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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. Fat thumbs, it's glandular, I swear.
  2. Every shot of the crowd is an expression of genuine disinterest. They all look like they have to sit through one more act of their cousin's niece's school play before they go to the royal fork.
  3. Bubba always looks as if he's watching someone remove the oatmeal from the hotels continental breakfast 15 minutes early, and is puzzled why no one else is outraged, yet doesnt quite know what to do himself.
  4. I offered him the $100, he claims thats 5 times what the quote for the thing was. Athletic office managed to figure a way to pay $20,00 after 3 committes reviewed the quote.
  5. Define "go away"... cause im sure hes someone's son in there. I got a good sight picture, i mean view from my seats, but still... uff.
  6. Well.... this.... this has gotten a bit awkward now hasnt it.
  7. Tatanka Center for the Perpetually Obese. Also housed is the Third Floor Research Lab for the cringeworthy passage of STDs..... which are also unsurprisingly, obese.
  8. Nothing more organic and fitting for UND than the moose. Fierce, strong, majestic, to represent the athletics, A bit lost and bewildered to represent the administration, An intelligent creature and high nosed attitude yet cluless to the surroundings and incapable of solving real problems... the faculty. Awkward and drugged up to represent ...well yeah, students. (we've all got a bit blasted at a football game and ended up in some strange woods, right, right?!) Fighting MOOOOOOOOOOSE! #Mooseforever
  9. This may truly be the BEST all time post in the history of ss.com. Well done sir, well done.
  10. Torn a bit here, I wouldnt pay 9.99 a year for the Forumn, or the Bis trib, or the Herald, except for Schloss... Hes the outlier, I do believe he is worth $10 a year, He deserves to be paid for his work which is quite good....... but $10 a month, to still be bombarded with Ads, malware, and junk? No. I get the entire Athletic stable of writers for what $6 a month?
  11. For me its Madison when the skunk cousins have a quality team and following. Great rival atmosphere without the Ms. Marriucci arrogance whilst not knowing what the blue stripey thingings are for. The Madison fans i interact with have always known hockey, talked a little smack and then ate and drank in meriment together win or lose... always was a good time, and they appreciated the effort to attend the games there.
  12. University of North Dakota FIGHTING BULLMOOSE.... perfect, ties the TR heritage without taking the high schools nickname, firece ferocious, majestic, a little lost at times, deadly to the puny pipsqeak rodent teams, obviously would win in a battle with the llowly cud chewing ungulates from the south. Logo could be a great, (if given a chance with developer that gives a crap) .......and the home .......of the....... MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSE!!!! its a no brainer at this point, I'd say make it a major point of importance in the prez search.
  13. LetsGoDU managing editor Nick Tremaroli explained that “the University has already removed all western imagery” Really.... if the University is going to remove all western imagery, wouldn't they need to just bulldoze the whole place and go back to prairie grass?
  14. Just hope the kid has some quality advisors at this point, seems to be waivering in the wind a bit. ...or really it could be that he's just trying to find a place that wants him and fits for his situation. Who knows, hope he finds his best fit and is able to work hard and find acedemic, athletic and eventually proffessional success, in or out of hockey.
  15. labeling things by color?..... Thats not going to be a problem at all
  16. Wisco starting some exhib season early with some beatdowns of UBC in vancouver. They won both games going away. Not that these mean much but Wisco has some dudes.
  17. nothing like a boring concrete bowl, a piss poor team, matchups, game times as well as the bloody piss colored seats to bring in the college hockey faithful.
  18. .......... Gawd this must be the hockey off season equivalent of non hockey peoples shack nasties. I need me some hockey
  19. ARE THEY ASSUMING ITS GENDER??!!!!! That wont fly, with the snowflakes.
  20. *Ban Cell phones, we have Mariucci North. *For GAWD's sake TURN DOWN THE DAMN MUSIC. *More band, less stop time music bits, its insanely bad and I fear they are going to go overboard this year to show off the new systems, i.e. scoreboard, video ribbon, production system. *Cheap beer deal if up by 3 goals going into 3rd. *Add a "tinder" component to the students who use the app and check in each game. *Lose the smoke thingys. *Allow dead animals, maybe limit it to a select few students, call it the Committee of Ice Tossings *Students behind goalie *LOVE the Pharce return idea *new food options, Chipotle in the concessions? *Elevated covered walkway to campus? *More band.
  21. Dont have to risk dying a frozen death in a snow filled ditch a few miles outside of bumfart ND in a blizzard tho either.
  22. Former staple of the GF scene, cant remember how many birthday partys and post games ive spent at the Moon. Always a good time in the "Game Room" with a couple 13-14 friends. Its been less than memorable as an adult the past visits.
  23. Seriously wasnt it last year? Maybe 2 years? I feel like there was a big dust up about what logo was om the 50. If it is just a yesr or two, maybe a warranty issue? Seems like way too soon.
  24. People think im crazy for it but I believe that there is a strong possibility that another missed playoff season brings us closer and closer to the pics we laugh at of empty B1G arenas. In reality the economics and of sports apathy is something that we may not be imune to. As for now i put the decline of demand on 2 factors. 1: Missing the tourney syndrome. 2: Super weak and uninteresting home opponents. ... and if I had to pick a 3rd... Saturation of Alternative social entertainment. Personally, Im not really interested in spending money on tickets to see the types of teams coming in this year. Certainly dont want to watch piss poor effort tie and drop games to them like last year.
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