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Posts posted by 808287

  1. If you're having trouble with RealPlayer or don't want to download and install the hawg, try googling for "RealAlternative". V 1.5 worked just fine for me last night...and with Firefox.


    GO SIOUX!!!

  2. He really didn't have a choice, he had a wide open net. :silly:

    Gregoire, Hextall, and Duncan were the ones doing the dirty work down low crashing the net, and then it popped out to him in the slot.

    The GHD line was gettin' in the zone all night. They were the ones generating the chances.

  3. AZSioux was right a bit ago, BE was the difference tonight.

    A freshman who can make the difference in a road win...I think he's a keeper.

    Let's come out and get two more tomorrow night!!!!!!

    GO SIOUX!!!!!

  4. agree and maybe the crazy number will have players think twice but there is a problem with players turning late now and thats not gona help the situation. shyiak was right on with his complaint. very very tough rule to call

    Agreed completely.

    No doubt it's a tough call to make, and you are right, players are starting to turn their back. I'm sure they might be getting "coached" to turn their backs. That's part of the game, I suppose, even if it changes the game a bit. It's hard to lose a key player on a bad play, no question. And yet, the rule is there for a reason. Hopefully with enough dq's made players will adapt their style and find another way to work along the boards. I will, however, miss some of the hits that used to happen but are now avoided for fear of "back turning". Body play is one of my favorite aspects of the game and always will be, I love to see a solid check delivered with a smile. I just don't want to see college guys back-boarded out of the arena with a neck collar more. Injuries are part of the sport, but if the really serious ones can be avoided (even a few of them) I think it's worth the effort.

  5. If you recall, Dunc's got the boot last year against the Brown and Yellow for CFB, just a minute into the game. He was just too pumped up for the goofs and goin' for it into the boards. Sometimes it's just hard play, sometimes its a cheap hit. In either case, it's a penalty and I think the game misconducts should continue. Shyiak can grouse all he wants to, but one R. Bina is too many. (In my opinion).

    Now then...

    GO SIOUX!!

  6. I appreciate many, many types of music, probably more than the average person. I take nothing anyway from musical ability, my comment is based solely on the music created by ABBA and Boston.

    Have you put Boston's first disc in and listened for a while? Sure, their other releases were pretty awful, but that first album broke out huge.

    And that Agnatha! Schwing! :angry:

  7. if the sioux continue their play like they have since december they will be in a very nice spot come tourney time. take care of msu first then move onto the next tough series!!

    Agreed. Win each game one at a time and let the PWR take care of itself. 'Kato first, then Anchorage, CC, and Bucky. 12 points from those 8 games gets home ice for sure, 14 points will win the McNaughton and jump us over the play-in.

    One game at a time, each game for all the marbles. Sixty minutes (or 64:59 if that's what it takes!).

    GO SIOUX!!!!!

  8. Did you think the ice was bad tonight?

    The ice gave the guys some fits early, some skates catching, some not biting. The puck had a pretty good wobble to it, but I wouldn't say it was awful. The speed of play was pretty decent, and the cross ice passing going into the zone seemed pretty smooth for the most part. It just seemed that the puck wasn't sticking on the tape tonight for the Sioux. Duncan had an opening on an early PP that he had to abort because he couldn't get the handle...and he was standing a foot inside the dot at the time. If that puck would have stuck, it's a goal. Another good opportunity hopped Gregoire's stick in the 3rd...toward the end. It could be the ice was pretty gouged by then, but over all I'd say that ice quality was not the difference. Shot quality for the Sioux wasn't there...and Eidsness let in a couple of soft goals (wrapper and low glove). It happens.

    And, naturally, the four blind mice "missed" some calls. But hey...we had the 5x3 chances...and cycled the puck while the clock ticked.

    Someone, anyone, tomorrow night, please DRIVE TO THE NET! And get TWO POINTS!!

    Thank you!

  9. Just got back from the game. Very frustrating to see our team get beat. No fire in the legs. Very subdued crowd. Even the famous "Dog Pound" was pretty tame. Not scoring on the 5 on 3 really hurt. After watching the Sioux practice on Thursday night I thought we'd come out on fire.

    Yeah, I was there too, and watching those 5x3's go by without scoring really hurt. The Sioux had their chances, but few were quality and those they didn't bury. With the crowd that tame it would have only taken a couple of goals to get the Green and white cheering section fired up, louder than the local fans.

    They out played the Huskies much of the game, but struggled to keep the pucks on their sticks in the offensive zone. Lots of bobbling passes and pucks hopping the sticks...and a few quality shots right into Weslosky's brisket. Hard to score on those.

    They did play with some fire though, delivering some great hits at times, but I think they really missed Jones on "D". I know I did.

    Two more points up for grabs tomorrow night! Let's go get 'em!

    Go SIOUX!!!

  10. Gwoz did what he could in the second to counter Hextall from last night. He put his players mind back in the game, and they outworked the Sioux for the remainder. It was good to come out with the tie, the way Denver played.

    Eidsness is, without a doubt, a stud between the pipes.

    Need to bring that intensity back for next weekend! The McNaughton is still within reach!

    Go Sioux!!

  11. when we were recruiting him everybody from other fanbases was talking about how dirty of a player he is and how hes a perfect fit for the sioux's dirty play, well i havent seen much dirty play on his part, but ive seen a lot of it against him, ive only watched him for half a season but ill already put him up there with my favorite sioux players of all time, glad i never had to play against him, i kinda wonder though if he would of dropped em had they dropped the puck and jackson was ready to go, or if he would of pulled a lucia and skated away...?

    I doubt the apple falls far from the tree. Google his father and take a good look. It wasn't every day a goalie went after Chelios. I think that young Mr. Hextall would have stood up, even if it meant taking a couple...just to see if he couldn't get in a couple himself.

    And, to echo another post...that IS a really, really good team we saw out there tonight. Eight people scoring...that has to be difficult to defend. It's not like you are playing a 1 or 2 line team...the Sioux roll all four, and they can each tally a few every night. I like this team.

    A bunch.

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