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Everything posted by IrishSiouxFan

  1. First off UND did give me an opportunity by offering me a scholarship to come to school here and study, otherwise I would not have been able to afford to go back to school. Second, my values do not revolve around a moniker. I hate that history and tradition are being lost but I accept the things I cannot change and try to change the things I can. UND is a tier 1 school and is ranked fairly high academically, it's feasible to believe that we could break into the top 100 schools within the next 5 years. I hate that we lost the logo and that we have faculty at our school that did so much harm to their institution, I also think that the administration did a terrible job at reaching out Standing Rock to gain their approval. Where did you graduate from?
  2. Sun Dogs is the worst I've heard so far.
  3. Why on Earth would I want to harm my own institution. UND is not just a sports team i follow it's a school I attended, it's a place that gave me opportunities I wouldn't have had other wise, and it's an important part of my resume. The more notoriety and prestige that UND gains the more impressive my resume becomes. What happened to UND is tragic but we must move on, and if all UND is to you is a sports team then go follow someone else.
  4. What about the name " NoDaks"?
  5. Wow your right, the school could have lost almost $20 in revenue from that event, sure glad we dodged that bullet
  6. Hockey would not be affected by the sanctions with exception to wearing the logo during tournament play.
  7. Personally, if we have to go without the logo on the jersey I would rather see the flame logo rather than the interlocking ND. I know that we have been using the interlocking logo way before Notre Dame but it is to closely affiliated with that institution and not ours. We deserve our own identity, something no other institution uses for that reason alone do I not like the idea of being the "Norse" or "Norsemen", plus I'm not sure it's worth the risk in the event that the NCAA one day decides that using any culture/heritage of people is hostile and abusive. I'm not sure what we will be called by this time next year but I can guarantee it will make my stomach turn.
  8. In my opinion the main problem with the NCAA/UND settlement is that it didn't make concessions for in the event that one or both tribes were unable to make a decision regarding the Sioux nickname. Standing Rock did not officially say no, they said that it was not in their bylaws to hold a referendum. There should have been provisions in the settlement that stated that in this unique event only one tribes approval is necessary. I think it's despicable how the NCAA treated the leaders of Spirit Lake by denying them admission to the meeting last week, they basically told them that your opinion on a matter that concerns you is irrelevant. It amazes me that nickname opponents really see themselves as the knights in shining armor instead of as the Gestapo oppressing the symbol of cultural pride to the majority of Sioux in the state.
  9. Today President Kelley released this statement: Dear Campus Community: I want to bring you up to date on recent events related to the nickname and logo. But first let me a take a moment to welcome everyone to the start of a new academic year. I can feel the energy, enthusiasm, and excitement in the air as many return to campus from being gone all summer. We also have the privilege of welcoming our new students and families in the upcoming Welcome Weekend. I encourage you to participate in these events so you can meet some of our new students. A special welcome to our new faculty, as well. We look forward to you joining our community As you may know, our university had been directed by the State Board of Education to retire the nickname and logo of our athletic programs by August 15, 2011. The transition was proceeding when the state legislature passed a bill requiring UND to retain the name and logo. After the Governor signed that bill into law, the State Board directed me to suspend any further activities associated with its retirement. Following a meeting last Friday between North Dakota officials and the leadership of the National Collegiate Athletic Association, the State Board of Higher Education held a teleconference meeting today and instructed me to resume the process of planning the retirement of the nickname and logo nickname consistent with prior Board action. The State Board of higher education extended the deadline to complete that process through December 2011. I will resume the planning process, mindful of the state law which, as of Aug. 1, directs the University of North Dakota to continue to use our nickname and logo. Gov. Jack Dalrymple has indicated that he will urge the North Dakota Legislature to readdress that law in the special session of the North Dakota Legislature planned for November. The controversy surrounding the name and logo cannot be permitted to deter us from our core missions of teaching and learning, research, and service. We begin the 2011-2012 academic year as strong as our university has ever been. Our talented and dedicated faculty and staff, supported by our committed alumni and friends, will sustain the momentum that has been generated in recent months around the Exceptional UND initiatives that can establish our position as a world-class institution of higher education. I know that each of us will do all we can to contribute to the success of all of us. Our university has a long and distinguished history and tradition, and we all play important roles in writing the next chapter. Robert O. Kelley President
  10. It would be nice to have Notre Dame in the NCHC but this waiting game is getting old. I wonder if anyone from the NCHC is talking to Texas and Oklahoma assuring them that if they were to make the jump they would both have a spot waiting for them in the best hockey conference in the NCAA?
  11. I seriously doubt the nation is going to confuse us with a high school in Grand Forks.
  12. The Roosevelt logo is pretty sick! I don't like the Calvary nickname though, to many schools using that one.
  13. I don't hate it, it could grow on me.
  14. The "Spirit" name is being used by two other universities and the "Norse" are being used by several as well. The North Stars wouldn't be bad but it seems to have to much Minnesota connotation attached to it ( I do like the name). We need something original, something that no other school uses or will likely use. I kind of like the Out Laws, Aviators (Aves), and Roughnecks, none of these names are in use. But let's be honest, everything sounds like crap when comparing it to the Sioux. I'm still in denial that a few people would think that the positive national exposure UND gave to the Sioux was abusive and hostile, they have honestly done these people a serious disservice. I honestly feel bad not only for us but for the tribes as well, time will show that this was not a victory.
  15. I gave you a +1 to help even it out
  16. They may have put on a good show but they failed to draw a crowd. I'm not going to bash these guys for trying to make a living but 300 people is hardly a cord. By the way, I saw U2 in Nashville last month and it was easily the best show I have ever seen in my life, to compare U2 to Warrant and Skid Row is beyond ridiculous.
  17. I'm not sure I really feel comfortable with a committee of nickname opponents selecting our new nickname.
  18. 300 people wow! That's 290 more than an NDSU playoff game Seriously though, the REA needs to do a better job of bringing quality acts to Grand Forks than this.
  19. For me nothing can ever top the name Sioux, it will take me a long time to get over this. We were one of the select few schools whose nickname and monicker was unique to the institution. Out of all the names that have been suggested I like the "OutLaws", "Aviators" and "Roughnecks" (none of these names are in use). There is already two teams that are using the nickname "Spirit" (Salem College, Johnson Bible College). Interesting to note that nine teams use the name "Bison" so it's not very unique. Personally, I wouldn't mind just being the "University of North Dakota" but that it isn't likely to happen.
  20. It's almost kind of painful to look at the "horse shoe" stadium, I would have given anything to see UND play in that facility (anything but the $285 million )
  21. Closest I could come to finding a pic of it http://grandforkslife.blogspot.com/2007/12/und-is-planning-for-future.html
  22. I thought the distance from Oxford to South Bend was only around 215 miles? Notre Dame is also concerned with selling tickets for their new arena, I believe that teams from the NCHC (especially UND and UNO fans) travel better than teams from HE, and with the proximity of Miami and possibly WMU it would guarantee that home game ticket sells should be strong, at least stronger than HE.
  23. Like Star pointed out earlier, WMU's hockey arena is below the standard of the NCHC and may not be considered without a new rink or at least refurbishing their old one. I don't believe Miami is going anywhere, their fans seem very happy about this move and are looking forward to watching their team play in the best league in the NCAA. If Notre Dame were to join the NCHC and WMU were to find their way here as well it would alleviate a lot of travel concerns for Miami. Plus Sioux fans travel very well, I'm sure there would be a lot of us making the pilgrimage to South Bend and Oxford to help sell out their arenas. With or without Notre Dame the National will have without a doubt the largest attendance records and ticket sells in NCAA hockey, of this I have no question.
  24. I think if Notre Dame wanted to be in the NCHC they would have already joined up and became a founding member. Smart money says they join HE. The real question is, does HE take WMU with Notre Dame or does the NCHC really need WMU without Notre Dame? More OOC games for the NCHC without WMU in the conference. I hope I'm wrong and Notre Dame joins the NCHC but their reluctance to make a decision by now makes me believe that they will go East instead.
  25. Em, very nice job covering the Big West! Look forward to seeing more coverage from you.
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