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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. I agree completely...that team just wouldn't go away. They liked to play in OT quite a bit though
  2. No, they need at least two people to "hold them back" before they start taking wild "swings" which are about as real as the WWE
  3. They did do their job...replay was inconclusive. ABC showed an animation that showed how it was possible the puck was not in...
  4. I didn't see the similarity until bigmrg mentioned it and I thought about it a little...that's f'in hilarious
  5. Two Words...El Roco... Plus that's where everyone will be after the game(s)
  6. Tried to walk-on this year...I met him at Hockeyfest this last year, pretty good guy.
  7. Shouldn't it be "seemed to do well. Normally I wouldn't say anything...but aren't you an education major? Tommiejo...yeah, Gilbert Brown is in much better shape than Vinny Lecavalier or Jarome Iginla
  8. It was pretty good until the end...then Iginla kicked his a$$ Is there really any question that this series is going 7 games BTW...ratings are up 10%
  9. No, it was that annoying little smarta$$ dog from Duck Hunt...he kept laughing and laughing, Mario had had enough. Luigi did recently sign a huge contract though...anyone remember how much that was for?
  10. Good No, read my sig...that and it's for alleged rapists and goons with 8 kids by 9 baby mamas. Tampa came out to play tonight and took it to Calgary I thought...this is shaping up to be a great series...dare I say 7 games. Ruffian...only the NBA fixes games so a team can win (see: Lakers)
  11. Calgary outworked TB in this one...they deserved to win the way they did. Iginla's shorty was a product of pure hustle and awareness, and Yelle's was a magnificent shot over Habby's shoulder... I expect TB to play better in Game 2.
  12. Bison fans? No really, who?
  13. Chuck Kobasew...how's his NHL career going? I don't remember Lucia complaining either. I'm sure he was disappointed, but who wouldn't be? I'll agree here too. I thought for sure that Hale and Martin would be seeing a lot of time in Albany this year...not the case. Both had pretty good first years. We've also said he was lazy because he may have been bored with the college game. And we're not the only ones who have said he needs to work harder...your Gopher fans have said so too.
  14. skates...most of the casual hockey fans I know watch hockey for the fighting. Some of them became huge fans of the game as it grew on them. Cheap play is not needed, the NHL needs to hand out consistant punishment and keep it under control, that's where I think they've gone wrong. A fight once in a while is fine, but there are starting to be more than I'd like to see in a game. I may be going out on a limb, but the trap and recent clutch and grab goon crap may have something to do with it. Players are getting frustrated and as a result are taking it out on the nearest opponent. If the game opens up more, and players are allowed to showcase their talent...I think fighting will be down.
  15. That would be the Flyers, the Dives were ahead of the Wings izzi...never let school get in the way of hockey. I said Tampa would win from the beginning...no sense in changing that now. Go Lightning!!!
  16. One reason I think it's declining is there is almost no promotion of the sport. Look at the NBA, every other commercial I've seen lately on ESPN advertises the NBA playoffs. From what I've heard from some people is if you go to a game, you're hooked. It's a great sport (as we all know) and if people can get exposed to the more of the game other than the gooning (let's be honest...only time hockey will lead SC is if there's an "incident" or the Stanley Cup has been won), there's a better possiblity of it becoming more popular. I also think if you make it more like the college game (no red line) it will increase in popularity as well. And, as much as I'd like to keep it on NHL size ice...Olympic ice will open the game much more, adding more offense, or at the very least some great moves for the highlight reel
  17. Actually...Primeau is a little cheap. Not as much as he used to be, but he still is. Oh, and St. Louis takes one slash and all of a sudden is cheap (not to mention he was slashed just before that ) This is a great series...either team can take this, but I think in the end Tampa will come out on top. If they can shut Primeau down, it's on to the Stanley Cup Finals.
  18. Quiet....Gaborik's about to putt out. Cujo can tee off in a little bit.
  19. Actually it may not be as bad for hockey as you think. Remember Tampa plays a offesive style similar to the Sioux. If an offensive team wins the Cup, it'll prove to a lot of young coaches that you don't need to run the trap, or a variation thereof, to win the Cup, thus opening up the game and creating more scoring. Which in turn makes the game more exciting and more people will watch.
  20. Yeah, those two situations are oh so similar. With the KKK you know you're getting a biased answer. This was a random sampling of native americans...they weren't hand-picked. So, you see first hand what happens up here from California?
  21. No, the Wild were starting their 3rd round...so Detroit had to park waaay in the back.
  22. Way to make a whole lot of sense there...I've had TB winning since the begining of the playoffs. A Flames/Lightning Stanley Cup finals would be a great series to watch....no traps, just up and down offensive hockey. Wouldn't do much for the promotion of the sport in America, but I really think it'll be good for the sport in the long run...proving you don't have to run a trapping system to win a Stanley Cup.
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