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Posts posted by Smoggy

  1. Someone just told me that Fox Sports North has announced that it will show both Friday games, but not the Saturday third place game.

    This would be the logical choice as a lot more is riding on the semifinal game than the 3rd place.

    Why not just do them all? The WCHA makes enough money to cover costs. Though I'm sure advertising could cover it anyways.

  2. You guys need to relax about the whole number one ranking. Remember, Its not who goes into the NCAA's ranked number 1 that is important, its who comes out of the frozen four as the Number 1 team in all the land. And just how do you do that? Ya kick a little Gluteus Maximus all over the Ice. thats how its done ladies and gents. ;)

    Plus, it's a whole lot easier for poor Diggler to figure out there that way. :(

    But it does matter, because the #1 overall gets to be the home team throughout, and that means they get the last line change.

  3. I meant no disrespect by use of that term. Heck, I'm born and raised in Grand Forks, and have never lived in the twin cities. My point was more that I am not as familiar with what players played at which twin cities schools, whereas I have more familiarity with non-metro schools (is that a more p.c. term? ;) ), and I believe that the number of WCHA players Grand Forks has produced recently compares very favorably to what the better non-metro schools have produced. Probably most metro schools, too, but as I mentioned, I don't really follow who's coming from Edina as opposed to Apple Valley, etc. All the suburbs are pretty much the same to me.

    I know you didn't, and I meant to write in my post that I was just venting in general and wasn't directing it at you.

  4. I think USCHO typo-ed there seedings. They've been saying all along that UND would be West, because a flight is a flight in the NCAA's eyes. If you go through the article, UND is always in the west, even if their PWR is a #3. The bracket at the top right (in the tan section) is a misprint I believe.

  5. outstate MN towns

    I have always hated this term. So every city outsided of the metro area aren't in the state of Minnesota? My brother playing for EGF had the pleasure of going to state every year, but this one and his sophomore year. When we were at PeeWee state, we beat Hopkins (I believe) and one of the opposing dads says that he doesn't mind losing, he just hates losing against out-of-state teams!

    It's simply amazing that the metro area assumes every other city is out of state.

  6. Too bad Central and Red River could not join Section 8 and play in the MN state tourney! I like ND HS hockey, but there is just not the same level of competition there...

    I've always wanted to see this.

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