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Everything posted by UND1983

  1. There is so much interesting stuff in this video I don't even know where to begin. Man, does this look bad being he is an NDSU athlete. He even says himself he should be done playing football after two resisting arrest charges. Obviously, Bohl said something to him in the past for him to have that idea.
  2. As their leader Tony always says: "standards of ethics are universal". Which is what his board is built on: ethics.
  3. So Beck leaves a safe environment in which he could have stayed and instead agrees to fight the guy outside....that is "defending himself or self-defense"? Quote from Beck: "so I took it outside....".
  4. I agree. I got PM'd and asked to fight also from one of their fans that poses on here as a fan of "both".
  5. That video is classic. The drunkest guy in Fargo is trying to talk his way out of the resisting arrest charge. Really makes the NDSU athletic department look great. One of their own in the spotlight!
  6. With the resisting arrest sticking, yes. Without, they will do absolutely nothing IMO.
  7. ...and my guess is NDSU will then act like nothing happened. Not even the running from the cops and resisting arrest.
  8. Like I said, this will be spun and twisted to the point where he was "defending" himself and everyone in Fargo will completely ignore the fact that its his third offense in as many years. His past history will somehow be ignored by Bohl, GT and the fanbase. Quick will turn him into the victim, somehow, some way. You cannot deny the resisting arrest part, but I am sure somehow that will go away soon also. It's becoming fairly predictable.
  9. Dom Izzo ‏@DomIzzoWDAY 6m Defense attorney Bruce Quick tells me he believes there's "self-defense element" regarding Travis Beck and will be successfully defended Here we go. The best attorney in the state will spin, twist and mold the hell out of this to where Beck is playing next fall. Gene will then tell everyone that "he has been through enough" and will be suspended for 1 game. Book it.
  10. Fair enough-makes sense. I wish UND would have tossed Watkins after he got his marijuana possession charges early on. They suspended him twice and should have booted him immediately. Sends a message when they finally do boot the player. Giving them multiple chances does nothing for anybody.
  11. We are talking about "IF" he was defending himself. I say it doesn't matter, he put himself in that situation and its strike 3 for him. You say he has an out-card based on "self-defense" or "other guy threw first punch", etc.
  12. I agree with that. If the story from the police report holds up, there is no choice for Bohl and Taylor.
  13. Exactly what I thought you would say. Nothing about him putting himself in that position at 3am in the morning. Nothing about him resisting arrest for a second time. He should have pretty much been on double secret probation with Bohl after his run-ins so anything else would do him in, correct? Despite that, he still got into a fight outside a bar at 3am. Based on his past and the outcome of this in the media and how the other guy was in the hospital, I find it hard to believe you still think he should be on the team because "the other guy thew a punch first". If this was his first offense, by all means, let it play out and suspend him for a game. But this is strike 3 for him, no matter who "threw the first punch".
  14. No I don't think it is. You would fit in great on BV. Most of your posts are critical of what UND is doing anyway.
  15. High standards down in Fargo. The guy has been charged with Felony Assault, Resisting Arrest (TWICE), and Minor In Possession in his time in Fargo and you think he should still be on the team "if he didn't instigate it" this time. Even after beating a guy unconscious and putting him in the hospital. You can't make it up. "Strike Four and Your Out"
  16. KU and KSU are within driving distance? Have fun with that drive. Can you stop faking the "UND-North Dakota Fan" bullsh*t please?
  17. Here is the part I love from Calliou's article on Beck: The felony assault charge for a Bison football player is a first in Bohl’s 10 years at NDSU. LMFAO! Did he really need to add that in there? So now we are breaking out all felonies into categories and showing which one's have been filled and which haven't? He never ceases to amaze me.
  18. Not surprised that the cops caught up to Watkins.
  19. I hope they give him what he deserves for this one. Watkins was widely known as a cancer on the team and deserves everything he is getting.
  20. I see Travis Beck of NDSU has now been arrested for Aggravated Assault (felony) and Resisting Arrest of an Officer. From what I remember he has gotten multiple minors in the past. Lets see how tough or not tough Bohl will be on this one.
  21. Let me get this straight. Multiple players get arrested for forging siggies, its front page news, and they get nothing. But some clown wears the wrong gear to a function and he gets a quarter? Sidepoint - who suspends somebody for a quarter? Weak.
  22. Awfully sympathetic and understanding to NDSU in your posts. Interesting.
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