I could tell you about Toshiba Craptops. I had one that died after 2 years and after bickering with the geek squad since August I finally got a new one; yep it is a Toshiba. Four months later, that is how long it took. I am not all that impressed with Toshibas.
My god they are reviewing every goal scored, they just reviewed the MN one as well.
Thank you Randy Schmidt. Wouldn't just be easier to fire the bad refs.
I would watch another game too if Had another televison. On Mute: It is the only way I can stand to watch the FSN broad cast, Frank Mazacco is just to painful to listen to.
Bochenski with a goal tonight for the ducks, who now has 4 points in 4 straight games.
Can't believe that he was discarded so fast, seems the still has the touch.