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Everything posted by gfhockey

  1. Fire brew? I kid I kid Thought it was a very good game. If it was at Und und wins by 20
  2. gfhockey

    Enough said

    I was actually 21 at the time Dry county Und charter plane Druve to next county and drank Then went to game Enough said
  3. I'm so glad we got rid of most of the trash talkers
  4. Rumeal Harris playing for mankatoa He talking trash lol
  5. gfhockey

    Enough said

  6. Which coach will make the necessary adjustments
  7. We win? Jones gets rest of season
  8. Will Hak make adjustments? Will he win big games ?
  9. You work at Hoverson potatoes or what?
  10. I'm going to the game tonite I'll be in the Betty bar section
  11. I'm just saying guy at dennys lounge was giving away stickers and shirts.
  12. How's tillman and Hanson work out? Simmons was starting to produce ti he got hurt
  13. Only two more in the works I know of Ones iffy tho
  14. http://www.wdaz.com/news/3636893-weather-talk-sun-dogs
  15. Epic catch! Let's fire Steve light You my sir Migt be a fit for the Gobc
  16. Was at the bar over the weekend sounds like Und calvary is picking up steam.
  17. Wow and in not even involved All hail gfhockey
  18. Id take women's hockey lower There's been no return on investment
  19. Oh ok How many idalski got
  20. big communication between us and faison Faison won't listen to us Only did when he wanted the ipf built He got his stadium We got muss fired Scoreboard may be a barterin tool
  21. Leave the Gobc outta this Someone is going to have to pay the bill
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