Lets see, if your not building bombs, selling drugs, cooking meth, and your not a child sex predator, what difference does it make?
Let them look at my email, half of them are unwanted spam that I can't figure out how to get rid of.
This is a silly argument was brought on by the same people that are appalled that we would hold terrorist in Gitmo and not give them Habeous Corpus rights, hello, the USA has never given illegal combantants these rights, it would be unpredicented. If some think this only started during the Bush administration you have your head stuck in the sand. The ALCU is ruining this country. I can just see this happening; we intercept osama Bin Ladien's email or phone call and shot him or blow up his cave and there will be some crack pot out there what will be concerned if we listened to his phone call's or looked @/read his email with out getting a fisa warrant and will want to impeach someone in the government. Yikes...