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Posts posted by bigskyvikes

  1. Duly noted. My point was that I actually know people who were surprised to hear that the Chicago Blackhawks play the same goal song as North Dakota since they thought it was a Grand Forks thing. Videos are a different story.

    My personal favorite video was one involving O'Fortuna...I think I recall a version of that from the 2006 regional.

    Yes I agree and I send emails to REA to beg them to do it more! It made my skin crawl and my spine tingle! O Fortuna is the best pregame for sports!!!

  2. I get what he was trying to say. To an extent he's right. Programs like Minnesota AND UND probably have damn near every program in the nation knocking on their door to get games scheduled together.

    I know from speaking with UM AD Joel Maturi, that if UND had dropped the nickname the rivalry with Minnesota would have continued immediately. He also told me that as long as UND is using the nickname they have no interest in talking about scheduling them either. Maturi told me that's not his choice, but the policy that the University has in place. He said that personally he would like to see the rivalry continue but that there's just nothing he can do about it at the moment. And since he's leaving his AD position June 30th, it seems highly unlikely that it will happen since the nickname will almost certainly still be in place at that time.

    I agree with YOU, especially the comment of they both have teams wanting them on their schedule. But toolboy sieve thinks only the goofs!

    Good luck with your teams playoffs GFG, but for me, GO SIOUX!

  3. Lucia has said from day one that he would like to keep the rivalry going with UND so Im not sure what you're talking about. But there are four in state programs who want to play the Gophers of course, and Im sure programs like DU and CC would like to keep the series going as well. There simply is not enough games to make everyone happy.

    Read YOUR last sentence, than let me know who's dumb! Tool, I don't care about you right now, only the boys with the most banners in the WCHA! Except for runner up banners though, LMAO! GO SIOUX!!!!!!!!

  4. Wisconsin doesn't have 8 games a year locked up to in state opponents. That's the difference. Minnesota was working on this while UND was in talks with Wisconsin. This was more important to Minnesota, and it's rightfully so. Minnesota and UND will play again, but they might have a 2 year hiatus. I think once there's an opening on each teams schedule the teams will play each other every year. What happened to every single person on here a month and a half ago that was saying "We don't even care if we don't play Minnesota. Denver's a bigger rival."

    Read the start of this and see why your comment is off! Nobody said we wanted to play the goofs, just that sieve said so many teams want the goofs, more than any other and they (the royal goofs) can't please everyone, such a tool comment! On a Sioux blog mind you!

  5. This year is prime example. The Gophers are 7th in the pairwise, 7TH! If you win the WCHA regular season title you should not be that low, the team who finished 2nd in the WCHA is 2nd in the PWR. Maybe if the Gophers scheduled some teams that were actually good instead of padding their record they wouldn't be so low.

    This is dead on!!!! "everybody wants to play the goofers" that is LAUGHABLE! No other team is desired like the goofs, that is so funny! Typical, but funny!

  6. I am going to go out on a limb and say we will be at 17 for the rest of the year. What I saw of him in denver, it wasn't good. My question is why isn't Tate on the bench to fill the penalty box? Maybe he could skate across the sheet and sit in the box for a major, if it happens? Is my thought process right or am I on minnesotas bench on this one?

    Don't you have to have been on the ice during the penalty to be able to sit for someone else's major?

  7. [

    Blah Blah Blah. You guys that are content with just "being there" are the same people who want every single kid to get a trophy in sports. There are WINNERS and there are LOSERS, no matter how much you hippes want to give everyone a trophy, cookie, and a "atta boy" just for TRYING.

    Hakstol, has done NOTHING that special since he's been here. His first few years he had Blais's teams that I COULD HAVE COACHED to the playoffs and FF. Bochenski, Parise, Toews, Oshie, Duncan, on and on and on and on.

    He had SUPERIOR TALENT and at the end of the day came home with as many Championships (what programs like UND are judged by except by you liberal "happy to be there" clowns) as Michigan Tech and Alaska Anchorage have in the last decade.

    Give me a NATIONAL TITLE and 11 bad seasons any day of the week over "Making the playoffs" and CHOKING every single damn year.

    Although, that's so HARSH, especially for you "rah rah rah, never say anything negative about our Sioux, rah rah rah" fans.

    Let me guess, 23 or 24 years of age for you?

  8. Thats true about York but don't forget he already won a national title at Bowling Green.

    5 Frozen Fours in what, 7 seasons? Multiple regular season and post season titles. Very impressive. There's no arguing that Hakstol has done a great job. It's just ironic that the people calling him a great coach are the same people who consistently ripped Woog for having almost identical accomplishments while at the U.

    Why does everything have to be debated on cross reference to something that happened to UMTC also? Who cares about what happened to UMTC?

  9. Lucia has said from day one that he would like to keep the rivalry going with UND so Im not sure what you're talking about. But there are four in state programs who want to play the Gophers of course, and Im sure programs like DU and CC would like to keep the series going as well. There simply is not enough games to make everyone happy.

    Yes, everybody wants to play the royalty of UMTC!!!!

    That's a laughable reply!!!!!

  10. I don't no if anyone saw this but Schlossman was asked if he thought Kristo would return and he said his gut feeling was that he would be back next year.

    Because schlossman seen Kristo and got the same gut feeling I did! You can make light of the "Daktron" or whatever you called it, but this stuff does mean a lot to some people! Being that type of person myself, I (and schlossman) seen it in his eyes!

  11. Problem is he could also take inspiration from what Frattin has done with the Leafs. He definitely has not spent the year sleeping in buses.

    Agree! Fratti graduated! Nobody can deny his success! Kristo, here you go, onemoreyear, onemoreyear, we want you, onemoreyear!!!!!!

    I'm telling you guys, Danny wants a senior tribute!

  12. What you referred to was the procedure for removing an existing full member of the BSC, which requires a unanimous vote of all league presidents. Fullerton alluded to that when talking about removing UND during his press conference, basically saying that it would take less action to cut UND loose than a full member although he never spelled out exactly what that would be.

    This is wrong, I watched the interview and he stated that it would take a unanomous (sp) vote to remove them from the league!

  13. Watching the horrible Wild game tonight against MTL and they have a Final Five commercial and it is a huge plug for our favorite hockey team! With them all posing for the Championship picture after they won the tourny last year! Good stuff!!!!!!

    Let's go boys, do a three pete!!!!!!!!

    GO SIOUX!!!!!!

  14. It's essentially the most popular burger in the TC and it originated there. They take 2 1/4 beef patties and put some cheese in the middle of them. Then they pinch the patties together to make one half pound patty that, when cooked, has a pocket of hot, molten cheese oosing from the inside. It's delicioius.

    You have got to stop talking about this! I'm getting excited to get there, eat sonic dogs and find a Juicey Lucy! Oh yea and watch some hockey!!!

    I have saved all the info on the good food joints you have given GFG, thanks.........

    Also the KOD is a twenty dollar ride including tip!

    Always fun to end the night there ;)........

  15. If the opponent that they sweep is week, is does nothing for ranking, may even hurt their ranking. They just need to take care of business and it will be fine! Days ago everyone was begging for a split, they get it and people complain because they didn't sweep! You can't win every game!!

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