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Everything posted by MinnesotaNorthStar

  1. What about Stand Up and Cheer?... I Wanna Drive a Zamboni is a must... Cowbell? Who are we, Mankato?
  2. Do you have any idea how much tPB members drink? It's impressive. They're a fun bunch though....
  3. Yes. Or you could also slam a 32 oz. beer in between periods...that's what I've done in the past...
  4. Like Fedorov said...we get searched... Plus, there's cameras on the student section at all times, plus a couple security guards in each section....
  5. I told you all.....Parise/Vanek has transformed into Toews/Kessel Over/Under on the number of Kessel threads on SS and the number of Toews threads on GPL during the season is set at 491...that's each, not combined Both Kessel and Toews will impact their team...Kessel looked great at the WJC and I expect him to almost live up to the hype. Which means he's being waaaay too overhyped by the media. He'll have an easier transition than Toews, but after a month or so I expect Toews to be just fine. As far as the GPLers...I think it's more that they took him from under Bucky's nose at the moment, than him "saving" the program...
  6. Looks as though Cali gave Team Minnesota a scare....First game jitters. They've had no problems dispensing of Illinois, Michigan, and Southeast though....
  7. I'd be willing to bet that they've seen Slap Shot Heeeey Hanrahan!
  8. Looks like she got you anyway... Welcome to the boards...
  9. Would you get off this SuperVolcano!!! kick? Ain't gonna happen...SCSU will win a first round tourney game first And you are not Phil Kessel
  10. No, you're a wannabe Canadian cape-wielding freak who, for some reason, is a hero to people in the arena... I'm the sign guy... Point, MNS. Never heard of the rezoning thing. I agree with PCM here. It won't happen. And there is no anti-youth movement in Grand Forks, BDB...you seem to be the only one who thinks so...
  11. Have you ever driven by University when it gets warmer out...college hotties sunbathing as far as they eye can see....? And the basketball courts were removed because bouncyball sucks...
  12. Give those of us that were there season tickets in the lower bowl to try and get the rest of the students behind us... You have to admit the profanity has gone down since the opening of the new arena...it did get a little worse this year, but look who you had in the lower bowl. A few diehards, but mostly people to whom it was just a social event to go get drunk...and lets face it drunk wannabe hockey fans is not a good thing... We need to get the Alerus atmosphere into REA...When I was in Duluth I talked to a UMD football player. He said we had the best fans in the NCC. The students never stopped giving them crap and it was the most fun loss they had all season. Would the "Wheels on your house" chant be a bad one to try and get going? I know it's kind of an Eastern thing, but c'mon with SCSU and MSUM...it's gotta come into play
  13. Because of the diehards they know it will sell out right away... I'd love for San Antonio to get it since I might be living down there at the time And I believe Huntsville would host in FL...
  14. LMFAO I'd say there's a lot of editing to be done....
  15. You're just mad they didn't sign Mapletoft Toews/Kessel...the new Parise/Vanek ...so it begins
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