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Posts posted by siouxfan512

  1. 1 hour ago, The Sicatoka said:

    L: @Boise, @SDSU, @UNI*


    *hangover game; I've said what I've said.

    This did remind me that I had a dream last night about UND football and we were absolutely smoking the Bison. While I don't anticipate us smoking them, it is time to get that W. It should have happened in 2021; can't miss out this year.


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  2. 6 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Disagree if you’re referencing NDSU.

    NDSU is the gold standard of FCS football. To not compare would be ignorant, and certainly not ridiculous. 

    NDSU is 76 miles from UND. Big picture-wise, geographically speaking, they are largely one and the same.  Both NDUS institutions. Ran by the same NDUS umbrella. Both easily mistaken for each other by folks outside of North Dakota and the immediate region. Now, of course there are differences in objectives, goals, philosophy, donor base, etc., as you state, but in the context of FCS football in North Dakota, NDSU is absolutely the best comparison to UND. And to state it is ridiculous to compare the two is absolute ludicrous. 

    If you’re referencing the University of Minnesota, then I do agree with you, as University of Minnesota does not have direct in-state competition like UND-NDSU. 

    Correct, I was refencing Minnesota. I agree, I would love nothing more than to have UND football in the same conversation as NDSU.

  3. On 4/21/2023 at 4:48 PM, UND-FB-FAN said:

    “Butt hurt”? Vikings? Hockey town?
    Dang you’re out in left field.

    As a division I model, centering on hockey won’t work. University of Minnesota - the “state of hockey” flagship - still invests significantly more in football than hockey. UND athletics is a dysfunctional model held hostage by special interest donors. 

    If UND ascends, it’s because football grows, not because anything better or different happens to ice hockey. 

    You're missing the point.

    If you want football to help grow the university, fine. But football gets in its own way with its consistency and on field performance. UND and Grand Forks include a ton of hockey fans (and football fans). You seem to want football only fans. Good luck changing everyone's minds. Again, Football's success or failures have nothing to do with hockey.

    Sure, football could use some more fund. They could also be more successful and generate more income. Maybe I'm wrong, but after seeing so many of your posts, you come across as bitter that hockey does so well ... that's what happens when you recruit, win and build a sustainable program.

    Now I absolutely love UND football too, and I'd like to see them have the same level of success as UND hockey or as what we have seen built in Fargo, but one sport has nothing to do with the other.

    Comparing to the U is also ridiculous give the difference in money, attendance, location, tv deals, donors, etc.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Just now, siouxweet said:

    To me this seems more like a token jesture.  Happened in football as well with 2 GF kids.  If they aren't good enough for a scholarship they should go elsewhere.    These walk on offers mean about as much as a verbal commitment. 

    So walk on's are ok, so long as they are from outside of GF? Is Thompson ok? Fargo? What's the approved distance for a walk on?

    • Upvote 1
  5. 17 hours ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    The status quo isn’t nearly good enough for UND athletics. In fact, 2022-2023 was a very disappointing year. “Grand Forks is a big hockey town” is the status quo. Also perhaps a fact, but doesn’t mean it’s unchangeable. 

    Why are you so butt hurt over GF being a hockey town? Football can still be huge in a hockey town. Minnesota is the "State of Hockey" and I think the Vikings are doing just fine. Different situations, I know!

    Hockey may get more funding, but they also generate more income. Maybe I'm in the minority, but football's biggest holdback is football, not hockey. If football becomes dominant and still can't get some more traction, you may have a point, but I doubt that will be the case. You want more fans and more support from the community, Win! Its that simple. 

    • Upvote 2
  6. 1 hour ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Yes, absolutely. One is superior to the other. Ask the country. 

    Again, you're ignoring the fact that you are in Grand Forks, which is a big time hockey town. Unless you're going to persuade the majority of the town to think the way you do, that is just a fact.

    Now I'd love to see both football and hockey have the same level of passion and following, and if UND could make a multi year deep playoff run or win a few championships, you may very well start seeing that type of following for football. Not sure why you are always so hell bent on it having to be one or the other; like the success of football is directly related to a decline in hockey. Why not both? 

    Hockey fans will always be hockey fans; There will always be some people where that is there priority. Same the other way. And there are enough people in GF and surrounding areas to support both, even if game times do overlap. The hockey following comes from "mostly" sustained success over a long period of time. Football hasn't been able to replicate that sustained success or generate the same type of following. If the following is there, I could care less if the games overlap, it just mean I have to lug a second tv into the living room so I can watch both at the same time.

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  7. 1 minute ago, bincitysioux said:

    When I was younger, I loved the double-header days.  Now I'm middle-aged, and it gets to be a long day so I will most likely have my hockey tix for those Saturdays for sale.  Well, maybe not the Wisconsin game because I miss seeing them on the schedule.

    And the old guy in me appreciates the 6:00 pm hockey games on Saturdays now. 

    I also loved the double headers when I was in school. Not being in GF, I don't have to worry about the ticket issue, its more a matter of dancing around kids activities.

    I always enjoyed the 7/7:30 starts because I could get kids to bed and pretty much relax and enjoy the games in peach and quiet. Now my son is hooked on watching hockey (any team, any level, any time) so the 6 pm games are definitely nice so he can stay up and watch them.

  8. 14 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    The game will be at noon. I’d prefer the biggest football game in North Dakota be played at 2 or 3 PM, that’s all. A huge number of other folks would agree with that. But it is what it is given the home hockey game. Ultimately, hockey is affecting football, which I think is pure bullsh*t and stupidity (in simple terms, I’m backed by popular vote), but again, we know who Chaves answers to (Midco, sure, but bigger picture is donor down south).

    But aren't they also reacting to what they have to work with? They can certainly close the gap between games (lets put tv schedules aside for the moment); but they would only be hurting themselves and attendance for football. 

    You don't want hockey to impact football, but football can impact hockey? Bottom line, schools with multiple sports are going to impact each other. You have to try your best to accommodate both. I really don't see a major issue with a 12pm game, it may not be ideal, but is a 2 hour difference the end of the world? No!

    Reading between the lines, it sounds like you just want more hardcore football fans, more football donors, and ultimately for football to have the exact same level of support that hockey does. That would be awesome and all, but wanting it isn't going to make it happen.

    For what its worth, I think you could easily do the football game at 1 or 1:30 and the hockey game at 7 or 7:30. That being said, I'm not in charge of schedules and I'm guessing there are some other factors that play into this. I'm a fan of both, so I really don't have one I want to see get preference over the other. As long as I can watch both games and they both win, its a good day!

    • Upvote 3
  9. I have to say that I really like the addition of size to our line up. 

    I don't know enough about Pyke but I like that both Zmolek and Johannes seem to be physical players. I'm not for gooning it up or playing cheap, but player hard and physical and making opponents actually think about going into the corners with you is a good thing. 

    Hard not to be a bit skeptical after the way this year ended (though there was plenty of promise at the end with the way they were playing), but I do like the potential in some of these transfers. Who knows, maybe some of them click right away and become a solid unit. Hopefully a few of the freshman can understand what will be needed of them and step right into their roles.

    I never considered Moore to be dominant, but I wish we could have kept him around. That being said, maybe getting a whole new unit that can grow together won't be a bad thing. Hopefully they can gel quickly.

    • Upvote 3
  10. Open ended question (Not looking to be combative or argumentative):

    I don't follow our hockey recruiting close enough, but are we just not offering enough guys or getting enough commitments in general? I know there were issues a few years back about Wisconsin offering endless guys and getting endless commitments and that they wouldn't be able to pull them all in.

    From a numbers standpoint, are we offering as many as other schools? Are we getting a similar number of commitments as other schools? Are we getting the commitments, but just from guys that are not developing as hoped? Something definitely feels different, but I'm not sure what it is. I know there are conversations around the B10 taking over, but schools like Denver have been consistently pulling in high end talent. Western has had a pretty nice run. SCSU and Duluth have certainly had strong teams (Duluth obviously with a down year, but they have some nice players coming in).

    I miss the days of connections to strong programs where we would get a string of recruits that already played together and had chemistry. Shattuck was great to this program for a while. Then Penticton provided a nice string of players too. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, Big A HG said:


    Of course small schools can have good players, but his one season with Lindenwood was a statistical anomaly compared to the rest of the kid's career so far.  I certainly hope he does well and can carry over his success from Lindenwood, but we're UND...trying to compete with the likes of Duluth, Denver, Minnesota, Michigan, etc on a national stage.  There's a reason this kid was at AIC and Lindenwood and there's no reason we have such a poor roster accounting problem from those in charge that we have to bring in talent from low-end schools to band-aid some major recruiting problems.

    Why are so few top talent kids suddenly refusing to come here?  Are they even recruited?  Why are so many others that do commit transferring away from a program like UND?  What's going on here?  Why am I the bad guy for pointing out some obvious issues?  College athletics are almost entirely about recruiting no matter what sport, and UND is in major decline in that department, especially considering the resources UND offers.

    No, I share many of the same frustrations. But who knows what some of these new kids will bring. Maybe they come in and a few of them end up being game changing players. I'd definitely like to see more consistency in recruiting and certainly in our on ice production. 

    Tough to deal with missing the tournament a few times now after consistently making it for so many year and also having so many Frozen 4 appearances. The Hak years were definitely a fun time to be a fan given the players we were watching and the success we had.

    Would also be great to get back to some good goaltending. Seemed like we had an endless string of good goalies for about 15 years.

  12. 1 minute ago, Big A HG said:

    When we're excited about this acquisition as fans of the University of North Dakota hockey program, that tells you all you need to know about the state of our program right now.

    Because bad programs or small programs can't have good players?

    I get what you're saying and it is frustrating that we may not have more high end guys that are ready to jump in. It would be nice to get a Cooley or a Fantilli here and there, but it is what it is. At this point I'm more concerned with what we DO have and what we do with it next year.

  13. 12 minutes ago, siouxforce19 said:

    I like it, seems like a good addition. Hopefully he can come in an gel quickly. I think the talent for these kids will be there, the question will be how fast can they build chemistry on the ice.

    All eye on the defense and unfortunately, I don't think we will know much about that group until the season starts. Hopefully we can land a decent transfer or 2 to help mentor all of the young guys. Who know, if this new group can get on the ice and make it work it could be the start of a fun few years.

  14. 1 hour ago, SJHovey said:

    One thing I'm taking away from this final is this.  There isn't a lot that separates the top 25-30 college hockey teams in any given year.

    QU and MN were clearly the two best teams during the tournament.  They were the top two seeds, and they played like it.

    North Dakota played those two teams on back to back weekends last October.  Three of the four games went to overtime.  In every single game North Dakota lead.  In fact, you can argue that we probably should have won three of those four games.  Yet we weren't really that close to either qualifying for the tournament or this championship game.  It doesn't take much to change your fortunes in this sport.

    I would say that Minnesota looks far better now than they did in October though. The young talent has become more comfortable at this level and the team has gelled. Similar to UND really, but they have a higher level of young talent. Gophers have just looked good, though I really though SCSU had a chance of taking them out there. Too bad.

    • Upvote 1
  15. 3 hours ago, Clark17 said:

    Should be good.  I think the Goofs are the better team unfortunately.    

    Goofs definitely have the talent, but that doesn't mean they will win. Seems reminiscent of their last national championship game against Union.

    Not a Pecknold fan, but I'll be pulling hard for Q. If they can take out Michigan, there is not reason they can't take out Minnesota.

  16. 4 hours ago, stoneySIOUX said:

    From what I was told this week, it's HE that is considering staying one more year in the USHL. The team agrees, and both sides are saying he could come in, but he personally feels he's not ready yet.

    That's why I'm playing beer league. Just still honing some of those skills and developing. I'll be ready to make the jump ..... eventually!


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  17. 12 hours ago, Stack said:

    Well let's see in 2005 North Dakota brought in 13 freshmen.  They were:

    Joe Finley (D)

    Taylor Chorney (D)

    Todd Alexander (D)

    Zach Jones (D)

    TK Oshie (F)

    Ryan Martens (F)

    Jonathon Toews (F)

    Andrew Kozek (F)

    Brad Miller (F and then played D later)

    Ryan Duncan (F)

    Matt Watkins (F)

    Brain Lee (D)

    Aaron Walski (G)

    That team had 6 sophomores, 6 juniors, and 2 seniors. They went to 4 Frozen Fours in a row even though a number of players turned pro early. Not sure if this is even possible now with the transfer portal but we can hope?


    who the F is Todd Alexander?

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