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Everything posted by iluvdebbies

  1. Of the 16 starting goalies from last years playoffs.....the average draft position was 103rd overall(early 4th round).
  2. All four.... third round or later Most.....not so sure about that.
  3. Ryan Miller 138th overall. Jonathan 72nd overall Ben Bishop 85th overall Matt Murray 83rd overall
  4. Classic clueless answer....I was there this weekend....how about you. Plus 50 students went on my dime.
  5. Clueless...try going to a game....and please don't tell us about the game you went to when you were nine....you have used up all the equity on that one.
  6. Stop while you are ahead, Blackheart.....you just can't match that kind of cleverness.
  7. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  8. Textbook under reporting......
  9. I'm going to give each of you 100 more posts tonight, to make your case....and then I'm cutting you off.
  10. Is there a Tomek type player on the bench....I'd put her in.
  11. Penn St ... SOS is ranked 35th Not a biased opinion, just a fact
  12. http://herosports.com/news/fcs-playoffs-upset-chances-2nd-round
  13. I know one thing for sure....whatever is wrong with the team right now....won't be fixed on here.
  14. Here we go again....this should bring out the hockey bashers. Which should lead to a increase in attendance for the FB playoff game on Saturday. What this thread is all about. True UND fans NEVER rip on another UND program.....no excuses.
  15. Turnovers... penalties.....missed open nets...all Cam's fault
  16. .... yeah I'm at the game. Just seeing if I could get cratter to say it one more time
  17. They always find a way to be the Vikings.
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