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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. probably saying the same thing six weeks ago...coach steig is got them right where they want them
  2. are u okay with kostitch coming back next after everything you saw this year?
  3. has any reporter asked bubba if kostitch will be back next season...rudy too? someone has to ask. its their job.
  4. how much was this remodeld building verus what we got with the betty?
  5. what's everyones take on billy brown? better upside than mcdermott? should have redshirted? seemed to be able to move his feet decently tonight but had an ugly airball?
  6. i saw that on tv..giant pillar or pillars??? really...how much cost savings was there retro fitting that concrete box? looks nice on tv but...
  7. i think our guards played really good d on them...quick feet and quick hands. nice team win drick is the man!! and he grew three inches in the offseason!!!!
  8. can someone name the last time we had all these in the same game? 1. muffed punt (recovered by siebel tho) 2. roughing the punter 3. blocked punt 4. give up a punt return for a td (called back on a penalty) but ran a "s" curve through the whole punt coverage untouched for a relatively easy td.
  9. me too...darrell bevell and rudy should have lunch sometime and ask each other" what were you thinking?"
  10. a digital graphic hooked up a noise meter down on the field...not a live shot of kelly howe holding the stupid thing?
  11. so they couldn't dedicate a small block of the video board to a real noise meter?
  12. think alerus center people could have come up with a real noise meter and showed it on the screen??? not a chance.
  13. they also missed a couple delay of game penaltys so i didn't surprise me that they didn't notice that...but if bubba would have taken the to one second before them we would have had a kickoff...
  14. yes assuming so...probably takes about 3 secs for that kick..one on the snap, one on the kick, and one to cover the distance...if there was 4 seconds on the clock we probably would have had a kickoff heck even taek the to to ice the kicker and let those north endzone people work that little guy over before that kick...anything could happen.
  15. call it at 4 or 5...whatever leaves one second on the clock for a kickoff...better than nothing. stupid to take that TO to the offseaon. and yes a kickoff would have changed the game...WE MIGHT HAVE WON! #leavenotimeouts
  16. and to think that extra week made our coaches rusty?
  17. well put...yes bubba should have played coy and boom timeout with 5 or 6 secs...exactly like you said maybe not enough time for richmond to run two plays but enough for santiago to GO!!!
  18. why didn't bubba use his last timeout??? all american return man back there....
  19. since i too busy being threatened by numerous ushers near the end of the game i just realized and read in the heraldo that bubba decided to hold onto his last timeout for the offseason??? r u kidding...so he decides not to call a timeout with at least nine seconds or so to either make them run another play or leave a couple seconds left for a kickoff when you have an allamerican return man??? really bubba?
  20. totally agree ...telling my brother that on that third down play...run it knowing that if you don't lose yards you go for it on 4th...totally agreed that is should have been a possibility to go for it...
  21. no..215 handicapped section...get this...alerus security told me if i sit in handicapped seating you CANNOT stand at any time??? almost got kicked out...
  22. actually i was in section 215...did i stand out or just a guess?
  23. i was yelling let them score...and i got a few quizzical looks
  24. and i' guess after reading this thread i surprised that no one has pointed out that we should have let them score on first and goal with one minute left.... would you rather have to go 80 yards with one minute and 1 timeout to score a td or hope richmond misses a 1 yard field goal... i know which one i would do
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