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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. Dogs goal taken away because a guy jumped off the bench in exchange for the player in the box. Bench and box are right next to each other. Still debating I guess. If they rule it like this, shouldn't it then be a too many men penalty.
  2. Duluth gets the shorty when the guy comes out the box.
  3. Duluth just got hosed on a checking from behind. Johnson turned his back in front of the Duluth player.
  4. Reads like an ugly game. I'm sure it sounds that way as well. Thanks for keeping us informed.
  5. That's how they taught him to spell that word at the U of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
  6. Wow. So this guy only judges games by the names and uniforms. I like how he also lumps Fighting Sioux as a name that is un-original. Slight changes to the Blackhawk logo? Star2city needs to send him the link of what everything means in the logo. Did he even state that we used to use that logo? I closed the article and don't want to give him any more hits. Where is that poll from a few years ago that voted our uniforms as the best of all time? Was that for the WCHA at 50 thing?
  7. Smoggy = Empty Moneybags! And you said the rumors were almost always true.
  8. My tab is still trying to recover from last time I was there. I also have no money since I have won my college football pool in a while. 7>5, let me tell you something. That night I have no memory after talking to Dubay. Apparently I paid the bill and left a huge tip. (hard to read the receipt the next day). I know I made it home (didn't drive), because I woke up on the floor of my apartment at 4:30 in the morning. At least I was smart enough to grab a pillow and take it with me to the floor.
  9. I did assume it, but then you scared me with that MM competition comment. Hopefully I can make it. It'd be nice to put some faces to names and voices to words. Anyone check on Nebraska. 7>5 and I might hurt someone if we have to hear their band again and deal with idiots blocking TV's with giant hats. OK, maybe I'll just hurt them and blame 7>5.
  10. Smoggy

    NHL Fight

    Didn't see Prpich live, but beside the point. Did you stand up? Cheer? You didn't answer my question. Since I'm sure you were in the press box, would you have stood if you were in the crowd? I was referring to a scrum as a sudo-fight. As for Commodore, I just remember how many scouts started showing up to watch him after that fight. I think the coaches said every team wanted a tape of the fight. He certainly improved his standing. Would he have been too old to be drafted after that 2000 Frozen Four? Either way, I am sure he would've been signed. Are you saying that the fight didn't help him get drafted into the NHL?
  11. Even with UW there? Do they tend to recruit out-of-state? Not to be confused with the Twin Cities area of Minnesota referring to the rest of the state in this manner.
  12. Damn we seem to be recruiting Wisconsin hard. Is the talent all of a sudden better or did we just decide to concentrate their more?
  13. Quit being so mysterious. Is your friend a guy or a girl? Becuase I know MM is a guy and Sensor's will have already have a sausage party going on. So MM having competition is already a given.
  14. Smoggy

    NHL Fight

    Let me first say that I can't stand the cheorographed fights that happen in the NHL. But for all you non-fighting supporters out there: Do you stand up when a scrum breaks out in front of the net? How about when Schnieder or Prpich single handedly lit up the competitionn? Commodore and the UW player's broken nose? Don't forget that the incident got him noticed by the NHL. Scrums and fighting happen in the NHL and NCAA. Maybe it's wrong to allow it, but it sure is strange that damn near the entire stadium will stand up and start cheering. Maybe we are all brutes. Go ahead and say there aren't unwritten rules; but in hockey, fighting seems to have them. Sure they are imperfect and broken, but aren't all rules?
  15. Smoggy

    NHL Fight

    You looked at the face?
  16. Smoggy

    NHL Fight

    I felt the same pain last night. Nothing was better than waiting till the third period and watching the end of every close game. They almost hooked me into forking over the dough.
  17. I'll try and show up Saturday. I keep missing everyone but 7>5. Gotta meet the rest of ya. And RWD's possible friend. Not sure if it will work out though. Two grad school classes at the same time and I'm probably skipping both to go watch Sioux football. We'll see what time I get back.
  18. I had no problems with the fans at all. I even moved higher up and was sitting with a bunch. Talked to one couple who's daughter is going to UND next year. They can't talk her out of it!
  19. Another team with a solid goalie. We are really going to need to pass the puck back and forth. None of this shooting from the wing like against Maine. I thought we also did a better job of having guys in front of the net this weekend. Got some good rebound opportunities and goals. QUIT TAKING STUPID PENALTIES!!! I think we need to start hitting more. Get more aggressive on the forecheck and cause some turnovers. I know it's early in the season, but we need to sweep at home. It has seemed like we struggle to win at the Ralph the last couple of years and SCSU always has our number. Let's bury them early in the season.
  20. Smoggy

    NHL Fight

    I love his show! Except it always sounds like he's eating. Must be the dentures slopping around.
  21. I blame Toewes. He played in the first 6 games.
  22. Smoggy

    vs. Duluth

    On TV? PCM had a cold?
  23. Belfour lost in round 10. He did stop Blake in round 3.
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