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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. Barring an unforeseen commitment or two, we may have no or only one RB commit come Wesnesday. However, SFI believes an FBS transfer RB is very possible. If that happens, that would be great. Our last FBS transfer (QB Braden Hanson) was very good.

  2. Just a general statement regarding coaching and coaching changes:

    There's a reason why coaches are the first major change that occurs when a team doesn't perform. Particularly at the college ranks, coaches are directly responsible for the recruitment of talent (influx of players) and the leadership/development of those players. If a team is consistently losing, they need better players and/or leadership; both fall on coaches in college athletics. In the case of poor talent, better recruiting is needed. In the case of a lack of performance, better leadership and strategy is needed.

    UND basketball is underperforming right now. If they continue to struggle for the remainder of this season and next, a change should be made. Hopefully, however, we can somehow still beat Weber State, Northern Colorado, and Montana and get a top 2 seed. Those are the expectations that Jones should be judged on: can we get a top 2 seed and make the conference championship game. Anything less is a failure!

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  3. After Signing Day would someone be willing to jot them all down and send them to us at BSC War Zone in case I miss the posts, please? We're doing our damndest to keep everyone informed over there. 13 teams isn't impossible to keep up with but every little bit helps.

    Our athletic department does a terrific job of covering National Signing Day, so there will be articles on undsports.com that you could simply share/attach to your Facebook page.

  4. carter- guys you just name, where did they go to school (really?!)

    dranka- he is not 250, decent player, unfortunately siu hasnt been to the playoffs for 4 years (the first 2 years were different players)

    cieslack - have to wait, cant help right now

    Im being real, need better bodies for a better league

    You're an Ag School supporter - now that we've established that, the point I was making on Chris Carter was not that he will be an all-pro CB in the NFL, but that he can be very successful in DI college football at that height if he has sound technique.

    You're not a realist, you're a pessimist. Yes talent was lacking over the past couple seasons, but that wasn't the only problem. Leadership from the top needed to be much better, and I believe/hope Coach Schweigert will be much better in that department. Also, there are a lot of talented freshmen from last season that didn't see the field; they will help move the program with those "big-bodied physiques" you so desperately care for.

    Dranka is 235, you don't think after a year of freshman weights you can't get up to 250? You're ridiculous.

  5. Carter lacks height but not size. I feel like he'll be fine. Dranka is one I think should be an OLB for the reason you pointed out. He could be a DE on 3rd and long situations as a speed rusher. The OLB is '6'2"' at '210' he'll end up being big enough and clearly has great instincts. Ceislak will need a couple years to develop before we know what he can/should play. Bottom line is he's a big ND kid which is what we need more of.

    At 5'10" or 5'11", Carter will be fine. If Dranka gets up to 250 lbs, he'll play DE just fine. He wouldn't be best utilized at OLB - have to use his upper body strength at the line of scrimmage.

  6. carter, good wieght size, but lacking height

    dranka, saw this game already. he is a 4-3 de, not a 3-4 de (check out carrothers)

    the linebacker for mehominee, he going to play olb, (finley, bennett, idowu last year)

    cieslak, true tweener, not a de (ability) or dt (size), more effective in a 4-3 scheme i think (just my opinion)

    Carter is 5'10" there's nothing wrong with that if he has good technique. I don't know if you know much about prototypical NFL measurables, but have you seen Brandon Flowers (Chiefs), Darelle Revis (Buccaneers), or Joe Haden (Browns); they're all 5'9" to 5'11" , so with that said, you're being nothing but unrealistically critical when saying Carter isn't tall enough.

    Dranka has ability; he can play in a 3-4 at 250 lbs. You really don't understand defensive football that well, so let me tell you, a big part of defense is not the system being run (which, yes, is continuing with the 3-4 pressure scheme) but rather the timing of the plays called (when to pressure and how much) and the positioning of the players (put into the best spots to be successful). Bubba and Schmidt will bring defensive experience from the MVFC and get this thing rolling again.

    And to say Cieslak doesn't have DE ability; you've got to be joking? Judging by your earlier analytics, I don't think you are capable of determining that.

    You are trolling and, well, clueless.

    • Upvote 2
  7. interesting. as I look at the new list, besides the kids from michigan, i think all of those kids were identified by the last staff before bubba got in place!! I hope those kids can play bigger than what they are because we had undersized guys last year and were not very successful.


    You obviously possess a stance that you will not budge on. I have a difficult time considering you a UND supporter/fan/alumni because you have yet to identify a single positive with the program.

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  8. I have a question: How many of these verbal commitments that we have were actually recruited and identified by the new staff. I have a feeling the guys we have committed at this point and time were being recruited by the previous staff even after everything happen in november? So how great of a job is bubba staff doing or are they riding the coat tails of previous recruiting?!

    Alright Mr. Pessimistic, as far as we know, a lot of the recruits were first contacted by the new staff.

    There were four verbals before Coach Schweigert got the job:

    DE Greely

    WR Ferguson

    DB Harris

    DB Montague

    After that, the recruits that are most likely exclusive to Bubba's staff are (5):

    WR Walker - Michigan connections from time at SIU

    OL Francis - From Missouri, near SIU; also had offer from SIU

    OL/DL Harris - from Chicago area; likely picked up on by Bubba & staff

    DE Dranka - from Chicago area; had interest from SIU

    CB Carter - from Michigan area that new staff has exploited (see Brandon Walker)

    Other from Minnesota/Wisconsin that cannot be confirmed (7):

    QB Studsrud - Minnesota

    TE Fielder - from Florida but has family connections to ND, so he may have been recruited by previous staff

    OL Stiner - Wisconsin

    OL/DL Cieslak - North Dakota

    LB Dylan Harmston - Wisconsin

    LB Hudson Walton - Wisconsin

    K Tauberheim - Minnesota

    So 5 out of 16 are almost definitively Coach Schweigert's doing. That number could easily be 8 or 9 considering the unknowns.

    Regardless, the fact that he came in, with only a month before signing day, and assembled this class is impressive any way you spin it.

    Go Sioux!

  9. You mean to tell me we're right on pace with this throw away class that will contribute nothing but warm bodies? Excuse me while I scrape my brain off the ceiling and pick my jaw up off the floor.

    Great coaches do great things.

    If Bubba and his staff's ability to recruit produces classes like this when they only have a month to recruit, what's it gonna be like when they have an entire season to work with? We're coming back baby!!

  10. Not an expert on RB's but I would say Simmons, maybe. Walker - No.

    When you look at the best backs in FCS, they all got power and shake, quick feet. Not all have top-end burner speed but they are fast enough to run away for awhile before getting caught. Zenner would be the exception to that comment.

    I personally question whether we have any backs like that on our roster, None of them seem to be very dynamic. Maybe Sharp will be, who knows.

    You look at guys like DJ Adams and Bauman, not burners by any means but they are so quick through the hole and electric, make guys miss.

    I don't agree. I think the "low to the ground" and heavy build of Walker makes him a very good prospect. We need a power back that carry the load, not an all or nothing scat back like we've tried to implement. Let's smash the rock then go over the top with play-action - that's winning football.

    Don't get me wrong, I like Simmons, but I think he'd best be a change of pace back. Judging by Rudolph's time at SCSU, he's probably looking for one or two 200 lbs + backs and I agree with that.

  11. Parks is apparently going to walk on at Minnesota.

    Our interest in him must've cooled considerably. I'd imagine we have a couple other backs in mind now. Cedric Simmons out of Mesa JUCO (former San Jose commit), and hopefully, Brian Walker out of Brother Rice in Michigan!

  12. actually we will never know, because we can't go back in time and have NDSU and UND play those games.

    can we stop talking about NDSU yet?

    Why would you want to stop talking about the Ag school? You're obviously quite fond of it.

  13. I'd just like to point out that you have now been talking about NDSU for 5 pages basically unprovoked with no NDSU input, much of it completely off topic.

    i don't think that picture is particularly recent, and afaik he is very much still on the market.

    noone. I rephrased the sentence, and did it incorrectly; it should have read "unknown offer."

    what a load of crap. There are other teams that compete for recruits in Minnesota aside from UND and NDSU, and NDSU certainly never got everyone it wanted, not even close. UNI and SDSU have gotten their fair share of top prospects, hell even USD got a few. Brock Jensen iirc was their third or fourth option at QB for instance. Billy Turner and Marcus Williams both almost went to UNI, and others did.

    on the other hand NDSU has gotten the top recruit out of SD four years in a row. It's best returning players (IMO) are both from Nebraska.

    How else do you think a coach as terrible as stiglemeyer manage to make the playoffs three times in 5 years? It's sure not because NDSU has all the best recruits. If NDSU's staff had been coaching SDSU, SDSU would probably have been deep in the title hunt at least the last two years.

    There are alot of good players in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Illinois and ks to go around; the addition of UND to the mix isn't going to disperse things very far. Missouri and Iowa aren't exactly off limits either.

    next year is '86. UND will be back just in time for them to come back to earth.

    The majority of last year's senior class for NDSU was from Minnesota and Wisconsin. You can't dismiss the fact they are really good football players that UND didn't even look at recruiting. That is the issue - they were skipped over when they should've been focused on. And as far as other teams that compete for Minnesota recruits, I consider NDSU and UND to be the top two FCS teams. They have the top facilities and academics relative to SDSU, USD, and UNI. The top Minnesota and Wisconsin recruits that don't make the Big Ten should always be then looking to UND and NDSU, in my opinion. To make that happen, you need college coaches from UND and NDSU that will contact and recruit those players. NDSU did that during the Bohl regime, whereas Mussman did not. That is where the issue lies and I'm sticking to it. And no crap there are other states where recruits can be found, but that's where the competition gets tougher due to proximity. For example, Illinois recruits have SIU, Illinois State, Eastern Illinois, Western Illinois, Indiana State, Youngstown, etc. etc. to deal with, not to mention the MAC schools. A lot of Minnesota and Wisconsin kids don't get those offers, or at least not as many. There are no FCS schools in Minnesota or Wisconsin - that's a big deal.

    And how do you call SDSU's coach bad? He's done quite well getting in quality talent.

    Well, now that we've established you're an Ag school supporter, let's move on. I'm done talking about the dirt school on this recruiting thread.

  14. For what is it worth. Its been pretty amusing to watch some of the speculation on Ezra from my point of view. It seems his recruitment has become the first battleground in winning back the state of Minnesota with regards to football recruiting for UND. As I understand it sounds like UND gave up recruiting Minny hard during Muss' tenure, leaving only really NDSU to recruit Minny, with the occasional Minnesota recruit going to UNI. Sounds like NDSU has taken advantage of this by offering lots of Minnesota kids(especially small school kids) partials or PWOs over the last several years and than developing those kids into great players. Ezra seems to fit this mold. However, now that Coach Schweigert and company have obviously re-committed to recruiting the state of Minnesota and the rest of the Upper Midwest this is going to be the first of many battles for years to come. NDSU may not be able to get the talented MInny recruit at a discounted price for much longer. As far as Ezra goes I know he really liked what he saw at NDSU but felt strongly about visiting UND as he has been really impressed with how Bubba has recruited him. NDSU was not pleased about the visit to UND but eventually relented. Ezra was impressed with every aspect of the visit especially considering how knew the staff is. Speculating I think Ezra was put off by NDSU and how they reacted to him wanting to take a visit to UND. Not speculating Ezra walked away from NDSU not the other way around and NDSU was a bit shocked and none to happy about it. Think it has less to do with money and friendship as some have speculated and more to do with how each school has recruited Ezra. UND has been on at least 5 visits to his home including 2 from Bubba and UNI has been there like 6 times often bring both the recruiter for Minny and Byrce Paup. I believe UNI is actually offering a full ride and see Ezra as a top target. I think NDSU thought they could get Ezra on the cheap like they have with many small school kids in the upper Midwest. They figured since they were in fact the first to offer a scholly, along with their tradition, and their recent success he would remain loyal to them. Seems like the UND and UNI staff see him as a top target and what 18 year old kid would not want to be treated as such. I know he is really conflicted about the decision that remains btw UND and UNI, thus the reason for no decision.

    Absolutely agree. NDSU's complete cultivation of Minnesota and Wisconsin, with very little resistance from UND, is what allowed them their 3 national titles (see Billy Turner, Marcus Wiliams, Grant Olson, Brock Jenson, etc.). The lack of Midwest emphasis is what got UND into this hole (thanks Muss), but with Bubba at the helm, the emphasis will again be North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. And with that, UND will be relevant again real soon.

    It worth noting that's it not only emphasis, but also a willingness to compete. Far too often Mussman would surrender to Bohl and NDSU in recruiting without even putting up much of a fight. Bubba will not do that, and it's that competitive edge that will captivate quality recruits and produce a winning, hard-nose football team!

    Go Sioux!

    • Upvote 1
  15. I believe it is more likely than not that Kocour goes Big 10. If not, I've heard NDSU and Illinois State are the FCS potential landing spots. But you never know.


    Looks like Mr. Kocour will be walking on to Minnesota

    He's a darn good safety prospect so it's too bad he won't be in green. With that said, I think the future is fairly bright at the safety spot with Baylee Carr, Javen Butler, Cole Reyes and Coach Bubba coaching em' up!!

  16. So lets see, UND is offering more money and a much easier path to playing time. NDSU already has a DE committed that was much more heavily recruited and has a tremendous upside (Greg Menard),an athlete who may project as a DE (Marcus Collins), both of whom have FBS offers, and a true freshman they took the redshirt off of this year (Ambrosius) ahead of him. It sounds like the kid made a good decision for himself. Now show me a heavily recruited kid with equal offers from both schools that picks UND. Then they will have won a head to head recruiting battle.

    You lost.

    Get over it.

    Move on.

    For being back-to-back-to-back national champions, you guys sure have a lot of ego and contention regarding recruiting. Can't you just be satisfied already? It sure is gonna hurt this year when you have some loses, huh?

  17. Actually thanking Bubba was not meant to be sarcastic at all. I like Bubba and am very happy about the hire and the job he is doing. If there is a verbally ironic tone I apologize, but the tweet was right on point. My comment directed at UNDBIZ was to point out that I am not a racist and do believe that this particular recruit is not representing my University in the best light, unless you think that the N-Word is a good thing.

    I just believe it's too early to know how this student-athlete is and will truthfully represent UND. Let's just move on from this topic and all be excited about the future of UND football.

  18. Dear UNDBIZ,

    It appears that you are possibly an inbreed of some kind so let me point a few things out for you.

    1) My tweet commening that a UND Football recruit looked like a thug was not racist in anyway shape or form. The tweet did not mention color, clothing, or grammar. The tweet used the word thug, which has no racial undertones.

    2) You obviously did not view the profile of the previously mentioned recruit. If you had you would have viewed a slang term for the N-Word accompanied by the UND Football logo behind it. I do care about the image of my alma mater.

    3) The fact that you brought up race as an issue seems to say far more about you than anything typed by me. I believe in equality for all, no matter a persons race, creed, sex, sexual orientation, etc. The fact that you thought my tweet was racist points out that you look at life through race colored lenses.

    4) I am not hiding my wife and children.

    In the future, I would encourage you to think long and hard before attempting to blast someone over a topic you obviously do not comprehend.


    A UND Graduate that is obviously far more intelligent than you.

    A lot of the posters on this site, including myself, are graduates of UND, so don't try to gain leverage via that credential.

    In regards to your tweet, there is no need for it in my opinion. It certainly possessed an undermining, verbally ironic tone. By sarcastically "thanking" Bubba, you were really criticizing a coach we all have quickly grown quite fond of. You shouldn't have done that, but probably most importantly, you criticized a future student-athlete of UND, which is unacceptable. How would you know what kind of person he is by simple reading his twitter profile? You certainly jumped to an unacceptable conclusion, regardless of what you mentioned in terms of race, sex, age, etc.

    Please, if you're going to be an alumni supporter of UND athletics, show class and proper demeanor. It's a reflection on our entire university and community. Lastly, don't jump to conclusions on this coaching staff. The first hoard of people to do that are now eating crow due to the impressive recruiting class Coach Schweigert and staff have already compiled.

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