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Everything posted by Smoggy

  1. We better find out more Wednesday, because that is when they travel.
  2. I see that the Herald is now giving Jim some love with his PWR predictions. You're big time now! Friday Hockey Article
  3. I really wish they'd sell the tickets for single games instead of a package. I don't remember very many people at that Ferris State game. And we all know Gopher fans don't even attend their own game let alone someone else's.
  4. The worst lead in hockey as the saying goes.
  5. just posted this in another thread, but I think it would be better for us PWR-wise to not win the league. That way we are playing a better team in the first round and can boost our RPI.
  6. I got thinking about it and as great as it would be to win the WCHA, we might be better off finishing lower so that we can face a team like Duluth and flip that comparison due to head to head. Obviously we don't want to be losing any but if the teams ahead of us in the league keep winning it wouldn't be a horrible thing.
  7. I thought the Stoa one was a bit weak. In slow mo it seemed like the MSU player dove headfirst into the boards.
  8. Though Jutting is as annoying as Gwoz when it comes to jaw jacking the officials.
  9. When? Where have they expressed interest? If we are going to go recruit a team I agree that we should go after UNO first and then NMU.
  10. According to the Virg Foss article, McCloud isn't going after any teams, so unless NMU applies it'll be no dice. I have this feeling that Alabama-Huntsville won't get a conference and will fold soon after. College hockey is hitting a sad state.
  11. I agree with this totally. Tonight I had third row view and Anderson was letting slashes and hooks go and then Campion would have to do the call and he was the back official that had no business making the call. The first period was ugly for Anderson. Also when we had the 5 on 3 PP and Denver was allowed two blatant trips.
  12. Just watched the full game. Wow. That would've been fun to be at. The scary thing is that we could've had 4 more in the first. I don't think I posted it on here, but I've really felt like Watkins has been one of our best players lately especially in the um-tc series. Glad he finally got one. Too bad he couldn't convert another. PP has goals in 7 straight games??? Been very huge lately. What I love about Hextall is that he isn't a dirty player (at least from what I've seen). He just gets under the skin of the other team. And he's skilled. Looking forward to the fireworks tomorrow night. Keep your head boys. Anyone know why Marto got that penalty after their second goal? He already had the one but they scored and it was wiped. He had to have done something after the goal but the TV never caught it.
  13. Just watched the replay and sure enough it looks like that is exactly what Testwede(?) is saying.
  14. Catching word from people at the game that the last scrum (after the Hextell drawing 26 minutes in penalties on them) when VV was being cross checked repeatedly the DU player he was tangled with was saying "i'll kill you" over and over. This was reading lips, though.
  15. Hate it. It makes it seem like we aren't good enough.
  16. Wow. I don't know what prompted the personal attack. I said nothing against what KXJB is doing. All I was pointing out to Siouxmama is that the same thing could happen if she got Dish. Lighten up.
  17. Back on topic: Zajac with the lone goal for the Devs so far.
  18. um-tc now 6-2 in 2nd.
  19. You might want to find out how much longer they have a deal with CBS and NBC. Same thing could happen.
  20. Goal shouldn't have counted but it was due to the illegal pick that got Hoepful open.
  21. The commish was just on with Frank and Doug. End of application process is March 31. He said that teams are interested and Doug made a joke about Montreal and Bruce said that isn't far off. So my guess is U of British Columbia. They do have a 12 team model that works out to even amount of home games every 5 years (current works every 4). He said they haven't found model for 11 teams. He also mentioned they met with Myles Brand last spring and he wants to raise the profile of college hockey.
  22. The part that scares me in all this is that by adding all these teams to conferences we are essentially hindering any further development. Every conference is going to be full and no one will want to take on a newcomer. In a way it'd be nice (or convenient) if the NCAA said a hockey conference could only have 10 teams. That way the coupe with 12 (CCHA and ECAC) would each be forced to drop two and the CHA is saved with room for future programs. I've always been against a Big Ten HC but now it might be the only thing to get future expansion rolling.
  23. That part is true. UAA no longer pays for schools travel. That was a ten year agreement when they joined the league.
  24. I thought it was mentioned and then they came out and said they weren't?
  25. I went a few years ago and there was an alumni gathering that was fun. Actually a good number of Sioux fans in that area. I don't remember where it is, but the alumni site might be some help. Houghton is kind of stuck in the 70s. Not a bad thing. Very cheap beer. Arena is kind of old school cool and the announcer actually skates on the ice while talking.
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