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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. Which works 50% of the time, all the time
  2. there is very little profiteering going on here “in the states”...it just makes headlines when people do it.
  3. Video games and snow plow parenting. If kids are bored, they go outside. BMI as obesity measure remains stupid however. I love the 5’7 130lb Asian man who only comprehends 6’1 230 not 18 inch neck.
  4. Monsanto...they are to blame for everything
  5. There you go being all level- headed and reasonable. Don’t you know this is the internet?
  6. I think he missed a comma. Italy has a much smaller, older population.
  7. Consumerism and credit was bound to hammer us at some point.
  8. Hoping it’s half that time, but your point remains. Wish I could say most people can ride that out, but I know most cant. Might be a hard lesson for many about driving new trucks and having a 60 inch TV and the latest iPhone.
  9. We’re all bored...and some of us are puck heads and healthcare heads too
  10. If you read my posts, you will see I’m not a panic button guy. You will also see that I’d like to see his data and narrative. The fact he has said this however peaks my attention more than others. In a major meeting, There are people in the leather chairs in the room, there are people on the phone, and there’s everybody else. If Andy isn’t in the room or on the phone, he is talking directly and personally to those who are. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is running the numbers before they go to the CDC.
  11. Andy Slavitt is a healthcare data and analytics expert. He is also a well respected businessman in the space.
  12. I was trying to make it politically agnostic- hence the quotes. He is an expert.
  13. I interacted with him Professionally when he was running Optum Insights. When it comes to big healthcare data- his methods and quant are basically gospel. i’d like to see what he’s seeing Along with his narrative to inform my position. Opinions and action Steps from that data will vary, but I put a lot of credence in what he says.
  14. This “Obama guy” is not a politician. He isn’t a talking head either. I have personally interacted with him in business. In the circles I run in, his opinion matters. He’s not always right, but when he speaks I make sure I hear what he’s saying.
  15. So- Andy is usually one of the smartest people in the room. I’m curious if he’s seen anything or his people have seen anything in the last 36 hours that would alter this projection. one of the things I’m seeing is that CA models are extremely worried about it ripping through the homeless population unabated.
  16. To alleviate human suffering when we can. operative words being when we can. You do your best. gotta take the personal and emotional out of it if you are making difficult decisions.
  17. Just wait until some junky on a speedball dies because we ran out of vents...the moral outrage! If we just had more control and more govt services we could save the world! snowflake mentality. Nobody is special, we are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen (splattering of most other elements)brilliantly organized for a nanosecond in space time as we propel towards entropy. Love one another, live each minute as if it’s your last, and accept What cannot be controlled.
  18. I’d celebrate those we would be able to save as opposed to mourning those lost. We can not save everyone.
  19. Yes- that is the goal...slow burn vs explosion
  20. The bar chart In the link cherry picks a top ten vs average, but I don’t disagree on academic comp. Physician comp is of course extremely disparate. High volume procedurists making 7 figures and low volume PCPs making less than coders at Microsoft.
  21. I just don’t think the testing really matters for most...if as you say people are conservative and responsible- don’t give it, don’t get it...if sick, limit your interactions with other people. If you don’t need to leave the house, don’t leave the house.
  22. Where I am in CA it’s pretty much everything
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