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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. pretty sure if someone looked into gino's winning % and the price he paid for his shoes... there was a reason why dark star called gino "the midget from north dakota with 800 dollar shoes"
  2. "'Hak' is a farmer," Jackson said. "I use that term endearingly. It's someone who works their ass off and does everything. He can fix the tractor, he can plant crops, he can harvest, he can deal with whatever to try and adapt and overcome everything. Here, he gets paid very well, but he's not driving a fancy car. He's a simple guy." really? a simple guy living in a 700k house on ivy drive?? get real
  3. the ndac hasn't had to throw that much in the last few years bc of crockett...he's gone and i doubt his replacement is as good as him so maybe they will have to throw and if they do bubba and company are gonna blitz...and although wentz is fast he also a big target for our lb's to hit and hopefully hit hard
  4. OOPS...yeah i meant tyler...talked to coach oliver today and i asked him if he was heading to his interview and he laughed pretty hard...
  5. my sources at first were saying toby palmiscno...don't look like it now
  6. i would have voted for nokotas but not CHARGING nokotas...
  7. amen...one way that REA could save tons of money is reduce the amount of damn ushers at some of these games....the ratio of ushers to fans at some mens bball and womens games is damn crazy...and don't get me started on how many damn cops are needed at a womens game with an attendance of 1500 and 1495 of them are old norwegian men and women...
  8. but the foks over at REA arent talkin....where does all the money go??? good question.
  9. only problem with your above statement is that every other state in the union could name their team the cavalry and mean the 3th volunteer regiment or the 9th regiment or the 10th regiment...it is too generic. but in the end if it chosen i would be all for it...good logo possibilities, somewhat unique, ties to the state...
  10. http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=114160396
  11. and yes if und takes roughriders they should ask the city to rename the school the "roosevelts or the teddy's"...wouldn't cost too much to change and both high schools in town are talk about the old days of the redskins/roughriders...
  12. what does cavalry have to do with north dakota? and two word combos of a color/region and a idea/thing/noun are odd and a dime a dozen--- green hawks green wave green force mean green red wolves red storm red hogs red dragons red foxes blue hose blue hawks blue rebels blue raiders blue streaks tundra hawks prairie storm prairie wolves purple raiders purple eagles purple knights arctic foxes valley dragons golden flashes golden lions golden bobcats thunder wolves prairie stars..... game show time...match up more than three of the above names with their respective schools...i follow sports as much as anyone on here and i would have a hard time doing that.. sooners gamecocks tar heels gators buffalos jayhawks longhorns razorbacks volunteers hoosiers hawkeyes game show time..match up more than three of the above names with their respective schools now roughriders/nokotas would be easily recognizable as unique to und...especially is given time and a cool/marketable logo...
  13. what boggles me is that everyone i talk to about this says they like roughriders and nokotas the best (same with me) but i have not found one person that says "i like big green, green hawks, green pride, green sundogs, pride, flames, force, or any other stupid ass nicknames being thrown about? where are these people...oh yeah...fargo...a place i don't go to that often. nokotas-no one else has it...original and has a meaning roughriders-state nickname...run with it
  14. assuming that und's new nickname is somewhere on this list then?
  15. yes on all the previous but just being a gf residence doesn't mean you should get a vote imo
  16. de rouen was at planet fitness tonight working out...i'm assuming he is staying?
  17. and he's only 29 years old....
  18. so the chair of the ncaa hockey committee says congrats to "boston...oops i mean providence... terriers"??? gimme a break....waht a joke
  19. that third period was awesome college hockey...congrats providence....
  20. i guess i just don't get why people would be so scared about letting hak go and trying someone else...you think if eades got the job the bottom would just fall out the bottom with ten straight losing seasons? i admire the ad at umd letting their womens coach go...try someone else and see what happens (and save about 200k a year too)
  21. i guess you are missing the point being that maybe hak plays it to close to the vest and doesn't allow his players to use their god given talents...maybe schmaltz has been yelled at one too many times in practice to stay here, don't go there, do your job and don't mess up.....watch the video...there is fifteen seconds or ten seconds left in the game/season and he looked like he was posing for a picture back there...
  22. that could be the problem right there...hak would rather not give up a goal than to score a goal sometimes...just look at the last fifteen seconds of the game from yesterday...it might be so ingrained into the players heads that they don't use instinct and react...i think it was schmaltz that just sat on the blue line staring at the scrum right in front of him on the boards...just frickin sat there...he should have been going forward with everything he had but he just stayed there??? why?
  23. whatever sandelin, parker, york, allain, bennett, lucia, the gwoz, eaves, or comley did in the last few years did...what they did...don't know what they did but it worked.
  24. right off the checklist that all hak lovers have... hot goalie bad bounces bad ice bad luck what if jt miller had_____ injuries refs and the other team played their best game of the year. put em on dartboard...throw a dart and you have the reason why hak hasn't won a championship at any level in nearly 30 years!!!!!!!!
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