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Everything posted by willythekid

  1. Jeebus the refs have it in for UND tonight... WTF?
  2. It's a little disconcerning that UND can't get any sustained pressure in western's zone...
  3. I can see that... WMU sure does a good job of clogging up the ice.
  4. So they could have called 3 or 4 penalties on western in the last 30 seconds but no, UND to the box.
  5. I don't know how many of us were actually on the cliff but as well as this team has done this year, there are some concerns. This was evident during the wisco loss and last night... Hard to not enjoy the ride...
  6. Here's Wittchow's hit on Novak that happened about ten minutes ago... http://www.sbncollegehockey.com/2016/1/23/10821216/eddie-wittchow-bad-hit-on-tommy-novak
  7. My Lord... Boeser taps his stick calling for the puck more than Kristo did... that would be had to do I would think. LOL.
  8. Omaha fans on twitter wondering what is going on... maybe Omaha isn't as good as every Omaha fan thinks they are.
  9. Boeser's goals are usually pretty but it's really fun to see the "lunch-pail" type guys score... Go Sioux!!!
  10. Gornall deserves that... working hard tonight. ATTA BOY!
  11. I think UND played a pretty good period... just didn't get any rewards for their efforts. That'll come as long as we don't have a second period like last night.
  12. Agreed he started his terrible night off with a CC goal
  13. another !@#$ Boeser pass almost leads to a goal... what the hell?
  14. Wasting at least one point maybe two... holy hell does Boeser make a lot of stupid passes... he has loads of talent but his passing is borderline terrible at times.
  15. Wow... amazing what this team can do when there's a fire under their ass... They need to skate with purpose for 60 minutes.
  16. Yes... really. This team has extended periods of lazy skating and passing and this isn't the first time it's come back to bite us. Teams like CC and western play us like it's their national title. They know they don't have the talent we do so they out work us. Prime example tonight.
  17. So he can half-ass it again? The second and third goals should not have been let in... lazy.
  18. We see this time after time... for whatever reason UND can't play hard for 60 minutes. Hard work beats talent yada yada yada... screw walking home, Berry should have them skating til their legs fall off tonight.
  19. Wow... Coach Berry better be giving these kids an earful...pitiful.
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