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Everything posted by rochsioux

  1. So they don’t have to chase the running back as far?
  2. The offense has been disappointing today. Other than the well executed fumble play for a TD and the 75 yard run.
  3. Not really. Hoping for better but based on the how the defense has played all year this was a high possibility.
  4. If you give them a shorter field the defense won’t give up as many yards
  5. Only if a defense shows up. One we haven’t seen all year.
  6. I’m a UND fan and I’m laughing at it. And pissed at it. I’m ready for change and the hope that it provides.
  7. Can they give up 400 yards rushing today?
  8. Keep running the fumble play until Weber can stop it.
  9. The refs in college make the nfl refs look good, which is extremely difficult to do.
  10. Let’s compound one mistake with another.
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