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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. Cost of turf was actually 2.7 millions. The other 1.3~ was to change the pit
  2. Gershman pretty much shut him up in giving an example about how UND is a tennant and they pay to rent it. And as the leasee, they have the obligationg to keep the tennant happy. Kinda like apartment renovations. gotta keep the tenant happy if they are going to keep renting
  3. he wanted to know how much money they were going to make on a best case worst case average case scenario with und football. also wanted to know why und couldnt give the whoel 2 million now becsause 1 million 10 years from now isnt worth 1 million today with inflaation its damn near impossible to predict Guess they do average 40-50k per game in profit
  4. UND commited 2 million 1 million up front and atleast hundred grand a year for ten years Grandstrand wanted to vote it down. Gershman was trying to talk sense in him. Got kind of heated but in the end finally got passsed with even bjerke voting it a go and grandstrand the only disenting vote. Grandstrand was pretty annoying in this whole debate. If he ran a busines he would prolly fail. He needs to learn how to make quality decision and not quantity Also UND tacked on 2 more years to there lease and is going to a good faith in having more events there
  5. I agree. the intro is not good at all. need some blood flowing music
  6. http://www.uscho.com/2012/02/20/kelly-resigns-as-college-hockey-inc-executive-director/ so the ezac schools ran him out of town. what a flippin joke
  7. This is gunna hurt BU http://www.bu.edu/today/2012/hockey-player-arrested-for-sexual-assault/
  8. Probably not much new here but found this tidbit in this article http://www.twincities.com/vikings/ci_19996825 Xcel is bidding on big ten tourney and Target center is bidding on nchc for 2014 Soundslike xcel first choice is big ten
  9. I hear northland tech in east side/trf needs a few games here and there. Bet we could work out a 2 for 1 with them?
  10. Costed us a home and home with big ten U of Iowa http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/19/sports/push-to-save-fighting-sioux-name-puts-north-dakota-in-costly-limbo.html?pagewanted=2&_r=2
  11. Wow guess we had a home and home scheduled with the university of Iowa a big ten school and they canceld it a few days ago becasue of the petitioners and reinstatement of the nickname http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/19/sports/push-to-save-fighting-sioux-name-puts-north-dakota-in-costly-limbo.html?pagewanted=2&_r=2
  12. we just won another road game!!! WoW
  13. Huff trying to do too much again. Longwood comign back. 59-56 under 3 to go
  14. yeah but this town loves a winner u got to admit that or dont u live here anymore so you don;t know?
  15. Class B is next weekend. East region is this weekend at the purp State hockey is at the ralph
  16. espn. ralph engelstad. 8000 fans. awesome exposure
  17. rep berg has pissed off a lot of people and prolly wont be getting re elected
  18. Some directo of OHL recruting is already tweeting him
  19. Dad is a former CHL'er and in the hotbed of the OHL
  20. You are absolutley right CAS. Thats how i am viewing stuff too. I think it would probably take 1 year cooling off period anyways after the sioux name and then prolly they will have to set up a comittee im sure which will take some time then allow students/staff/fighting sioux club members to vote on it. Either way its going to take at least a year or two to find a new name even if the 3 year rule does get unconstitutional
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