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Posts posted by CoteauRinkRat

  1. Well, that was the majority of the segment, so yeah. 

    Maris had a great couple of years, we don't need to be crying as a state to get him the record.  Maybe the state legislature should be working on more important things!

    And, like I said before, the rest was decent.


    Did you see the big piece on the tournament and the interviews with the players and coaches? That was great for them, a highlight in their life.

    I'll call my legislator today and tell him ESPNInsider wants them to be working on more important things.

  2. Program was a joke!  I hate how they had to go with the idiots in the State Legislature and say that the state thinks Maris should still have the record.  I mean come on people get over it.  The record was beat 6 times in 4 years. 

    Because you didn't like the Maris piece, the whole thing was a joke? I thought it was pretty good, especially when Steve Levy said, "How can you not fall in love with North Dakota."

    I thought the Maris piece was good. I'm glad they did it.

  3. Great.......another eastern North Dakota hockey chest thumping thread.  I'm from Minot, and every time I try to have a legitimate conversation with someone regarding high school hockey all I hear is......HAH....Minot???  Or when I try to talk about the up and coming young programs that are just starting to get kids interested in playing hockey (Mandan, Hazen, etc.) all I hear is...ohh well Western hockey is just atrocious.

    Let the "The state tournament should only be East Region teams" chest thumping thread of fame begin.....


    The best thing to do is ignore the "chest pumping"............even though that is tough sometimes.

  4. Here we go:

    From the western college hockey blog:

    Finley was offered a scholarship by North Dakota and Boston University, as well as a partial scholarship to Minnesota. With the likelihood of defenseman Matt Greene leaving for the NHL, as well as the off-chance of Matt Smaby going pro, and the uncertainty of Robbie Bina

  5. Tuesday at 5.  The only place there was any sort of cars was where the bridge north of town is under construction and you're cut to one lane.  But I only counted about 25 cars.  A two lane road during rush hour can handle 25 cars.


    You are honestly going to say there were only 25 cars on I-29 during rush hour in Fargo?

    I've driven through Minneapolis before and traffic wasn't that bad at all, does that mean they don't have serious issues of rush hour traffic? Of course not. I'm just trying to say that driving through a place a couple times of year does not give one an accurate reflection of the traffic concerns and flow patterns in a given city.

  6. Wow.  You are tearing this guy apart.  I've lived there and now I travel there and I can agree with what some of IowaBison is saying.  32nd Avenue is strip mall city...that could be Woodbury, Oakdale, Richfield (along the 494 stretch) or any other cookie cutter suburb in Minneapolis/St Paul.  There was something about the old downtown that won't be seen again anytime soon.  Cut the guy some slack.


    We are tearing him apart? :D:lol:

    Since you can agree with some of what he is saying, than I guess we will stop commenting on this, because if you agree then he must be right.

  7. Once again beauty is in the eye of the beholder. There is a lot of "show" in Grand Forks which has replaced a lot of substance.


    Since you live here and experience everyday life, you know everything about this town. Thanks for all the insight.

  8. Let me amend that. For the most part Grand Forks survived and a guy gave the University a $100 million for an arena.



    Wow, are you sure you have been to Grand Forks in the last 40 years?

    If you don't think Grand Forks has anything to offer, that is fine. I guess I will continue living in this town with nothing to offer, always living in the envy of Fargo. I'm not sure how I will be able to cope, but I will try my best.

  9. The Metro would probably have an extra 5,000 people as well. 

    A lot of the construction was to replace infrastructure that was lost.  Grand Forks got some showy new buildings, but it also lost a pretty decent downtown.


    Of course there would be more people, no one has said any different.

    Have you driven around Grand Forks in a while? There is a little bit more than some replaced infrastructure.

    I talked to a couple of salesmen who were in town from Chicago a couple weeks ago, neither of them had been here since the early 90s and both commented on how much nicer downtown is now. So I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

  10. Just imagine where Grand Forks would be if the flood had never happened or if you still have 6,000 folks working just west of town.


    That is a good point, the only thing I would add to that is, the city would have a whole different look to it if the flood had never happened. Hundreds of millions of dollars in new construction/renovation throughout the city took place that would have never happened if the flood hadn't occurred.

  11. Seriously, when I read the comments from Bison fans like IowaBison, I have to wonder when they last visited Grand Forks. That it's still on the map after the 1997 flood but is also a vastly improved, vibrant and growing city is a true testament to the determination and hard work of community leaders and residents.

    I usually don't allow you to speak for me, but on this issue, I definitely will. :D

    You hit the nail on the head PCM. Has Grand Forks grown like Fargo, not even close, but that doesn't mean this town hasn't really changed in the last decade. The flood obviously had a lot to do with that, but just take a drive down 32nd Ave. and see a whole new corridor of businesses, it is quite amazing.

  12. And when will this demand happen?  10 years?  20?  Because at this point you are starting to have to make repairs, and hence wasting money.  It isn't needed today and I doubt it'll be needed in 5 years.  Most Fargo people don't seem to bother with the I-29.  It's used by those from Moorhead or traveling through.


    To take your argument a little further than, why does the federal govt. give any money to North Dakota for roads, since you make the point that they are not at crowded as other places?

    I can see your argument, but it doesn't fly with me when comparing road and traffic conditions in North Dakota to other highly congested places across the country. Apples and oranges

  13. With all due respect, there's a LOT more things to do for entertainment in Fargo-Moorhead than in Grand Forks. Fargo-Moorhead's urban area has almost 165,000 people, and the metro has almost 200,000. Compare that with what, 60,000 for GF/EGF (including the Air Force base, and I'm being generous)?? What else can you do in the winter in GF besides go to a sue hockey game?? In the meantime, Fargo offers a LOT more than GF, including a symphony orchestra, more movie theatres, live theatre, minor league baseball, more shopping choices, etc. Sure, people have the choice of going to Bison football games here, but they also have the choice of doing a lot more things unlike your little economically depressed town. You guys are lucky that you even have a top-ranked hockey team. What else could you do in January besides get drunk if you didn't have your hockey team?? I remember what someone told me about what one of their former professors said about Fargo and Grand Forks: Fargo-Moorhead is like a small Twin Cities, and Grand Forks is like a big Grafton.

    And about the football attendance, give us some time. I'm 100% positive that we'll average more than 16,000 this year, and we'll get two, possibly three sellouts. We host Cal-Davis, SDSU (Our NEW rival) and Northern Colorado, as well as Nicholls State (who is a contender in I-AA) and Weber State, while a cellar-dweller in the Big Sky, should still attract at least 13,000.

    So you have to put this into perspective. Our average attendance has been rising every year since 2002, and will continue to do so. And remember that there's a LOT more to do in F-M than GF.


    This makes me laugh out loud. I'm not sure what attacking the town of Grand Forks has to do with attendance figures at football and hockey games. Congratulations, there is more to do in FM than GF, you win. Do you feel better? I would think that a metro area of your size would have more things to offer, but thankfully you pointed out to everyone on this board that very point.

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