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Everything posted by SIOUXFAN97

  1. Only wanzak? How about every one watching this game or any game ketts plays... Two steps... Load that Rudy rocket arm for for seconds while staring down his predetermined receiver and let r rip
  2. How bad is BB if he can't beat out ketts zimm or a true freshman
  3. BB is our best bet to get back in this game....
  4. has ketts looked off ANY of his throws so far.......................
  5. thought hergel was supposed to be a mean sob?
  6. at this point it's time to move on from the jj experiment.
  7. chaves....................................how does this happen.
  8. agreed...and i'm almost there!!!!!
  9. I'm sure if you ask the guys they would be all in on a ten day road trip to play games at the above schools...i know playing at home is great but come on....the same 800 cotton tops at the betty!
  10. am i the only one that thinks instead of playing sd school of mines in front of 1000 people on a cold thursday night, chaves should load up the boys on a bus and have them play Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado, and Utah every other night on the road and take the money and put it back into the program?
  11. who is ventrelli starting for? from right to left what's the projected starting 5 for the oline at sat?
  12. third and ten with 1:30...run up the middle...4th and 8...two yard pass..game over. stud te didn't have a catch maybe for the last 10 minutes?
  13. whoever is calling the playsfor cal-davis is drunk....down 11 with 2 minutes to go...first play..delay of game..second play..run up the middle????
  14. it's kinda like uc-davis forgot they have a stud te in the red zone????? horrible
  15. why is that a penalty and is that reviewable? (reading hawkins lips he didn't it was)
  16. amc got more aggressive with their pricing...including a plan where i think you can see umlimited movies or at least a bunch if you buy a pass.
  17. bernstrom needs a a raise tho
  18. how much side money is haga sending to his cronies?
  19. just keep voting for mayor brown and it will all be okay?
  20. lower the drinking age to 18 and we're good. 18 for everything...voting, booze, guns, military service, (call me weird but i don't think people should be allowed to drive til their 18...)
  21. looking at the Jets new/old jersey's...that look would look nice for the football team with just the word "hawks" on their helmets...get rid of the grey and add black back in (like when dressler and chappel played)...glossy helmets instead of matte too!
  22. the more minor's they pass out weigel can use that for his next run for higher office.
  23. wanna have more students ACTUALLY go into the game? remove the 50/50 chance that they get a minor from the Gestapo if they have even had one sip outside tailgating? they aint taking the risk...
  24. i went to go see who the 3 people busted with drugs were and got this screen....i just deleted my heraldo bookmark from chrome.
  25. success in the fcs has no correlation to a moveup to FBS...either you move up and be an indy like Liberty (SiouxVolley correctly predicted btw) or you get a conference invite...NDAC aint doing the first or getting the second anytime soon regardless of how many D1-AA titles they win. the summit/bsc/mvfc move up is theeeeee only way to FBS for all scholls in this region.
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