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Posts posted by Smoggy

  1. Hello everyone.  I found this to be my favorite forum & thread on your website.  I go to college at  Grand Valley State University which is just out of of  Grand Rapids, MI.    Its funny & interesting to hear all of your opinions on the "Grand Cities"  issue.  We have an East Grand Rapids here but its so small and insignifcant.  People will say  "I am going to Grand Rapids"  or  "going to GR".

    I have never heard anyone refer to Grand Rapids as "The Grand City" or  "going to the Rapids".  This primarly because there are multiple cities in Michigan with the name Rapid or rapids in it.    Such as:  Grand Rapids, Big Rapids, Rapid River, etc.  Also, there are several cities with the word Grand in it such as: Grand Ledge, Grand Blanc, Grandville, Grand Marais, and such.

    Anyhow, im sure most of you out in  ND  do not care about what I just posted, but I find your thread on the topic pretty interesting.    I am a Geography major and stuff like that is interesting to hear the local perspective & thoughts compared to folks outside the area of country (Canada).




    I'm glad you posted something about your community. I'm here to learn something new every day ! :(

  2. Maybe it is time to pass the hat around between periods. I am not against putting a few dollars in the hat if they pass it around. Every little bit counts and I know its fun to have the band at the final five.

    We did that to buy uniforms about five years ago. We didn't get much and it was embarrassing. The phone-a-thons/radio-a-thons work, but a lot of people would call just to complain about us raising money.

    Let me say that I thank everyone that's ever supported the band and it's always been appreciated. It'd just be nice if the University supported it more.

  3. The band needs time and a fostering atmosphere.  They also need to be, IMO, a seperate entity from the Pride of the North Football band.  They also need standards.

    The biggest problem with standards is that it will, again, take time.  They cannot just start out with the standards we all want next year.  No one would try out for the band.  But they need to get higher and start demanding responsibility.  They need to practice, get newer material, and do so with the FULL cooperation of the Ralph, not the half-a**ed version they are getting now.

    I say make them a seperate entity because, especially during the football season, they come into the arena with no "chops."  They could be tired, or just not taking it seriously after all that intensive playing while moving.  Eliminate that and it SHOULD improve. 

    I don't think it could be seperate, because there wouldn't be any numbers in the marching band. Facts are that the band practices a lot in the fall. They get one measley credit and give up almost every weekend. The only reward is going on a hockey trip. If hockey is seperate, why be in the marching band? What, to go to Alabama? Riding a bus for longer than you're in the state isn't rewarding.

    The worst weekends are when football and hockey occur. Practice late afternoon Friday and then off to the Ralph. Up to practice by 8 am on Saturday. Hopefully no parade. At the Alerus until 4 or 5. Go home eat and change and sprint to the Ralph. Two bands would be nice, but the numbers are just not there and it's going to take a lot of time.

    They need to practice in the Ralph.  They need to go and listen to other hockey bands if they could (UW's would be nice).  They may need to hold a battle of the bands thing at the Ralph (not going to happen, but it would be cool).  They need to work out the mic system so that the brass and drums aren't mic'd and the other instruments are. 

    Won't happen. They can't even get practice time in the Alerus. The mics are run by the Ralph and were supposed to be hanging from the ceiling years ago. It's never happened. The band does hook up their own mics and have some control, but I believe some adjustments need to be done through the Ralph.

  4. How much money does it take?

    (Just curious.)

    Good question. I believe the 25 tickets are covered by the WCHA/NCAA, but I could be wrong on that. My guess would be the band would leave on Friday morning and if the team wins, they'd stay until Sunday. So figure two nights.

    So you have bus travel/driver (for entire trip) which is pricey even though it should be a UND bus. My guess would be 8 or 10 hotel rooms. This could be different due to boys and girls being seperated. I believe there would be a small per diem, but maybe none at all.

    Those are the different factors involved, but it's got to be well over $2,000 without tickets. I'm just not sure on the bus/driver.

  5. Thanks again, PCM!

    This stood out to me:

    Blais said they need to get the band more involved in orchestrating the cheers.

    The reason it stands out is that right now the band is NOT going to the Final Five. Money issues is the big reason. The band doesn't want to have to do the phone-a-thon crap anymore (though I'm sure they will for the Frozen Four), and supposedly they aren't getting any monetary support from elsewhere. My guess is alumni and athletic dept. I believe the band is also upset with the way the Ralph has been treating them.

    I'm sure I butchered some of this info, since it was second hand along with speculation. I included it, because it's going to be really sad at the Xcel having to listen to only the Gopher band. Keeping in mind that the Gopher band (assuming we both win) in past years has bought (they are supported at their university) extra tickets so that they could have over 50 people instead of the 25 allowed.

    I always have thought that the battle of the bands was great fun and added a lot to the atmosphere.

  6. It's INCH...who cares?  If they need me to tell them that Matt Jones is one of the top 15 defensemen in the NCAA (I would put him solidly in the top 5), they have less credibility than even I would have thought them to have.

    I think it is a big deal. College hockey fans look at INCH and USCHO. I'm sure the players look at INCH and USCHO. Since they are really the only group giving awards by position in DI hockey, it is a big deal. Hopefully the d men take this as the slight that it is and play even better.

    Plus it's a message board and this is something to fun to discuss and a good chance to look at some numbers. Thanks PCM!

    I can just see NCAA tourney time rolling around and the East teams thinking we have no defense and goaltending because of what INCH said/has said. Then again, that isn't such a bad thing afterall. :D

  7. Keep in mind that Ballard and Harrington have missed a combined 10 games, which is quite a few points considering Ballard averages 1 a game and Harrington puts up more per game than anybody from UND. UND is also A LOT deeper on the blue line. Not saying it's not a telling stat, just something to think about.

    I agree that UND has very solid Dmen, but these awards/lists are ALWAYS biased towards Dmen that put up big offensive numbers.

    So if the Gopher defense isn't as good, doesn't that mean that Ballard and Harrington play a lot more minutes? I don't think it would be an extra 10 games, but there are times when Ballard doesn't get off the ice (especially on PP).


    What's a good stat for a defensemen? I was thinking +/-, but that depends on the forwards as much as the D. I was thinking about blocked shots. Too bad "times beat on rush" isn't a stat.

  8. Jawing before the face off would be my guess.

    I can see the jawing, but this fight was rediculous. The dropped the gloves right away and then danced around the rink for thirty seconds before locking up and throwing some punches.

    A hockey fight should be spontaneous.

  9. I was looking at all the trades on ESPN and I find it very interesting that the Wild have only been getting draft picks. Looks like 3 or 4 more for this summer alone. If the players get locked out will the drafts go on? I'm sure this years draft will happen since it's before the next season/lockout. But if this thing drags out 18 months like everyone is planning, what about the next draft?

  10. Landon will be missed...he was a fan favorite & a big financial backer for disadvantaged people (I think mentally retarded kids) in the Phoenix community. A class act.

    Of all the ex-collegiate players on the Coyotes roster, I like Taffe the best...seems to have a natural instinct for the game, above-average speed & a precision shot. Kolanos, on the other hand, was sent down to the minors for a heart transplant a couple months ago because he was playing uninspired hockey; is back up now & his play seems to have improved as a result.

    Have you been to the new rink? I was hoping to get over there this spring, but it's looking less and less likely.

  11. I'm not a big fan of fighting, but I'm not a big fan of players being cheap shot all the time. When Gretsky played in the 80s he had his protection. Guys who were there to make sure someone didn't take a run at The Great One. With fighting rules the way they are now, you're seeing a lot more dirty work. This is because the players aren't allowed to police themselves anymore with the fight instigator penalty. I heard/read somewhere that the GM's are looking at dropping this rule, because the refs aren't doing a good enough job enforcing them.

    I think the fighting needs to be there, but I don't like it when two guys have it planned. For instance, when I saw the Wild play LA the other night, two players fought as soon as the opening faceoff was over. Are you kidding me? How could they have been that mad at each other to know to drop the gloves right then?

  12. Actually Warroad played at noon every day of the tournament last year, but in years before that you are correct. ???

    Fair enough. I just don't understand the logic in Section 8 playing at noon. They're the farthest away! They bring plenty of fans the way it is, but would bring more if they got to play even in the mid afternoon game.

  13. Warroad sucks! Willy Marvin is a weenie! ???

    I just told my students the story of the ref getting hit with the litre of cola the other day. The look on the poor guys face, and there was nothing he could do because it was during the anthem. For everyone else that wasn't there, it sounds terrible, but you get a chuckle out of it. It was just like the ref from Slap Shot.

  14. I don't remember any Benilde fans doing that, but I was watching the game. I know it wasn't any of my friends (or me). We were the ones that started the Warm up the bus, and Lick nuts chants (we got yelled at by our President pretty good for that one :) )

    I think I heard the warm up the bus, but not the other one. At that time our fans weren't allowed to do much, because of repeated incidents with Warroad.

  15. They actually beat Red Wing in the quarters that year...but they then had to deal with us.

    Yeah, and you guys took it to us in the finals. I still remember some little Benilde punks running down the stairs to our side of the rink screaming and holding signs. Good thing we didn't treat them like the kid from Thief River Falls that did that to us...the cops pulled him out of the pile.

  16. The consistently losing thing does suck and I do hate to see a team get blown out. That's why I like the play in games that section 8A uses to seed the bottom teams. It gives those teams a chance to play a more evenly game and a chance to win and advance. Then they get their asses handed to them after the first game. ???

    I wouldn't say the Minnesota tournament is perfect. It never will be until those teams that recruit aren't allowed in or have to play their own tourney. The private schools should have their own. How can a public school compete with a $15,000 scholarship. Mainly they need to do away with open enrollment and the foreign exchange players.

  17. Has anyone else noticed that the last few years that Warroad makes it they get a night game, and yet everytime EGF did they had the first afternoon game? It's a long drive for both schools (though longer for Warroad) to bring fans, and yet EGF would have more fans than most of the other schools in class A and they had the farthest to travel.

    Thank goodness someone finally beat out Fergus Falls. Nothing like having a .500 team in year after year that would just be done right away.

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