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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. Are you telling what I can talk about now? The topic is about what type of coach UND should have.
  2. I could not care less if they move on from Bubba. But thinking a new guy will come in and revitalize the program for a few years, only to leave, and THAT will be the difference is not dealing in reality. UND needs somebody who will be here for 7-10 years to build it to a Top 10 level every year - and hopefully then the next guy can build off that. This isn't NDSU where every coach wins, no matter what.
  3. OK. So trying to think of all the FCS coaches that are getting plucked by FBS schools. I come up with NDSU, SHSU (Fritz), JMU (Houston), Hauck went to UNLV 11 years ago to get his ass kicked and end up right back at Montana. Baldwin went to be an OC at Cal. Choate went to be a linebacker coach at Texas. So the programs whose coaches attract FBS offers are NDSU, JMU, SHSU, EWU, Montana and Montana State. Shocker - all football first, national power schools. (also doing the downvote thing when you don't like a point being made is weaksh*t)
  4. Other than Bubba due to his age, what lifer is on the staff? I don't get it I guess.
  5. No I made my point exactly clear, damn near perfect. They can lose coaches and not miss a beat. Name that last coach that was a overall net 'loser' at NDSU? Hell, Bob Babich was 46-22 in his time there. Cmon.
  6. I said they would lose Deboer in 2-3 years if he won. Bohl was at NDSU for 11. Klieman was there for 8 years total.
  7. and comparing UND to NDSU in the overall state of the program is apples to oranges. It's hard to lose at NDSU
  8. DeBoer would've been here for 2-3 years tops if he won then we start all over. If he didn't we would be bitching about him too.
  9. We might not be throwing there if we are winning. Round and round we go
  10. Well there you have it. The 2022 MVFC standings will look exactly the same as 2021.
  11. Harrisonburg, VA is literally in the middle of nowhere. Being a distant suburb of Cincinnati, in another state, is cool? My gawd these kids are dumb.
  12. NDSU had 15,500. South Dakota had 5,415.
  13. Wondering why our star RB is not playing every third game when he isn't injured is far from gossip.
  14. Problem is this ain't high school amymore, he is getting paid now through NIL, along with cost of attendance and a scholarship. Time to grow up or go play intramurals
  15. Huh. Tried to say that the other day but..
  16. our two best offensive players are not playing due to a never-ending hamstring pull (maag) and not doing what he is supposed to be doing (weah). great leadership
  17. Quarantined at a HS football game?
  18. He has been injured with a hamstring injury since Idaho State. Really?
  19. Wow you really thought this through. Appreciate the effort
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