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Everything posted by yzerman19

  1. Hard not to root for a hockey team with a Blais, Zombo, and Archibald on it....
  2. I sincerely wish I could've watched the game on Saturday. Evn if half the shots were from the perimeter, that is still a shooting gallery, and presumably the best offensive play we've had as a team this year, despite the result.
  3. Just wait until Omaha wins the conference tile...this thread will hae one doozies.
  4. Not calling anybody out, but a pretty simple life lesson. It has been my experience that the wealthiest people in the room- well, you'd never know it, and they'd never say it. They certainly don t count it by the hour, it is by the transaction and by the year. The financiers always wear nicer suits than the guys that they're making 4 percent on
  5. Now I'm tracking. Although, to stay within the theme of this thread...they did win a title within recent memory
  6. Let's see, we are really excited by a 1-1 tie after 1 period playing an unranked team with a losing record. we've got a little more Sioux pride than that I should hope
  7. As the Boss famously said "down here its just winners and losers and dont get caught on the wrong side of that line." I think some posters might be Dave Hakstol's dad, and other posters- well maybe Dave stole their date freshman year.
  8. It's fair to say that the on-ice product this year is not up to standards, and most of us are unconvinced that this year's version can turn it around... They are playing hockey so poorly that it has to be a mix of coaching strategy and player execution. Both are on the head coach to fix. We have a program and facility that almost any coach would kill to drive. That means we have options, and the guy in charge is in the hot seat.
  9. Not the most rigorous analysis of a coach- simply looking at historical record. Way too many other variables at play. If you can them a year before they win a natty it proves nothing. In economics it's called post hoc ergo proctor hoc- a common flaw in logic- meaning after this therefore because of this. Nobody can prove what would've happened if the coach was replaced. The team might still have won.
  10. agree. We also don't have a stable of future NHLers that just need to figure out how to play together...
  11. good point- it reinforces that none of this happens in a vacuum. Do Toews and Oshie come here if Parise doesn't come here? Do Kristo and Rocco come here if Toews and Oshie don't come here? We'll never know. The bigger thing that I am commenting on is not that we are losing this year or that we haven't won a title, it is how AWFUL we look this year, and how often we look awful in the NCAAs. I'm sorry, scoring 1 or 2 goals per game is ridiculous, and it isn't all due to hot goalies or a left wing lock.
  12. Read the post above it. I agree that I made a mistake in the post...and get over yourself...
  13. You're right. I was still shaking off last night's cobwebs. What I meant to say was Bobby Motzko is coming off SCSU's best season ever, Miami was in the title game three years ago, and Sandy won a title two years ago.
  14. I've actually turned a corner- I think Hak is not the guy and is not going to be the guy. He's had the teams and failed...now, he doesn't have the team and is failing magnificently.
  15. two of the guys you called out have won titles in the last three years, with the third guy being in the title game in the same time period
  16. I have an idea...d to d to wing to center to wing to center... crazy how short passes and simple give and gos can make the game work in your favor...then...OMG...stop and start and go to the net hard with stick on the ice...and then...OMG...shoot, pass to the far post, to the trailer, or use your point...or OMG...if nothing, stop and pivot with your head up and find an open man moving to an open spot on the ice... From Pee Wee on, it is the same darn game...
  17. BY the way, how about that eastern bias commentary announcement. I really wish we had a team to make him eat crow. Which players on our team, based on their performances so far this year would make any team in the league... Grimaldi- likely a top six on any team in NCAA Jewels- certainly top nine on any team in NCAA Parks- makes lineup on any team in NCAA Mark Mac- makes lineup on any team in NCAA Simpson- makes lineup on any team in NCAA Schmaltz- makes lineup Stecher- makes lineup 7 of 19 positions we have covered
  18. The sun will rise, but we will not make the NCAAs this year...mark my words. if I am wrong, I will eat crow. If I am right, well, I get to be right. Hak and co need to go.
  19. I just trashed a major rant. Simply put, we have had the most talent run through our program without a championship... Toewser can win at the NHL level but not in college...wonder why...
  20. I keep tuning in hoping for a different result, and what keeps happening is that I end up turning off the TV because we are so bad and so not playing fighting sioux hockey this year...i have never been this disappointed with the performances. I actually let my son change the game to the Gopher Bulldog game. This team has zero team offense. It is a coaching embarrassment. I don't get to fire Dave and his merry men, but I can stop watching.
  21. well...it is Nike...so, what can you expect when the jersey is created by a six year old Asian child that has never seen ice, let alone ice hockey.
  22. point taken. That had to be the ugliest 2 on 1 I've ever seen with Parks and Johnson
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