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dakota fairways

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Posts posted by dakota fairways

  1. The Big Sky Conference facebook page has a link to a neat BSC blog on North Dakota basketball history lesson. It talks about some of the athletes that have played DI basketball and other sports that have come out of North Dakota.

    The facebook page for the BSC is pretty good about posting game scores, updates and features such as this. So if you are on facebook you might want to add them.

    Also note on the ND BB History lesson story - Jon Kasper, BSC media chief is from Minot. Nice connection for UND to the Big Sky. :)

    He replied to an email back when UND was first accepted into the BSC that he was looking forward to having UND in the conference.

  2. You're probably right on Idaho coming back to the Big Sky. I looked and dating back to 2002, with the exception of a 09' season in which they went 8-5 with a bowl game win, they have had a losing record every year. Also there attendance ranks 118 out of 120 FBS teams ahead of Ball State and Akron. Even if they were to average a sell out that would only push them to 110th out of 120.


  3. What I don't understand about this whole nickname debate is why wasn't anything done in the legislature two years ago? Why did the debate have to be drug out so long and get to the point of where it is now before they decided to act? At some point, fans and alumni, need to ask themselves is keeping the nickname worth all the potential negatives that come with it? Sanctions would most definitely hurt the football program but it's not just about home playoff games. Even if Standing Rock were to eventually vote to keep the name, we need to again ask ourselves, is it worth it? How many schools would want to play the Fighting Sioux and deal with the potential "issues" (real or perceived) that go with it? We saw it when we went to Dartmouth for hockey. We saw it when we went to Texas Tech for football. With so many options to play other schools, why would DI schools want to play UND in non-conference sports and have to potentially worry about this "potential negative backlash"? I would venture to guess that scheduling in all sports, including hockey, would become more difficult as time goes on and more of the "Dartmouth/Texas Tech" examples take place.

    Another thing to consider is what the NCAA may do. Some people are willing to forgo home playoff games to keep the name. What if the NCAA decides to pass a resolution to ban teams with "unapproved" names from all playoff games or impose other sactions? The NCAA could decide to make things very difficult just because it's their league and they can.

    I would like to keep the Fighting Sioux as our nickname just like a majority on this board. But at this point in time, we need to ask "Is it worth it" or "at what cost?" If somehow, UND were to keep the nickname, I believe the NCAA would make sure that there were "some costs" that came along with it.

    poignant, sobering & well said. +1 for you dmksioux

  4. Some really supportive testimony from today's hearings:

    Eunice Davidson, leader of the Committee for Understanding and Respect formed at Spirit Lake to champion the Fighting Sioux nickname, told lawmakers that she and many other members of the tribe take pride in its use at UND.

    "When I was very young, I had a lot of negative (experiences) in my life," she said, but "I started to feel better about myself" because of the respect shown the name.

    "If it were not for that name, I would not have the strength to stand here today," she said. "I never thought of it as derogatory or abusive."

    Several enrolled members of the Standing Rock tribe also spoke for the nickname and the bills designed to sustain it.

    Archie Fool Bear provided a history of his efforts to arrange a tribal vote on the issue, and he argued that the Standing Rock Tribal Council "does not have the power to take the name away" after it was authorized by the 1969 pipe ceremony.

    The council

  5. If nobody cares about hockey, and Bison basketball and football are more important than hockey, why are Sioux hockey jerseys such a hot item? Not just in Grand Forks, but all over the country. What is the likelihood that you might see someone wearing a Bison football or basketball jersey in Las Vegas or Disney World? You have a reasonable chance that you may, however, run into someone wearing a Sioux hockey jersey. Or better yet, wear one yourself and see how many non-North Dakotans will know exactly who the UND Fighting Sioux are!

  6. No, its not. This legislature is in a turf battle with the SBoHE. They HATE that the AG told them that SBoHE has final authority of Higher Ed issues. Im repeating an earlier post here, but Al Carlson did not introduce his nickname bill to help UND. He did it to eff with the board.

    sorry, I guess the sarcasm smiley was missing... :wink:

  7. It looks like Douple is getting a swirly from the Summit Presidents over losing UND to the Big Sky and doesn't want to go down alone. How can he possibly think that claiming a non-member successfully exerted influence on a decision of this magnitude would make him look better? This whole story just doesn't make sense from either perspective. :huh:

  8. ht

    Sorry I hope it breaks a leg and has to be put down. I have seen a few of the jerseys at the UNO game. It's fine if

    this is just tongue n cheek but I would not want UND to adopt it as our new name.

    aw, c'mon, lighten up... it's not like this board will actually have an impact on the name chosen by the nickname committee.

  9. Yeah, but they don't have The Fighting Sioux in the Big Sky. :sad:

    The Big Sky does not object to the nickname, the NCAA does.

    Why does the nickname need the adjective "Fighting"? Wouldn't "Sioux" be less 'hostile and abusive', and possibly receive Standing Rock approval? After all, that is what the nickname was for most of the history of its use - and if you go back to the Standing Rock pipe ceremony, wasn't that the name that was actually agreed to?

  10. Young team, but that was a tough loss. Free throws. Free throws. Free throws. Poor defense in crucial spots. The technical thing was beyond absurd.

    Shooting 37% from the field is not too good, either... on their home court!

  11. I'm telling you, do not count out Spirit.

    I am not a fan, but I keep hearing whispers...

    I agree Mike. That would be a very stupid name and just the sort of name that the "stakeholders" would deem "resonates with the ENTIRE university community."

    Spirit is one of the names my daughter, who is currently a student at UND, says she keeps hearing too. Also Force of the North. Not a fan of either, but the committee that makes the decision will not be asking me...

    Not sure that Cavalry is that high. Cal Poly is the Mustangs. There are others that are popular...

    Spirit 5:2

    RoughRiders 3:1

    Cavalry 5:1

    Force of the North 7:1

    Aviators/Pilots 8:1

    Nodaks 10:1

    Nokotas 10:1

    Mustangs 10:1

    Rangers 20:1

    Warriors 50:1

    Suhaki 1,000,000:1 (so you're sayin' there's a chance?)

    • Upvote 1
  12. Not according to this article: http://www.bismarcktribune.com/news/local/article_79960c4d-387f-51c5-a731-b04558a85e27.html

    "Athletic Director Joel Maturi said the school's Advisory Committee on Athletics approved a policy in 2003 that discourages games with teams using American Indian mascots and nicknames. The policy has not been strictly enforced, but it will be now, Maturi said Monday."

    "At least two other Big 10 schools - the University of Wisconsin and the University of Iowa - have policies stating the schools will not play teams with American Indian mascots unless contract or conference obligations require them to do so."

    Although they may follow this sanctions list, I can't find anywhere that they state they do. All I have found are articles like this one that said they refuse to play teams with NA nicknames. I trust you know what you are talking about, so you don't have to go digging anything up for me.

    According to this article, the Gophers will not play any non-conference teams with a Native American nickname/logo from 2006 forward (other than the Illini in the Big Ten). I didn't go back, but the only game I could find for this year is the women's BB team played the San Diego State Aztecs. So, the Gophers will play teams that have Native CENTRAL American nicknames! They did not play anyone in men's BB or FB with a NA nickname, nor in men's or women's hockey. Granted, there are not many NA nicknames left, but they have managed to avoid them this year. So the question does become relevant if the Big Ten Hockey Conference becomes a reality. Wasn't there an article earlier this week that said other hockey teams hate playing UND because they know it is going to be a tough series? Here's Minnesota's excuse.

  13. Content is what matters to me. ShilohSioux has posts have good information and good insight. TRex, on the other hand, has consistently posted four years of Debbie Downer / Chicken Little sky falling garbage without any real thoughts behind them. He must be a joy to be around. :silly:

    BTW, with the new board features, how does one place another poster on ignore? Can't seem to find the ignore feature anymore.

    look under My Settings / Profile / Manage Ingored Users

    I'm still a newbie, so don't know if that works, but that's where I have seen it.

  14. We need to know if sanctions would hurt our membership in the Big Sky. Remember we are NOT members until 2012. They could change their minds couldn't they? Why ruin a good thing. Also more schools like Minnesota may start to ban UND so it will make scheduling a lot harder unless we play NAIA teams.

    If the Big Sky is looking for a way to get rid of UND since USD changed their minds, this could be a dangerous slope to get on. I hope the Big Sky is as happy to have UND as a member as UND is to be a member of the Sky, but what if, what if they didn't feel the same way with UND on its own out here in the central time zone in an 11/13 team league? Has there been any indication from the BSC where they stand on the nickname issue?

    Also, its human nature, that when someone tells you that you have to do something or that you can't do something, that we all want to do the opposite of what we are being told. We don't want to give up the Sioux name because we are being told we have to. (we certainly wouldn't have done this on our own) The Standing Rock tribe has and will continue to feel the same way about being told they have to vote on the nickname.

    When this news first broke, it sounded like a great idea, but there are so many questions that need to be answered...

  15. One problem with putting this legislation on the books is that the legislature only meets for a couple of months every other year.

    Two years ago, there was still time for it to work out under the (then) new agreement between Stenehjem and the NCAA.

    Those of you who are saying where were they January 2010? Well, they were at home, the last legislative session in North Dakota was in 2009.

    Those of you who realize that the legislature was not in session and say they should have called a special session, now there is a lot of extra costs for a single issue.

    Unfortunately, Stenehjem negotiated a very poor agreement when you look at the other schools that only needed to get the approval of the nearest tribe, yet UND has to get approval from two tribes.

    So, if the legislation passes, Standing Rock still doesn't bother to do anything about it and the NCAA stands firm, what is UND to do? Will UND be forced to keep the nickname and endure the sanctions and the rumored scheduling obstacles that may result while our citizen legislature goes home for 2 years? Does the Big Sky Conference care about the nickname issue? I have not seen anything about their position on it. As much as i would like to see UND keep the Fighting Sioux nickname and logo, if this passes and the legislature adjourns, what collateral damage will follow in the two years until the next session? I would hope that this legislation does not force UND into a corner that it cannot get out of. All that said, it would be great if this can work to keep the Fighting Sioux name!

    Another question that comes to mind, why do the Lakota people object to the use of the Sioux name? The members of the Standing Rock tribe call themselves Lakota, not Sioux, so why does the Standing Rock Tribal Council have to approve the use of a name they don't even use?

  16. Why can't this be argued on the basis of compelling the NCAA to abide by the wishes of the nearest Sioux tribe, as it did for Florida State Seminoles, Central Michigan Chippewa, Utah Utes and the others? Since the Standing Rock tribe will not allow this to go to the tribal members, why can't the voice of the Spirit Lake tribe be heeded?

    • Upvote 1
  17. My wife & I went to the movie "Life as we Know It" this weekend. There is a short scene with a brief shot of the guy wearing a well-worn green sioux t-shirt. You don't see the whole shirt, but it is unmistakably a Sioux, not Blackhawk logo. Even as the NCAA takes it away, the Sioux legacy lives!

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