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Everything posted by Frozen4sioux

  1. God I hate Michigan but how can you not respect their execution of game plan. Red had that team primed to play this Sioux team perfectly. That and a hot goalie......dammmmmmmmmmmmmnnnit Well it was fun, Hobey would help ease the pain.
  2. Out coached to this point
  3. It's a good goal, Interesting note, my brother was one of the emt's on the ice attending to Nelson.
  4. Couple thoughts after the first. Goalies shaky as a jello factory on a fault line Softbgoals and soft refs if anybody sneezes they can expect two minutes. It's nice to see college hockey on espn in hd but I'd rather have Sweeney in the booth
  5. Watching this one right now and Oshie is looking good, Toews is just everywhere when he's on the ice. Four former Sioux in this game, awesome Trying to spot some Sioux gearbin the crowd, it's tough with all the green blackhawks St paddy day jersey
  6. Does anybody know if there is a copyright on the crossed tomahawk s logo? AZSioux Big A. Anybody have an idea about this.'
  7. I'm am wondering if this meeting was requested by kelly if the intent isn't more to bring in the NC$$ to beat down the gov and legislature. I don see carlson and gov being assisted in any way by the left coast commie. Kelly or the board of highered. I am EXPECTING dalrymple hoeven berg carlson stenjems to swing a big stick and bury the thing for good.
  8. Not much on conspiracy theories .....cept for that Bigfoot thing ....that's real as rain. Don't you think that both meile and artkinson would just maybe fly up for the Friday evening event and then rejoin their teams on Saturday, doesnt seem too out of the realm of possibilities.
  9. Anybody know of any establishments going all out for the Thursday game? Was going to get tickets but I missed tonights power ball by five numbers.
  10. I tried to call in right after, started some hobbie baker talk, I was going to call pa on the carpet for associating with that guy but my phone connection was crap so I don even know if I got on the air, I hung up an listed to the hobby commentary. Gopher puck live guy doesnt really seem to know much about college hockey with comments like" although north Dakota will hav a big fan base here they really don't have much nationally," .........really compared to th population of china no, but as far as college hockey goes name a larger national and enthusiastic fan base.
  11. I have a strong feeling that this will be accurate, I hope we are wrong, but, ive been hearing a ton about miele miele miele, it' pretty common of a thread to rip apart frattins goals on empty nets and against poor teams that I think many a voter will be swayed Then again we heard a lot about Yale Yale Yale. Atkinson can got to hell.......or Columbus whichever is worse.
  12. My sign might instruct those two to go to quite a different place
  13. Scheels in fargo grandforks and bismarck still have everything you're looking for at retail.
  14. Kinda a dbag move tweeting about it before they announce it, moves like that are gonna find him on his arse slot in the NHL..
  15. " I oiled melrose' hair and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" "your state's broke" A'Dellava Year Every Sioux fan Pees on gopher Nation For a Norte dame matchup "ahh... Fight this." North Dakota Home of national championships ......and oil...... lots and Lots of oil Not enough for Barrys hair....... ............ but a hellava lot of oil Rodents exterminated Gophers. check Badgers. Check Growsdecky. Check Wolverines check Bulldogs, close enough. Check Irish. Che.......actually that probably crosses a line
  16. So after the great showing of sioux fans at the final five and the regionals, what were the best Sioux jerseus that you saw being worn? An authentic, a gamer or a true classic or one of the great repos Post the favorite you saw or what you plan to sport at the X for 8
  17. Frozen4sioux


    I think the words cool and confident deffinetly sum this man up. It has been a pleasure watching him this year.
  18. Well, I've been following some of these college hockey websites.......and........I don't see BC or Yale in your final four......so I can only assume.....that it must be wrong I mean how could it possibly be that the great Yale isntnthere? .........huh
  19. Lasers embedded in the ice, Yeeeeaah. I dont see any issues there. Then of course you'd have the $678,000 ruggedized sensor embedded pucks. Outta be fun watching school officials wrestle them outta the hands of little Johnny when it gets launched outta play and into the crowd. Upon furher review I also have to admit that the right call was made, in fact I'm ready to make the most Telling gesture of my belief by accepting it and moving on. Tough way to lose a game for a goalie easy to let that one gnaw at a guys gut for the next sixty years. One of the greatest things about sports, any sports is the human factor and the possibility of error, judgement and misinterpretation. Teaching kids and as much as possible adults how to deal with situations such as these is one of the greatest benefits to developing a strong character. If every aspect of life had black and white definitive laser detected goal/no goal qualities, I don't think that would be a very interesting existence, tough to deal with yes but how it is handled can build much more into a man. I haven't heard what dean had to say about it today or after seeing a replay but MANY PEOPLE CAN LEARN BY HIS ACTION and about how to handle oneself. Composure shows much more credential than bouncing around off the glass like a classless dasher monkey. Which by the way is looked at equally as ridiculous in the business world......where the vast majority of all these kids will end up.
  20. As to the origional post question as to wether UND will be reactive or proactive, I'd like to think that the university leadership would recognize the issue and lead on it but hey lets be honest here past history does not indicate a common thread of capability in this area. Logo, name, division, conference affiliation, ledershio in all these areas has been por at best. Also can thr spammer posting page slowing gifs and crap above be removed?
  21. This is interesing as I have had a personal experience with this type of siuation. I run a nonprofit fishing club an a company out east tried to extort money from us for a photo on our website. Fortunetly we were smart and talked to a lawyer and learned much about the "fair use" area . These human traah scour the net and then threaten legal actionor agree to settle, funy our settlement amount they wanted was $2700. We found out that not only was the eleged copyright owner not being harmed but educational pupose use was also not something that could be held viewed as an infringement of he copyright. One letter from this lawyer and we never heard from them again, common thuggs an human waste trying to profit on others lack of knowledge and scare tactics
  22. Lacrcosse huh............. Its been about a year since I got me my lacrosse fix
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