what they think, like anyone cares! I'm not criticizing any of the people on todays thread! I can't stand the haters that come into a blog that has nothing to do with their chosen team, and make horrible comments about things that are NONE OF THEIR BUSINESS and they have NO IDEA what really happened!

  15. If you hate everything about UND then why do you devote so much of your time trolling UND boards being negative about a school that NDSU doesn't play. I actually feel sorry for you and other NDSU trolls on these boards, go start a real rivalry with SDSU and USD, troll their boards for a while, that would actually make sense.

    Plus +1

  16. Me and the dad discussed this already. My mom asked us what we'd think, I can care less what the Bison are called. I cheer for North Dakota State University, the Bison just happens to be our nickname. We were the Farmers a long time ago, if we were that now, I doubt it would affect how much I like the team. In the end, it is a nickname, not worth getting your school into more and more hot water. From the light reading I've done, the nickname has brought only more harm than good to the University. If you are a Sioux fan more than a University of North Dakota fan, well then I guess your sad little world is coming down. The writing has been on the wall since the 90's, time to face the music.

    First off, you are one person with one opinion! That doesn't stand for all of ND! Second of all, you say "we don't know what we are getting ourselves into"! Really, do YOU have any idea on the matter? I doubt it! "WE" can support anything we want to support, "WE" didn't lose any decision on the nickname, SL didn't get to have their rights exercised by allowing them to vote! All you anti's forget that VERY IMPORTANT part! "WE" don't want your opinion, hows that?

  17. My sources close to the program said that Hextall has signed will be leaving early

    My source told me that your source is an idiot! My source also said why would a playoff team bring in a rookie over all the seasoned players in the farm league? Granted we are not talking about a Toews, Crosby, or a Parise! All though I agree Hextall is worthy, but it makes no sense! My source also told me that Toews, Parise, Oshie, and Zajac are coming back for next season, because they want to finish their college education........ But you know, you have a 50-50 shot at being correct, good luck.

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