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Everything posted by bison73

  1. Lets start moving the goal post. You brought up downtown minny. I brought up Brainerd. Next.
  2. All others sports are already D1. D1 is D1 . Only football is FBS.
  3. No pretty much all over MN. I travel the whole state hunting , fishing visiting friends etc etc. So yes we have a pretty good following in MN. Dont know why that is a contention with you. The goofs have been relevant since the ????? 50-60s.
  4. You cant throw a rock in the Brainerd area with out hitting a Bison fan. And no they didnt go to school there because when I go to town I have that conversation almost every day.
  5. Whats more interesting is the fact that that analogy fits so well here. I will admit------that was nicely played.
  6. You must not live in Minnesota.
  7. True so why dont you direct your comments to the jackass that went down the name calling path to begin with?
  8. Youre a liar. I claimed nothing in regards to IPFW and IUPUI being happy. No need to go futher as that lie makes the rest of your post moot..
  9. How many of your dumb ass deadlines have not come to fruition. How many more lies are you going to tell? Its seem as much as you bellow like a pregnant bovine about others not having a clue its actually you who is the clueless dumb ass.
  10. You also said UND would be FBS by this time. The BSC was going to split and a host of other bat crap crazy predictions that havent come to fruition.
  11. bison73

    2019 Season

    Isn't Grover leaving?
  12. Yes. A dislocation is when the humeral head is displaced. A separation is a strain or tear of the A/C joint.( Acromial-clavicular joint) This is where the distal clavicle and the acromion process of the scapula come together. The ligaments are strained or torn and I think there are 3 grades of separation. I will have to look that up. https://www.thesteadmanclinic.com/patient-education/shoulder/ac-separation
  13. Happens all the time.
  14. How did the team he was visiting comport themselves. Did he get along with them. Did he make a connection. Did he fit in? How did he get along with his position coach. What are the coaches plans for him? How did he like the campus. Did they set up a meeting with somebody from the dept of what he would like to major in. What did they offer? Full ride or walk on. Whats there policy if a player is hurt and can no longer play? Does he keep his scholly? What type of academic support do they offer? What is the regime for the summer? ETC ETC ETC
  15. Depends on the school. Easton Stick came to NDSU as opposed to Rutgers. Its seems its you who is foolish to be make statements in absolutes.
  16. You just make stuff up as you go along??? JFC
  17. Please explain how you know the offer was not committable? In affect you are saying that the offer Easton Stick had to play at Rutgers was a farce????
  18. What is a FBS drop down????
  19. After the way his team behaved the other night and with him not taking charge of the situation and getting his players under control I would have fired him after the game. Plus he hasnt won very much either. Either way he needed to go.
  20. Again????
  21. Thats your rebuttal. Your post has nothing to do with his. Is this your go to when you have nothing? Geez
  22. What I find astounding is all you have to do is LOOK at what other schools are doing in regards to the O and D lines. Bubba went in the opposite direction. WTF??? Plus you cant keep declaring you have a great recruiting class when most of your recruits only had D2 offers. Thats nothing more than smoke and mirrors trying to cover up that you got you ass kicked in recruiting. You need a different type of athlete if you are going to be competitive at this level. If they arent going to be game changers out of the box then the recruit has to have the potential to be developed. Then you also have to have the coaches to take these kids and develope them. I havent seen that from this staff.
  23. Thats when he folded his tent. I couldnt believe it.
  24. ESPN Extra 788 Directv Just like all the other play in games.. You need the ESPN sports pack to get it. ESPN 3 also.
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