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Posts posted by petey23

  1. Are we pretending that when the selection committee is comparing the resumes of the bubble teams that the bid the schools put in to host the game doesn't trump the actual analytics?

    • Upvote 3
  2. 8 hours ago, jdub27 said:

    Third highest bid out of 16 first round teams last time. They also changed the rules on hosting after the tent city embarrassment. 

    The Southland Conference boosted all the bids for their conference teams.

  3. 12 hours ago, Sioux94 said:

    Not sure if there played each other this year since they don't end up playing all conference teams, but sounds like they pretty much won't pair two teams in the first round that have already played each other. Either way I'm sure it will be our luck to be matched up with the highest bidder. 

    Idaho and Davis did play. Idaho did not play Montana State so pretty sure they will be pigtailed to play in Bozeman and we will likely be the opponent. If our Athletic Department doesn't step on their d!cks again the game better be in GF.

  4. 5 minutes ago, UND-FB-FAN said:

    Agreed. Tommy is good (very good) at escaping, but on plays where end rusher gets good contain, Tommy trying to go outside all the time kills the play. Hence all the damn throw aways out of bounds (partially due to coverage as well). 

    He had 4 options on that play.

    1. Step up and run for 3-4 yards

    2. Step up and throw the ball to a receiver.

    3. Step up and throw the ball away.

    4. Sack yourself.

  5. 7 minutes ago, homer said:

    It will be interesting to see where we are placed.  Hoping to be in the Alerus next Saturday.  

    I am going to say we play Idaho with the winner going to Bozeman the following weekend. I expect that Chaves will not screw this up this time and that the game will be at the Alerus.

  6. 2 hours ago, forksandspoons said:

    Not saying it would have mattered much, but Tom Miller mentioned some players, including Seth Anderson, were sick this week. Anderson’s replacement got off the ball very slow on the first sack of the game that started the snowball. 

    True but he managed to keep his guy to the outside and pushed him past the play and then Tommy decided to sack himself.

    • Upvote 1
  7. 8 hours ago, The Sicatoka said:

    Aren’t you afraid it would only say NO most of the time? 

    Reminds me of a joke about tattoos.

    To sum up, one tattoo said "Wendy" and the other tatoo said "Welcome to Jamaica 'mon, have a nice day"

    • Upvote 1
  8. 51 minutes ago, 1972 said:

    interesting thing about Kauker...i have a brother in law that has been a high school football coach with a couple of teams in the area....he played high school football for red river at least 25+years ago...to this day mark still knows who my brother in law is, and probably , what his stats were his senior year..mark is definetly one of a kind.  still calls my brother in law a traitor for not coaching at a grand forks school.  always for the home team

    Back in the late 80's and early 90's men's fastptich softball league in Grand Forks used to bring quite a crowd out to watch and drink a few beers at Apollo, and Mark was always out there. I wore #8.

    Up until about 5-6 years ago Mark would still occassionally call me "8 ball"  from when I played fastpitch softball. Now I just get the knowing nod from him and Gretzky when I pass them in the concourse at The Ralph or other UND events.

    • Upvote 2
  9. 42 minutes ago, SIOUXFAN97 said:

    with a victory on saturday i hope someone avenges wentz's !@#!$! brothers cheapshot on our safety....GiddyHopefulAmurstarfish-max-1mb.gif


    It was a bad play but Connor Wentz is a pretty good dude and certainly didn't feel good about that hit.

  10. 49 minutes ago, Big Green said:

    I'm looking for a Hockey Parking pass.  If anyone has an extra that are looking to sell please let me know.  I gave the one i had to a friend and she lost it.


    I am guessing you didn't tell her before hand that it would be $300 if she lost it.

  11. As far as UND hockey players and NIL I know a few players(Kleven, Frisch, Caufield) were able to have Hockey Camps using their names last summer which they did not used to be able to do and a few of their teammates helped work them. I know Kleven is doing the RinK Live bit this year. 


    Anyone know of any others?

  12. 32 minutes ago, BusinessSoot said:

    We saw the  preview of Kleven and Frisch paired together in Albany last season vs ND........#trainwreck

    Jandric and Kleven last year together were a very solid pair, we have yet to see them back together this year. Ironic Frisch is w/o Sanderson  and off to a very shaky start this year??

    Kleven played on his opposite side quite a bit last season when he was with Jandric and then at end of close games him and Frisch would be together(when Sanderson was out). He led UND with a +16 and had a string of like 14-15 games in a row late in season without being on ice for an even strength goal.

    If we put Kleven back with Jandric then that leaves Moore to play with Frisch unless you use Farmer(who played with the right handed Makar quite a bit) on his opposite side

    At the end of close games the defensive pecking order in my opinion should be Kleven, Farmer, Frisch, Moore, Jandric, Sidorski, Johnson.

    Maybe they could try rolling Kleven-Farmer, Jandric-Frisch, Moore-Johnson(Sidorski).

    • Upvote 2
  13. Built a rink once on the front yard at the ATO house over Christmas break. Not a professional job by any means. Shoveled all the snow to the edges of the yard to create the boards and laid down some poly. Put a layer of water down every night when I got home from bartending over the next 2-3 weeks. Cut a tractor tire in half and and froze each half into the ice on each end. 

    Had hero status when everyone came back from break. It was smooth enough to skate on but not a lot of room so most of the 2 a.m. games were boot hockey. Found foam pucks a couple blocks away when the snow melted.in the spring. 

    We had a game going one night/morning and a UND cop pulled over and we thought he was going to tell us to wrap it up or keep the noise down....he said "my kids have been bugging me to put a rink in the backyard and just want to take a look at what you did here.:D

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