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Everything posted by southtexgopher

  1. No. I'm still a committed fan of my alma mater. I'll break down my universal internet name for you: South: South Tex: Texas Gopher: Gopher I'm a Minnesota alum who lives in San Antonio...the largest city in South Texas. All that said, congrats again on a great season.
  2. I don't post on GPL much anymore, let alone on here. But...I wanted to pop in and say that... It's great to be playing you guys again! Congrats on one heck of a season.
  3. You're right, runaround. I'm going to put on my tin foil hat, dodge the black helicopters and head inside to watch the game. Best wishes!
  4. Wow. To be (a) quoted on the opponent's forum and (b) have my Photoshop from a couple of years ago used on the first page of this topic...I'm going to have to record this day in the personal record book. Let's be realistic about why this rivalry is going on a hiatus. The leadership at my alma mater didn't like your nickname and would not allow UND to be on the schedule as long as you were using it. Someone had to fill that slot in the schedule. Lucia has said that he wants the rivalry to resume once the contractual obligations with Notre Dame and BC are fulfilled. Lord knows, most of us Gopher fans want it as well. Don't allow disappointment over the temporary loss of a great rivalry be the genesis of conspiracy theories and opportunities to cry cowardice when it comes to our coach.
  5. If by "circular sled" you mean "narrow little place stuck between two other businesses," that would be Al's Breakfast.
  6. By all means, please make that sign. ...and then we'll be able to poke fun at your grammar.
  7. Feel better after getting that out of your system?
  8. Yep. This is an important point and one that's lost on many people. The Gophers don't have a choice in this one and neither do the Badgers...although the beached whale that is the former UW coach was a driving force in today's announcement. I'm sickened by this.
  9. Agreed. FWIW, actual fans of Gopher hockey (not just those who root for the team as a matter of generalized loyalty), are mostly opposed to this brainless move by the B10. I already hate Penn State due to this B10 hockey effort...and they have yet to play a game.
  10. I don't think you'll see many Gopher fans being thrilled about this move. Sorry to see it come to this, guys. We'll still have a great rivalry, but something has been lost today.
  11. North Dakota Wisconsin Michigan SCSU But I'm a Gopher fan, after all...
  12. Are you guys seeing any influx of talent moving into North Dakota? I ask, since the economy up there is outpacing the rest of the country...the natural assumption would be that folks from other hockey hotbeds are moving there in search of jobs (and taking their hockey playing kids with them).
  13. Thanks, Siouxman. I've posted this into the "Headline News" topic thread on GPL.
  14. Hey, guys. I'm only a rare poster to this forum...since I really don't like your team. Can someone share or email the contact info for your local charities that are helping folks out in this thing? I'd also like to post the info on GPL. I'd like to help - but not via the Red Cross - since, as a San Antonio resident who volunteered in the Katrina shelters, I know how challenged they can be sometimes.
  15. I've been looking forward to this weekend for a while...best rivalry in college hockey...bar none. Even Wisconsin doesn't come close...not for me at least. Wish you guys well, but I don't wish you luck.
  16. You're both right. "Dark Star" was evidently just trying to show how "in" he was...and he was re-confirmed a fool for doing so. Hopefully this isn't too serious for tDon...and hopefully the speculating media in the Cities learns a lesson from their behavior on this.
  17. I like it! By all means, please use that one.
  18. UNH 2 UM 2 5:25 Third
  19. Good luck tonight! If I had to choose between UND and...well...good luck!
  20. What's the score, guys? I'm updating the GPL scoreboard.
  21. Yep...the tender is slumping and the skaters are shaky. Wait, that's Wisconsin I'm thinking about.
  22. Hey, I was just trying to offer a bit of encouragement. If you guys come into the season down, it won't be as much fun to sweep you.
  23. Let me say up front... I really hate your program. I mean...I despise your program at a DNA level. That said, however, don't jump off the ship over an early season losses to teams that are on the rise. Seriously, guys...your team is in a position to be frustrated...and rightfully so...but it's no cause for panic. Your team plays in the WCHA, after all. This isn't Hockey Least. You have a proud tradition and a coach who - despite having issues with finger control - is able to mold a stellar team most years. Calm down. While it's true that you should not have dropped those games, a team like the Flickertails should be able to rebound. Keep your heads up. The season isn't over. Now, go out and pound Mankato State...please.
  24. Bob, I read about your son in a post on GPL a couple days ago...and wanted to register here to tell you that your family is in my family's prayers. We're rooting for Will...he sounds like a tough little guy. If there's anything from Texas that would bring a smile to his face...I'm just an email away. STG
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