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Everything posted by Goon

  1. Want to bet a beer? Just for the record I would be happy if he scored a goal.
  2. JT has to be close to returning to the line up isn't he? I thought I read it was going to be 3-4 weeks.
  3. You are right, I just paged through 30 pages of the DU media guide to find it.
  4. Does anyone know if he is Drafted? I can't seem to find anything on line.
  5. No doubt, top ten post right there...
  6. Panel vans are out, they went out in the 1980's
  7. I think we can be take our time with this.
  8. Goon


    Like the ones that was clutching, grabbing and slashing the Sioux up and down the ice a few weeks back? Yikes.
  9. Yep, I can't cheer for them under ANY circumstances.
  10. Wow, the Myster Machine Cool
  11. I like the Avitar as well; but why a couger? Just wondering? Dogs are scared of them
  12. That is why Ron His Horse Thunder is not letting it come to a vote. Ron know he loses if he does so.
  13. I agree it would be tough, nice analogy as well.
  14. I don't have any problem with that Scenario.
  15. What about Saturday night? I check FCS and didn't see it as well...
  16. I think it is funny that Hak can't even watch the game from a Sky Box, he has to be off the premises.
  17. I am not sure we have enough smart engineering students. They probably have one of the highest GPA's of any band in the country...
  18. That should be taken as a badge of Honor. I just re-watched the finger gate and Chay Genoway is one intense player.
  19. Another thing that I noticed was that the Minnesota and DU game is not on FSN on Friday night. Anyone know why? I was hoping to watch DU dismantle the Goofs.
  20. Trust me the Jinx has already been set. I picked them to sweep this week.
  21. Lets not forget the McNaughten Anchor, or the theory that what goes up must come down. C.C. has fallen a little. Just saying...
  22. Goon


    I can live with that
  23. Exactly Just because someone is smaller doesn't mean he is not as tough.
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