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Posts posted by UND-FB-FAN

  1. I agree that Jones appears this way on the outside but I must say I believe it is because of his intensity he wears on his shoulders during and after a game. I have been around Jones quite a bit over the past several years and I've never met a person that has a love for basketball more than this man. His mind is always centered around basketball and you can see his intensity on the sidelines as he runs, jumps up and down the sidelines for the entire 40 minutes. He deserves a few more years with the recruits he has coming in to see what he can do with the upcoming talent. To be honest he was brought in under extreme difficult circumstances with the transition and brought in a young class that won 2 championships and a best ever placing in the Big Sky for a first year team and then a loss in the championship game with a very depleted roster. We may very well be able to find someone better but I believe he's done a good job with what he's been dealt. If this style of play and wins/losses continue at the current rate then I agree its time for a change but for now I think he needs a couple of years to see what he does with the talent that he has coming in.

    The "wait and see" game can be a risky one in collegiate athletics, as we found out with UND football and Mussman. There's always a fine line between allowing another season and pulling the trigger, with the negative repercussions being long-term setbacks to the program.

  2. Well Genius NDSU is not in the same conference might was well throw in Duke while your at it! NDSU and Montana have been D1 basketball while UND was D2...you post like a grade school drop out...zero facts or logic. UND has out performed 75% of Big Sky teams in conference play since joining....You have no shame posting junk

    ... NDSU men's basketball, which works under the same general principles to recruit to as UND (same climate, not #1 sport at institution, similar facilities, education quality, etc.) ...

    As I mentioned earlier, UND and NDSU are very comparable. Saying that comparing UND to NDSU is like comparing UND to Duke is, well, certainly not true. As for those 75% of Big Sky Conference teams that UND has "outperformed", they should not be the benchmark as they likely will never be in the running for a Big Sky Conference title. UND has the ability to be a top BSC team year in and year out but right now the coaching isn't quite there. To ignore what NDSU has done, because, well, they are in different conferences is quite ignorant considering they are the only two DI schools in North Dakota and were long-time NCC rivals.

    Lastly, the personal attacks you proclaim do not strengthen your argument. Rather, they make you appear childish and further prove your comments hold no water.

  3. Did not call anyone a name pal...however the content of the post is moronic period....if the shoe fits wear it!  Also stupid to throw out overall records because they are a function of non conference scheduling which as most intelligent people know varies from team to team with respect to difficulty.   Maybe if a Big sky Coach would schedule all Home games vs D2 teams then they would not make much money ...but the impressive win/loss record would make fans like you giddy.


    UND's out-of-conference schedule hasn't been any more difficult than NDSU's or Montana's OOC schedule over the past few years. Stop trying to talk around the fact that UND, over the past decade, has considerably under-performed in comparison to rival institutions such as NDSU and Montana. 

  4. Non morons call it a rebuilding year, pretty stupid to think teams never rebuild only improve  every and year forever and ever...this board needs an IQ requirement for posters.



    So, last season (2013-2014), Mr. Jones had a full senior line-up to work with and yet he ended up producing a 17-16 record (12-8 in conference). That's an iffy plateau; in other words, you're saying UND basketball fans should expect a "rebuilding year" after a series of 0.500 record seasons? At best, Jones has brought UND to mediocrity throughout his coaching career at UND (The year before, in 2012-2013, he finished under 0.500 at 16-17). Collegiate athletic programs that expect success do not tolerate mediocre play for nearly a decade; thus, to expect a rebuilding year is only feeble minded. 


    In comparison, NDSU produced a very good season last year (2013-2014) with a senior loaded class; they went 26-6 and 12-2 in their conference. After graduating many contributing senior players, their ongoing "rebuilding season" has them at 18-7 and 10-2 in conference play. Oh, and they also had to replace their head coach. 


    If you feel NDSU men's basketball, which works under the same general principles to recruit to as UND (same climate, not #1 sport at institution, similar facilities, education quality, etc.), is not a compatible comparison to UND men's basketball, then let's look at Big Sky Conference mate Montana. In 2012-2013, The University of Montana went 25-7 and 19-1 in conference play, and they had three players average double digit scoring. After losing two of those three players, they went on to produce a 17-13 record (12-8 BSC) the following season in 2013-2014. Now this season, after losing two of their top three scorers again, they are 13-10 and 9-3 in conference. No rebuilding year there either.


    My point is, don't give the UND men's basketball program too much cushion. They have been an average ball club at best over the past decade under Jones, and losing seasons definitely shouldn't be tolerated as UND hasn't produced any kind of signature win or season since going DI. 


    Lastly, I guess only "non-morons" are capable of accepting "rebuilding" years. Or perhaps, just maybe, the lack of expectation and ambition by some UND "supporters" is the actual problem.

  5. nothing here about having to win Big Sky Title or never having a rebuilding year....sorry fellas....In July 2012, Jones received a three-year extension with two option years.

    Jones has been UND's head coach for seven seasons.

    Last season, in UND's first year in the Big Sky Conference, Jones led UND to a 12-8 conference record and a third-place finish--the best ever for a first-year Big Sky team.

    UND went 16-17 overall last season, giving Jones a seven-year record of 102-114 and a conference mark of 36-43.

    "Coach Jones has a clear blue print for this program and the results are showing," said UND athletic director Brian Faison. "This team has had as much success as any team transitioning to the Division I level in recent years, including three straight CollegeInsider.com Postseason Tournament berths.

    "We saw the immediate success his team had during its first year in the Big Sky. With the program heading in the right direction, we are happy to show him this level of commitment by extending his contract."

    Heading in a right direction...well that is no longer the case. 8-15 is not in the right direction...

    • Upvote 2
  6. as any intelligent person knows ...Physical strength,jumping ability, position, speed/quick and random movement of the ball off the rim/backboard have a lot to do with rebounding. UND really tall with hooker, terrel, estan in the starting 5 ya think these guys are 6'5"? ....3 of the top 4 rebounders in the Big Sky go 6'4" ,6'4" and 6'6" yup they are some really tall college basketball players dominating the boards on the Big Sky. Facts over fiction

    ... intangibles such as toughness and technique...

    Those 6'4" Big Sky Conference leading rebounders possess toughness and are coached proper rebounding technique.

  7. As most informed people are well aware of coaches are almost always given extensions vs letting contract expire. The very obvious reason is that recruits prefer to have an pretty good idea who their college coach will be . Think!

    Recently at UND, under Faison as AD, extensions have been offered as a way to make up for a lack of salary dollars. When Mussman was HC for the football team, he was paid minimally compared to other Big Sky coaches; therefore, an extension was drafted as a compromise. Ultimately, it had to be bought out.

    Fortunately, I think Faison and the athletic department will not be extending Jones' contract; however, it's too bad they gave him an extension a couple seasons ago. The mindset was applied there as well, as Jones is once again paid minimally compared to other Big Sky men's basketball coaches. In the end, Faison may still end up having to buy out the last year of Jones' contract.

  8. Are you saying, I lack common sense?

    That was not my intent.

    The basis of my comment was that the stats didnt lie. UND was out rebounded and turned it over more than the opposing team. Both are fundamental and ultimately led to UND losing the game, since both UND and Montana shot similar FT% and field goal %.

    UND has lacked the ability to successfully out-rebound now for awhile. To say that is not somewhat attributed to something, is well, interesting. In my opinion, it's commonsense to at least keep in mind basics such as rebounding and turnovers before supporting the coaching.

  9. Wow, apparently I was at a different game tonight. UND had many open shots in the 2nd half that they flat out missed- Coaching. The offense worked to get open shots- they were just missed....but I know, everything is broken. Our half court D was really very good---not coaching. We rebounded far better tonight than in other games--not coaching. We also have some guys that just need to stop giving the ball away in certain spots of the floor- thats......wait for it........ coaching. It led to easy hoops for Montana. Yes, I know it must all be coaching instead of just some execution. When they win...it's despite coaching when they lose- it's coaching. When I wake up in the morning- its coaching, when I nearly got slid into the other day- its coaching. I finally figured out how this works. Its very easy. I feel better already. :silly:

    You may have been at a different game.

    UND was -2 in turnovers and -3 in rebounding. When you have more height, you should out rebound a team. Why? Because the only thing left are intangibles such as toughness and technique, which apparently UND bigs are absent of. UND men's basketball teams have been consistently poor at rebounding of late, and that's attributed to mindset and, ultimately, what is emphasized by the coaching. Also, sloppy play last night led to too many turnovers. A big part of that was no organization in the half court versus Montana's zone. Need better execution but also better setup in order to better stress the zone; just passing the ball around the perimeter for 35 seconds and then either shooting a three or turning it over will not work. UND lost the fundamentals last night (rebounding and turnovers) and I'm afraid that is attributed to coaching. The lack of commonsense by some is appalling.

  10. This is a really good question and made me think a bit about my answer -

    - I'm not thrilled with his interpersonal skills - not that being a rah rah guy is always the answer, but he gives us absolutely nothing to rally around or get emotionally excited about. He may care deeply about winning but hasn't expressed that to the fans in a way that gets anyone fired up

    - Yes, he finally pulled the trigger on Muss, but in my opinion, let things go way too long to the point where we need a massive rebuilding project to become competative again. He also gave Muss a contract extension which we had to eat. This at a time when our sister school to the south is having unprecidented success - I'm really tired of hearing from my NDSU buddies - If he cared about winning, something would have been done after Sioux Falls

    - Men's basketball isn't really a program that people are going to rally behind in its current state. I'm worried Jones is another Muss and it will take us another 5 years to make a change.

    - Poor luck and timing - Many fans I know of are frustrated with our overall athletic situation and when you add in the second longest title drought in history in Men's Hockey (been discussed, not saying it's Faison's fault or to fire Hak - just frustrating) - Our place as the best school in the state by far is being threatened by the AC, who anyone can see has the fire in their belly. Faison has all the excitement of an accountant.

    - There have been no signature wins anywhere to get excited about.

    - Need something to rally around for fundraising - I'm worried that if I give more it will go to a Jones extension like he did with Muss

    - He has done some good things like the conference allignments, but for crap's sake we really need a big winner. Really. North Dakota needs to be buzzing about UND sports again. - Maybe that's the answer to your question - go to any town in North Dakota and start talking about athletics and what school comes up? Didn't used to be that way, even when the Bison were winning DII championships.


    I also agree with this. It's not a sin to be ambitious.

  11. It ain't the hocky only bs attitude, it's the product on the floor. Stop blaming hockey for mens bb problems. If hockey went away, would that all of a sudden make Jones a better coach? Mens bb did well alongside hockey when we fielded winners.

    I'd say I mentioned wins, if you would read carefully. In recent years, hockey has contributed to poor crowds to a degree also, whether you like it or not. Bottom line: the leadership of the basketball program is not right.

  12. Sitting behind the und bench. Jones would be hard to play for. Very negative all the time with players and terrible body langeuage. Whiner.

    Absolutely. The guy is not a motivator which is crucial. The guy really needs to be let loose. Faison can find someone way better out there for not much more in terms of salary.

  13. Games like this are why I watch from couch rather than make the drive 70 miles north.

    Expanding on this, the attendance/atmosphere was horse !@#$ tonight. UND basketball deserves way better and Grand Forks is very very capable of doing so; however, need wins and less of this hockey-only bullsh*t attitude. No reason vs Montana that the Betty should be like that, oh, other than the fact that this team is underachieving.

  14. Specialist...WR...blah-blah...RB...yadda-yadda...QB...wonk-wonk. <-- That's noise and chatter in case you don't "get it", and not the primary issue.

    Allow me to boil all of this down:

    Will our offensive line be more effective and productive at the start of this season than at the end of last season?

    If the answer is "yes", many of the QB and RB health and performance issues are taken care of by that alone.

    If the answer is "no", expect more of the QB and RB health and performance issues.

    Now, also, if the answer is "yes", I'm comfortable asking the next question:

    Will the defensive front seven be able to control opposing run games and be able to get pressure on the opposing QB within 3.5 seconds on passing plays?

    Please note the portion after the "and". Yes, the secondary still needs work (honk-honk... DB...yadda... <-- more noise), but, our secondary could be "Neon Deon", Rod Woodson, Ronnie Lott, and Paul Krause* and we'd still give up big chucks of passing yardage if we can't, as Bubba so quaintly puts it (paraphrased) 'Make the opposing QB the most uncomfortable person at the game, and his mother second most uncomfortable.'

    So that's my "Two Deep":

    1. Is our offensive line better?

    2. Is our defensive front better?

    That's two and that's all the deeper I need to get to know if it's going to get any better.

    *Went "old school purple" on y'all there.

    Spot on.

    And from the optimistic side of things, I do think both offensive line and defensive front 7 will be improved. Both units return a lot of players from last year's group.

  15. Realistic odds for this team against Wyoming to start the season?

    Way too early. Let's see how the additions look in spring ball and then how the injury front and freshmen look at fall camp.

    If everything comes together as expected, with maybe a few pleasant surprises, then UND will have a chance.

  16. They're too big to wiggle through some of the holes Jer squeezed through. That TD run against NAU is a good example. They can have similar success but in a different way.

    5'9" 170 lbs. backs are not the prototypical player at that position if you look at successful running games around the country. "Wiggle" is not the preferred characteristic. I commend Garman for what he accomplished last season, but his lack of physicality deprived the offense of something. Guys like Arrington or Olivera can hopefully bring an all-around back type to the offense (a player that can both hit the home run and get tough yards inside).

  17. Santiago is more similar to Jer. Higher top end speed though. Olivera and Arrington should give us what we didn't have last season. A dependable 3 yards if we need it.

    No reason Arrington or Olivera can't do what Garman did last season.

  18. Lets make 1 thing clear here.....Studsrud didn't lead anything, he was simply along for the ride, Garman Led the offense in those two games. I guess I have never understood the thought process that because he is mobile and young he will be a stud, especially when game film reveals the exact opposite.

    I really don't know anything about either running back, so much like my drives on a golf course I will just cross my fingers and hope for the best.

    I guess by lead I meant he was the starting signal caller during those games. Also, Jer did do some good things those last two games, but so did the offensive line. Let's not forget about the main unit that makes a running game go.
  19. Honestly, I am mostly concerned about accuracy. The amount of wide open receivers he missed was pretty ridiculous and that needs to be corrected or nothing else will matter. There really isn't 1 position on the offensive side of the ball that I am confident with. We have unproven quarterbacks, unproven running backs, unproven wide receivers, an ok offensive line and unproven TE's. Rudolph better pull a rabbit out of his $@%# because there is work to be done.

    Studsrud led an offense that won the last two games of the season versus Northern Arizona and Northern Colorado. Now yes, both of those games featured Jer Garman running wild, but the offensive line returns and I truthfully believe Arrington and Olivera can at the least match what Garman did. No reason the offense shouldn't at least be marginally better given the improvements/time to the gel for the offensive line. QBs/RBs/WRs all are quite useless if the offensive line can't produce.

  20. My question still remains, unless we are getting a boatload of money like Kansas, Louisville, Michigan etc... which I've been told we are not, what difference does it make? If Starbury's came in and said we giving you 1 million dollars a year and providing gear for all the programs, then I would say everyone, football, underwaterbasketweaving, etc is wearing Starbury's. I heard they make an excellent hockey skate by the way ;) But to my knowledge that isn't what is happening in this instance. Why not let each program go get the gear they like? What this whole discussion has devolved into is both funny and sad at the same time. So many have got to get their dander up at the silliest things.

    By signing an apparel contract, you get discounted items for the required sum of the contract. Essentially, you're getting more items for your money, which is definitely advantageous for the coaches, players, and prospective recruits because they get more gear. It's not a matter of payout, but rather quantity of items, such as shoes/cleats, football gloves, shirts, under-uniform wear, coaches clothing, etc. Its a way to better brand your program.

    • Upvote 1
  21. To be fair, some people do have issues with shoes. As a runner, I have learned that their are definitely certain shoes I will not wear. I'm assuming their maybe some of this with bball as well.

    There's no question this is true, but it's not a deal-breaker. Having an apparel deal is key to programs like football and to limit it because the men's basketball team thinks they have that kind of authority is inconsiderate and laughable.

    Adidas makes more than one model or 'kind' of shoe, and again, it comes back to the success of Adidas-sponsored programs. As far as basketball, Louisville, Kansas, Michigan, Wisconsin, and UCLA all wear Adidas shoes and do just fine. Not to mention, many NBA players wear them too. Yes, it may require some getting use to for those who wear Nike regularly, but they aren't going to suddenly cause injury or deter performance.

  22. Pretty sure he was talking about the shoes. I gotta say though, I am pretty sure some sort of internet record was set this morning between 9:03 and 10:34 for the largest number of posts in 1 thread by people who have absolutely no clue what the hell they are talking about. :sad:

    Carry on.

    Yes, he was, and yet that does not make it excusable. Adidas is worn by many collegiate and professional greats, so really, there is no legitimacy.

    Carry on.

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