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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. he had multiple concussions in high school
  2. pretty sure most of those bottom feeders somehow made the playoffs and played the ndac in the dome during their historic run????
  3. not their names but their BUDGETS Minny's stick budget is proably close to woffords whole football budget...
  4. I don't think an ankle or wrist injury is any concern to him...yes he is a pro prospect but his also 6'5" 230 with a history of concussions...he will get hit and hit harder than any wimpy strong safety from western Illinois could ever dream of hitting him at the next level...
  5. when those schools are let's see....minnesota, notre dame, boston college, Michigan, yale, or Denver versus Wofford, coastal Carolina, Robert morris, Richmond, or northern iowa I would say yes.
  6. im sure that's what a lot of islander fans thought when it was pre-released...just ask mike milbury what he thought of it...or on second thougth don't!!
  7. you could save some money by buying either a nodak mutual insurance shirt, a nodak cab shirt, or a nodak electric cooperative hoodie, nodak outdoors hockey jersey, nodak records hat, or a nodak angler winter gloves?
  8. imo an fcs football championship is probably the easiest "title" to win...especially in the current state of fcs football (all the big dogs took their balls and went fbs)....
  9. that's what ndac fans said from about 1990 til 2011...
  10. undefeated---no gameday coming back---not anytime soon starting qb---out home win streak---currently at 0 as gfhockey would ask.....bring back bohl?
  11. lets say that nodaks wins...Kelly might want to make the losers that voted for the other names feel warm in side and incorporates the fighting hawks and sundogs into the nodak name....a sundog (three suns) and a north star (think three suns and one star!!) with a hawk flying through the air...it would be enough to make tom dennis cry for a week thinking how beautiful and inclusive that logo would be
  12. sub islanders for nodaks...sub a snow shovel for the hockey stick and put a dip in his lip and you gotta a nodak logo?
  13. sub uh for und and you maybe have your nodak logo? you guys okay with that? if so keep voting nodaks....
  14. about 99% sure that if RR wins the logo will western themed...a cowboy, a horse, teddy...problem with nodak its really really open to interpretation...a nodak could be a rainbow, an owl, a train, a hick in overalls with a big dip in....it is whatever that person wants it to be who is makingthe logo...
  15. a little overreaction maybe!!! somehow UND is above having one of their state nicknames for their flagship university....a couple dozen or so other schools have chosen their state nicknames and it has worked out quite well for them....we have a chance to have a unique nickname to D1 schools but we want to go back to something that other schools and college gameday will/have had a fun time making fun of the hicks/nodaks from north Dakota!
  16. military nostalgia is something I won't apologize for...part of liking the RR/teddy is the military aspect. if we go with the Marlboro man for the logo that's fine...a horse I;m fine with. if we have teddy then we are HONORING him and the military as a whole. I'm just poking fun at the people that got warm and fuzzy when brad s. posted a pic of a 5'10 155lbs offensive lineman from the1922 football posing in a nodak jersey.
  17. for the nostalgic ones voting for fighting hawks and nodaks i expect you to be right on the banks of the english coulee when the may fete comes back to campus..and i expect brad s. to report on it and report back how many current hockey players were in attendance.
  18. probably because they picked a garbage nickname to replace the warriors....if we do the same we will be just like marquette. there was a reason why flickertails and nodaks were replaced. this nostalgia stuff is for losers.
  19. fixed it for you
  20. anyone know how this goes...will und/qualtranics update how many votes have been cast each day (assuming they won't release which one is in the lead during the week) and when would we know if one reached 50%???
  21. I guess I never noticed that the endzones were blank...in a couple weeks they could fill the north one with either fighting/rough and the south one with nodaks/riders???
  22. I think it is a good sign that RR is that much ahead...there seems to be a lot of RRHS and Central alums on this site which could sway people one way or ther other on RR...I think once you get out of gf and especially west they will go hard RR...
  23. on brads blog I told him to send over a reporter to RRHS and ask around to find someone offended (shouldn't be that hard)...once this nickname thing at und is done maybe they will start stiring the pot over there...
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