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Everything posted by ringneck28

  1. Final 5 is a must this year. Hopefully UND is there. This weekend will go a long way toward determining where we end up in standings. I would like UND to get 3-4 pts. For those going, let em see Sioux Pride.
  2. I found this in the Omaha newspaper from the Mavericks section. "Should the ice become unplayable Saturday, the game would shift to Sunday. And if it's impossible to play outdoors Sunday, the game would be played indoors at the CenturyLink Center on Sunday," Cliff said. Looks like Cliff Claven is at it again.
  3. I really would like to see a kid from western ND get into UND's lineup again.
  4. Bismarck Century has a player that was on ESPN plays of the day. Alec Rauhauser is the #196 prospect in the NHL and has not commited to a school yet. Wonder if this D Man would interest UND? Can anyone post the video of his goal?
  5. Do we get the 2 pts if we can't play the game? If so, Let it rain all day.
  6. It is a good idea, in Dec or early January but Feb is not a good time for outdoor hockey. This could end up being a real cluster with re seating of people who want to go if moved indoor. Watching NWS forecast, by 6 pm they are talking rain. I hope this takes a turn to either snow or they better have a good contingency plan.
  7. looking at the forecast if it starts raining on Saturday it looks like no way Sunday would be able to be played. No one has answered(who is in the know), what is the back up plan. Not like you can reschedule another weekend.
  8. I am looking at the national weather service. And something of note for travelers, the national weather service just released a note on likely hood of a significant winter storm to the north of Omaha starting Sunday. Lets all hope that this game takes place on Sat as planned or there could be some travel nightmares.
  9. Looking at the forcast, they are calling for rain now on Saturday Night and Sunday. So what is the backup plan for that? I know they had talked about playing Sunday. If its raining, then would they move the game to the indoor rink? What a logistical nightmare.
  10. I like the idea that either embellishment or a dive is 10 minutes. I also like the idea of cumulative for a suspension.
  11. I had a friend go to the Pittsburgh outdoor game and he said fun for about first 10 minutes, then got mad about not being able to see the game. There is not a good seat to be had at this kind of event. I'm saving my money for FInal Five.
  12. Nice game tonight. The D looks like it is coming around. Parks looks like he may be heating up. Now lets see if we can keep the 3 game unbeaten streak going to 4.
  13. I have a feeling these guys are going to come out a bit fired up after yesterday. I wanna see lots of shots from edges with chance for juicy rebounds. We need to unclog the middle and that will be one way. Coach says he sees these guys have an edge to them tonight and now lets see it turn into a win.
  14. This is where the diving call has to come in. Saw the kid smile on bench after his act on the ice. This is the same crew that called last weeks games and they are not NCAA quality refs.
  15. I would agree 100% on this one. There was not the glaring missed assignment open man on the weak side tonight. I would like to see some more shot blocks. Two things happen with that, we stop the shot and have a chance for a break away goal.
  16. So if they clog up the middle, they are supposed to shoot from the edges and you either score or get a rebound goal. Didn't see this happen tonight. I hope this happens Saturday.
  17. at what point do you start riding one goalie? I thought with the finish saunders had last weekend, he would get the start tonight.
  18. This is one series that if they move their feet and fore check, I think they will do a good bit of growing. They needed a good wake up call and last Friday night may have been it. No givens in these days of college hockey. Lets give em a Commedore style D and a Toews Parise bit of grit. I am looking for 4 pts, now lets see if they are hungry for it too.
  19. I am going to say that knight gets another streak going. He had a goal last week sat and now he will get another tonight. UND 5 Wisc 2
  20. So I did a little internet research and according to the bleacher report's top 50 announcers, Doc is #1 and Rick is #4. I would have to say that it is matter of personal opinion. They did include canadian and color men in this report. I am talking just US play by play. I did look at some of Ricks calls and he is really good. I would settle for him as a replacement for Hammer also.
  21. In the US, Doc is by far the best hockey play by play guy. Did anyone see his coverage of the pee wee girls just before the lockout ended. This guy could get you to watch pee wee girls and love every minute of it.
  22. What would we complain about if we had Doc doing the play by play.
  23. Thanks Big A HG I sent back a message.
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