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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. when did our defense go so crappy???
  2. BBtw i have 45u bucks worth of tailgating lots n 6 seasons tix n am disgusted
  3. This is an embarassment. 70 niles south is not!! Maybe i will quit donting idk what to. Untillt heres a change
  4. Glad bubba schweigert dont coah here! Our d dont need him. I love this d... bend and break vaby
  5. Wow our d is so good. In fianlly agreeing with all u rubes... mannsua for promotion!
  6. I beg to ask fire?m?s?m?a? ?
  7. Lol i giggle at mussmans #team
  8. Sounds like mannasau has the troops ready tp go!!! How he do at gfrr?
  9. what the hell is spivey doin reffin a wcha game? he should stick to gfc gfrr games!!! guy was worse then red beard
  10. pressure is on idalski to preform
  11. a new through these doors!!! http://www.undsports.com/mediaPortal/player.dbml?id=1066425&db_oem_id=13500
  12. this poll is a good laugh http://wild.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=642625&navid=DL|MIN|home
  13. this poll is a good laugh http://wild.nhl.com/club/news.htm?id=642625&navid=DL|MIN|home
  14. sounds like just ojuri suspended... the rest of the fraudsters will be allowed to play.
  15. wow brescani sure seems like a tough guy with that statement.... insert sarcasm
  16. ahhh the cost to win... degrad the school and win football games!!!
  17. I was at the game and we played lik poo
  18. If we put a better product on the filed we would fill the place
  19. if we go 6 and 5 this season im happy. anything less we need change
  20. Our d just plain sucks. Bad gameplan. I wish faison had some balls insteead of worry about the hockey team
  21. They get a game where they got a ig crowd... and they lay an egg..... not a good impression... kot of big donors here and we get this s h i t on the field.... not happy
  22. Has mussman ever been able to win a big game???? His ego is bigger than danny kristos
  23. Hardin wide open and over throwin by ten yards. Woulda walked into endzone
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