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dakota fairways

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Posts posted by dakota fairways

  1. Florida State is not sanctioned by the NCAA for its use of the "Seminole" nickname and imagery - On a flight today I picked a copy of Sky Magazine and in browsing through it found an advertisement for Florida State's College of Business and Management. The ad was a professor with maroon and yellow war paint striped on his face with the caption -" FSU - war paint for the business of business". What the hell is the definintion of "hostile and abusive" and how can any organization that does not censure this kind of publicity from one of its (acceptable nickname) members, penalize an institution that goes out of its way to avoid such uses of native imagery? Did the Turtle Mountain Tribal Council fully appreciate what they were approving when they passed their resolution supporting the NCAA policy on native nicknames and imagery - the "war paint" ad from Florida State will not even appear on the radar of the NCAA, yet is exactly the kind of stereotyping the NCAA, nickname opponents, and tribal councils such as Turtle Mountain claim to be most offensive. For the NCAA to ignore examples such as this, while promising to enforce all its sanctions against another institution in its membership is hypocrisy of Biblical proportion.

    As much as it seems that we should point out that the big schools like Florida State got a pass on the hostile and abusive charge, I don't think it will do our cause any good to point out abuses by other schools like this one. Its not the UND alumni and students that are the problem - its the derogatory comments by others (like some of the Bison faithful on this and other boards like AGS) that have to be considered hostile to native americans. Any action that sanctions negative imagery toward native americans, be it by other schools who got a pass or schools that UND faces (or faced) on the field, should be challenged, not used as an excuse that we should get to have our nickname too..

  2. Ok, I can give an outside observer's perspective on the squabble you got going here. Since USD has a long history with both schools and also played both schools just last year I think I can give you a reasonable answer. Based on last year's play NDSU had the better team in 2010. As for the question who has the superior program the answer is neither one of you do. You both have strong programs with good tradition that most years put very good teams on the field.

    Who benefits most from this game? Since UND joined the BSC, neither one of you gets more of a benefit or needs this game any more than the other. UND will be playoff eligible and be a member of a strong FCS conference, same as NDSU.

    Playing this game annually now should be done for the benefit of the people of North Dakota and because it is a good regional non conference game that will sell out, create excitement and fan interest and is not a travel hassle for fans to get to. If NDSU doesn't want to play UND, I'm sure USD would gladly play the Sioux every year (I've got more on that subject, why does your AD keep blocking the UND/USD series? From what I've heard we've offered several different proposals to keep us playing each other and UND keeps shooting them down). As for the excuse of needing wins over patsy FCS teams to be playoff eligible, you answered your own question. If a loss to UND or vice versa to NDSU is the deciding factor in keeping you out of the playoffs then you didn't deserve to be there in the first place.

    As for the trailblazer, who went first argument, who cares? So USD/UND went 5 years later, in the end we (USD) ended up in the exact same conference as the SU's and UND ended up in the Big Sky. Heck, you could actually make the argument that the U's took the better approach in waiting to see how this thing would all play out since UND ended up in the conference NDSU and SDSU coveted and USD had their pick of which conference they wanted. In the end we all ended up in the FCS, in quality conferences, and very soon all playoff eligible so it really doesn't matter anymore except to a bunch of internet chest thumpers.

    Great Post!

    Why is Mr Faison so scheduling challenged? Its not like there is any lack of really good choices for out of conference games? The Sioux should be playing schools like NDSU, USD, SDSU, UNI.

  3. Tanked is a harsh word. Just because we aren't on top of the FCS doesn't mean our program has tanked it. We didn't go from the top of the DII world to the bottom of the FCS. We could be like NDSU and be ranked #1 in the polls, have all this hype then do nothing when playoffs are on the line (except last season). Nobody cares when you can't win the title (and not the GWFC title either). I don't know if UND would beat NDSU, and I don't know if NDSU would beat UND they don't play. Of course Sioux fans will say UND will win, and Bison fans will say NDSU will win. Anybody can beat anybody. Play the game then we'll talk.

    Case in point - NCAA Hockey Frozen Four semifinals :glare:

  4. I'll agree with you on the point about the MVFC/Gateway for football. Always been a nice league, but wasn't really on the radar when UNC, NDSU, and SDSU moved up................when the opportunity presented itself for the XDSU's, I'm sure they were not only pleasantly surprised, but ecstatic.

    I'll disagree with you on the point of "most coaches would revolt" the Big Sky scenario. Pretty much every school in the Summit League wishes that they were in a different league. That includes NDSU, SDSU, ORU, and even USD who all wish they were in the Missouri Valley Conference. Oakland, IPFW, and IUPUI would cut off their noses to be in the Horizon Leauge. You can't say the same about Big Sky members.

    Across the board competetively, the Summit and Big Sky are certainly on par with one another. The difference, IMO, is that the Summit is a friendly entry level conference, while the Big Sky is a destination conference for schools that sponser FCS football.

    did you mean MVFC?

  5. Rumor has it its NDSU. :lol::lol:

    Although they will vehemently deny it in public, many Bison fans are secretly wishing this is true. The will not admit it, since the Sioux got there first and they are in the MVFC, which fits their needs, but they envy the Sioux's position as members of the Big Sky. They would be great travel partners for basketball, volleyball, soccer, tennis, etc, however, but in my humble no-insights opinion, its ok that the schools have gone their separate ways. If NDSU ever came to their senses and admitted out loud what they are thinking but afraid to admit, it would be great to rekindle the Sioux-Bison rivalry within the Big Sky.

  6. Just to keep you up with the times - UND is moving to the Big Sky which is AQ conference and they will be playoff eligible in 2012. So, recruiting is going much better and no doubt UND lost out on the QB from Bismarck. But, they did pull in several recruits from the region that NDSU and SDSU had interest in.

    Recruiting for 2011: http://wiki.siouxsports.com/doku.php/football/2011_recruiting_information


    RB Jer Garman, 5'9

  7. Rumor has it its NDSU. :lol::lol:

    The other possibility is that the BSC is waiting to see if Sacramento, Portland or someone else goes to the WAC. If Sac went Wac-y, that would leave the BSC with 10/12. Unlikely, however, since Sac & Cal Davis probably embrace being conference foes and the WAC being in the unstable position it presently is...

  8. The best way for this rivalry to resume is in the FCS playoffs. NDSU has reached it, the Sioux will, hopefully sooner rather than later (looking at the upcoming BSC schedule, it will definitely have to be earned). When this happens, it won't take Faison & Taylor finally agreeing and it will be very emotional.

  9. UND at Wyoming in 2015. Wish granted.

    yep. Idaho too - this year. That's what I meant - what's wrong with these games? Even if UND ends up staying off the sanctions list, what's the big deal about playing Minnesota & Wisconsin when you are only going to have 1 FBS/BCS game a year anyway?

  10. Either every other year or do a Dakota rotation where 1 year you play @ NDSU the next you play host to USD then the following year you have @SDSU, then just complete the circle vs NDSU, at USD, vs SDSU. We only need to fill 3 spots and usually 1 of those is for an FBS team so stick 1 of these Dakota teams for an OOC game and you have 1 team to fill.

    This idea should be investigated. It is a decent solution. Not that having to play the Bison is as big a deal as it seemed a year ago, playing them every other year, and alternating with the SD schools would also be palatable - as in NDSU (in 2013), then USD (2014), then NDSU (2015), then SDSU (2016), then NDSU (2017), USD (2018), NDSU (2019), SDSU (2020), etc... downside there would be the home/away alternation would result in two years in a row on the road.

    Also wonder why all the hand wringing over Minnesota, Wisconsin & Iowa - what's wrong with Colorado, Nebraska, Iowa State, Missouri or even Idaho and Wyoming, for that matter?

  11. Unfortunately, HowBoutThemBison, it is people like you with your derogatory mouth (or in this particular case, keyboard) that make the Sioux nickname any kind of a problem. You come on this fan board and spew your venom about Native Americans. I am not surprised at your high negative rep count in only a month an a half with the garbage you are posting. I asked earlier if "the dad" is lakesbison, but with the type of posts that have been coming from you recently, I am beginning to wonder if lakes has come on with a different moniker. You can now take your venom and go to your rivals' boards at USD and SDSU. It continues to surprise me how active you are on the SiouxSports board and I have to wonder what is your obsession with the Sioux and why don't you spend your time on the boards of the teams that NDSU will actually be facing on the field?

  12. just had a tangental thought occur, maybe all of you would like to comment...

    Since the white man did not defeat the Sioux on the Little Bighorn battlefield, but with their paper-pushing lies (Wounded Knee notwithstanding)... The proud passion and strength of the Sioux people is being carried on by the proud men and women who wear the Sioux name and logo for the University of North Dakota today. So many hate being reminded that the Sioux nation was undaunted by the white man and the Sioux athletic teams are likewise undaunted by the NCAA and are also strong and unified on the athletic field. This is especially true for those who claim the symbol of the buffalo as their name on the athletic fields, where the tradition of the Sioux victories over the roaming Bison will continue.

  13. Me and the dad discussed this already. My mom asked us what we'd think, I can care less what the Bison are called. I cheer for North Dakota State University, the Bison just happens to be our nickname. We were the Farmers a long time ago, if we were that now, I doubt it would affect how much I like the team. In the end, it is a nickname, not worth getting your school into more and more hot water. From the light reading I've done, the nickname has brought only more harm than good to the University. If you are a Sioux fan more than a University of North Dakota fan, well then I guess your sad little world is coming down. The writing has been on the wall since the 90's, time to face the music.

    So, is "the dad" Lakesbison? You are starting to sound like him.

    I know, I know... stop playing with the trolls, it just encourages them. :silly::lol:

  14. So you wouldn't want to play in a conference that gets national coverage on ESPN, ESPN2, and ESPN3, with the possibility of playing in a televised bowl game? Seems to me that would be more appealing to potential recruits than playing a home playoff game. Now everybody hit the negative comment button, I'm a glutton for punishment.

    What ever became of the rumors about BSC Commish Fullerton and NBC over the acquisition of Versus Channel and it becoming NBC Sports Channel? I seem to remember something going around that the Big Sky might get some exposure through that...

  15. Unfortunately, I don't think we could generate enough financial support from the alumni and community to build a new stadium and training facility. Plus, looking at our football performance over the last several seasons would be a big concern for an FBS conference. I think we will be in a FBS conference just not for at least 5-10 years.

    The Sioux beat Lamar 31-6 last year IIRC. The same Lamar that is teetering on the doorstep of the WAC. I still like the Big Sky, but the WAC will rise again - they have before.

  16. One way for this home playoff in football not to matter is to jump all the way to FBS. That won't help women's BB or women's hockey, bowl games are not under the rule of the NCAA. The Big Sky is a great opportunity, but those of you who are bemoaning the loss of home football playoffs should maybe push to get the Sioux into the WAC, I hear they are desperately looking for members and can only dream of getting schools with as good a name as UND. ;)

    before you crucify me, this is a joke :D (not the part about the WAC needing to get schools like UND)

  17. Actually, I believe the NCAA is not telling UND that they have to change to name. The NCAA is telling UND that they will not be allowed to host NCAA playoff games if the "hostile and abusive" nickname remains or wear the logo on their uniforms in the postseason. I think the state should challenge the "hostile and abusive" label. That's why the support of people like Archie Fool Bear, Eunice Davidson, the Spirit Lake Tribe and the people of Standing Rock is so important. Claiming that the nickname is hostile and abusive should be the prerogative of the Sioux people, not the NCAA (a bunch of mostly white people).

  18. In an interview on KXMB last night, Rep RaeAnn Kelsch suggested it is time to have a statewide vote on the nickname & give the Sioux County (Standing Rock) people a voice. She is right. Bring on the referendum. If there is any hope of getting the NCAA to listen going forward, it is going to have to start with the voice of the Sioux people.

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