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Posts posted by Goon

  1. Wantaugh,

    What did Tim say that dug himself a hole? I think there are many people that agree with his point of view.

    The facts are that womens NCAA hockey around the country at the gate has been a bust and a money drain, at BSU for example are drawing about 135 people a game, is UND going to be that much more successful than BSU. SCSU is trying to find a way to kill their womens program because it is a money drain.

    Sueing to get the same sized wirl pool and lockerroom is a jessie jackson type shake down. Is Bush League, Unexceptable. That is so like the mentality of the UND-Fraud.Com crowd. Sue, Sue, Sue, it doesn't matter if there any merits to the case or not...

  2. Blais said that three goalies would go to C.C. and didn't say who would be starting. Also, dean did not get into who was going as fars as defensemen and forwards.

    Is the game on TV this weekend I have seen that WDAY has it on in Fargo according to USCHO, but what about WDAZ I am sure if it is on in Fargo it will probably be on in Fargo...

  3. I think we will see Siembedia in net both games, he has proven he is the best on the team, I think Blais will go with that. Coaches show is on tonight maybe Blais will drop a clue who is in net...

  4. Hey Scott_M Dixon has not played all year long, he might have been a causualty of the new GM of Boston, he actually played pretty well last season after he came back from an injury. Only think I can think of is that he is hurt again or retiring...

  5. Dagies,

    One thing about Hoff is that he doesn't even check the facts he just writes stuff that fits his agenda, he has an axe to grind against Englestad, a lot of the stuff he writes is just inflated b.s..

    For those that don't know who Hoff is he is a Kook, he ran for city council and soon after he took office got voted out of office for being a loose cannon. He would start spouting off in city council meetings about wages and was disruptive to the city council meetings. The guy is a absolute wack job/nut case... After he was recalled he moved to Gilby, and has been stiring up trouble there too. Johnny will go into a cafe in one of the small towns and start arguing politics with the locals folks, I can imagine that doesn't go over well with the older Scandinavians.

  6. Lienweber, I found out a few things I didn' know, Chris came to the team when he was 17, realistically speaking he is still pretty young. I think he played well this past weekend, he didn't make defensive mistakes and he got the puck out of the zone...

    I am sure he will make a contribution the rest of this year and into the next.

  7. JIM, These people have nothin more to do that b!t(# about using native names like Seminols, Fighting Sioux. I think we have covered the issue a fully almost to adnauseum (I am sure I spelled that one wrong) I guess some aren't going to be happy till every indian name is changed.  

    I still find it funny that a bunch of Liberal white people need to feel sorry for something all the time, the hand wringing crowd. I think the best way to deal with this issue is to not inguage them...

    Just like the University is doing with the retards at UND-Fraud.com, no credibility, talk about a tabloid site.  Instead of enguage them they University is just ignoring them.

  8. I moved back to Minnesota from boston in 1990. I missed the state, went to college in 1993 in North Dakota, got married and have been in the Forks every since.

    Kind of like hotel california you can check out but never leave. Boston Sports rule though, BoSox and fenway are fun venues. This season the Bruins have really done a good job this year, they have built a fast young team around a very good defense...

    I honestly think they are going to win the stanely cup. They have been building for this year for some time.

  9. FightingSiouxfan in Beantown,

    In 1988 I was stationed at Fort Devens Mass, when I got out in in December of 1988 (got tired of the Army, and MP's worked too much) I decided to live in Ayer for a while. Almost married a girl from Ayer Mass that I met while checking ID's at the front gate to Fort Devens. I watch all of the Bruins on Television and some of the Sox games. Say a bunch of games in Fenway what a blast.

    Saw eastern conference Game 7 (Stanely Cup playoffs) Bruins and Dirt Devils in the old Garden, man talk about enviornment, I thought the roof was going to come down. Till this day that is still one of my greatest sports memories. I have always since my time followed the B's. Most people out here don't follow them. Maybe more so since Goren plays in Providence...


  10. Sprig wrote that post at my hotel room the other night from my lap-top, I do see your logic sweep at home split on the road. I think we can sweep C.C. if we play good. I guess Owens is on the hot seat in C.C. already for being an under achieving team.

  11. SiouxHockeyFan in Bean Town.

    Blaiser will not be a coach at UND, I would bet the farm on that one, UofM tried to coax blaiser to UofM and said no, I doubt he would take that job, hes got it pretty good here in the forks. My money is on Mark Johnson former badger and olympian to replace Sauer...

    Question are you a B's fan. I lived out there for a time and saw a bunch of games in the old Gahden, what a great sports town...

  12. I think UAA  will be the team the Sioux need to get by for fifth. Sweeping CC again would give us a shot at fourth, but just can't see that happening.  

    Sprig, you need to drink a few more beers and then close your eyes and blink, I actually think it can happen. I am not too impressed with what I saw of C.C.

  13. Dagies there was no credibility to that Parise report I would guarentee it. Just fans from other teams trying to stir it up. Eagle Dummy did it last year with Bochenski. I take no stock in that point...

  14. Comment by Goph annnouncers early in the game is that Shepard told Adam he'd made a mistake on the DeMarchi hit. So why didn't Shepard, as he did with Doman, give him a game suspension? I thought this double standard stuff talked about where the bar for the Gophs is set at a different level than the rest of the WCHA was total BS. After this nonsuspension by Shepard and Adam's one-sided game calling in the Sunday game, I have to wonder.

    Good question Sprig, I wounder if the Sioux coaching staff will send video to the league in protest. I just hope Palmo is ok. Tyler has shurley picked up his game a notch...


    Where did this new miracle goalie come from so quickly? He meets the team at the airport on the way to the GLI in December? He has never been on the ND campus or taken a class?

    You have to be kidding me. This almost sounds illegal. How can they do this? Does anybody have any info on how they did it? How does a guy get admitted to a university in a week or so? This isn'tthe pros where you can call up some guy from the minors and put him on a plane immediately. The only real weakness of the Sioux and they plug it up in midseason - unbelievable. It doesn't sound like fair play. Everyone else has to take their lumps until the next season or at least the new semester.

  16. I Say we ride Siembida the rest of the way, this kid is the man for a while, I also believe that he is heads and toes above Brandt.

    All the Minnesota fans are bitching about us getting a goalie at the break and how unethical it is and it being a bush league move. I thought it was a great move. Now it appears that the various fans around the league are all of a sudden worried about UND...

    Wooger that Jack A$$ was talking about how Kevin Speedwack was not a profo-lific scorer and but he was fast. Wooger can't be that stupid, maybe he can, Like most of us Siou fans know Kevin is a defensive forward. Very good at it too.  I am sure Woog knows that  they pay people to do that job in the NHL.

    (Edited by Goon at 6:55 pm on Jan. 7, 2002)

  17. George, I played football with him and he was impressive. He would have been one of the biggest guys to play in the NHL. As far as a hockey player he was really good. He as a great body checker. Good hands for a big guy too...

  18. Go4er I don't think any of us have said reffing had decided the game. I do think that Adam missed quite a few of the cheap shots Taffe was laying on people he is a great Chross Check artist just like Demarchi...

  19. Dagies there were a lot of Clanks in that game last night, UofM was lucky to get any points out of thiks game. I think Siembida should play the rest of the way from here on out.

    I think this is what Blais was talking about the guys are jelling and bonding on the road, they are going to be a force. Look out WCHA...

  20. Here is some good news. Don Adam is refed his last game he is going to concentrate on some western league that he is supposed to be a referee in. Sounds like that league must have some brutal officating...

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