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Everything posted by Warthog

  1. Warthog


    I'm not bitter, If given a fair chance he could play ahead of Phil. I just can't believe all the post that say Ziggy is getting$$$$$. Lets be real, Ziggy is better then a 4 string goalie and should find a place to play. Name one school that give cash to a $ 4 string goalie (Most team have 3) and I will stay off this board. CC and UMD wanted him before, so thats where he is going to end up!!!!
  2. Warthog


    I think his portion is free meal @ the Red Pepper after 1:00am, 4 night a week!!!
  3. Warthog


    Ziggy must not be to good to lose his spot to a younger freshman (Phil). I wish him the best of luck cause he's a Sioux fan.
  4. Warthog


    CC or UMD !!!!! A scholarship means nothing if your the 4th stringer!!! did I say that right 4th stringer. 4th in line does not get you a scholarship . UMD would be a perfect fit!! When I get this right I want to have everbody"s R E S P E C T. When Warthog post, Warthog is right!!!
  5. Warthog


    Ziggy is moving on !!!!! I believe he is going to a WCHA school!!!!
  6. Layne Sedevie, I believe made the team in 2000.
  7. What is Coach Hak going to do with his first and only major problem. Goalie!! Who Starts? What happen to JPAR now tha ZP and DB are gone? What is Ziggy going to do? Will Lammy redshirt? DB left Coach Hak with a roster with 4 goalies that want to play!!!!
  8. goo is right on!!!! I spoke with someone close to DB, He state to me DB was not happy REA and the management. DB was upset with REA with how his hockey program had to work around concert and other event for his 2004-2005 schedule . Ralph build that 8th wonder of the world for hockey. goo is right , but the part about Tb he did not know!!!!
  9. DB is at it again. why is it , that DB waits till the end of the year to release these kids(Sedevie 03). DB could a least give the kid a chance to hook up with a team in 04. DB is a great coach, but does not show any repect to the kids once he signs them.
  10. TC --- Dec of 02, does not make you a Vet. TC transplant Did you just hope on when ZP came to town . TC is Team Bandwagons C. GO!!!!! Bulldogs
  11. Warthog


    That the problem kids from ND all want to play for the UND that they get caught up in the hype. DB will keep taking these kids because they come cheap. The problem comes in the following years when the best kid in the country want to come and play. DB will play with the local kid heads a litte more, thinking they are happy to to be on the team. The more ND kids leave to showcase there talents @ the D1 level the better the state will be in the long run. If Ziggy could tell you how he feels, I would lay 10-1 he wish he went to UMD.
  12. Warthog


    Jacque will not be playing for the stars next year, he can not crack the Bobcat line-up nighly. PJ is getting better he might have a shot, As far as the Grand Forks high school players time will tell when they take the next step. I think one of the Moreland's might end up @ St. Cloud, that just because of there older brother. Lets face the facts the last 3 three have been great for HS hockey player going D1, If you think hard the one's that are playing D1 did not win ND Mr. Hockey. Why, because to make to D1 and get playing time(no token roster spots)you have to leave HS early. Grant and Ryan P , Lammy, Irmen, Sedevie, Massen and there are more. I believe Ziggy stayed, but he not getting any playing time. Ziggy made mistake #1 being from GF and wanting to play for the Sioux. He should have taken his talents to a smaller D1 program and played.
  13. I will take $20.00
  14. Bo !!! he should be playing along side Zach more often.
  15. DB will not give up on JPar as long as he is able to keep getting the SSM kids
  16. The ? I ask my self is why is CB give JPar more chances to become the #1 goalie than JB. JB should get a start every weekend, that I think we can all agree on. Ziggy, has never been given a chance to be in the mix. DB wants JPar to be the #1 goalie.If that what DB want he will give any excuse to us on why he is sitting JB and Ziggy. I can take all bets if Ziggy was given a chance to make it , his # would be the same as JPar. You can defend JPar all you want on why he should be starting, but the bottom line is this a PRAISE SHOW!!!!!!!
  17. I have stayed off this board for awhile, but it is getting a little funny,how all of you are wondering what happen to Jake. Lets start all over!!! DB sign Zach along with him came all of his SSM ( dads teams) teammates. Then Sedevie get his scholarship taken away because he hurt (Bemijdi State). Now DB signs JPar, is anybody starting to see a pattern here. Jake and JPAr split time early in the year. JPar is know the man. The only way Jake get another chance, is if JPar falls apart big time. Poster this is so cut and dry, say what you want and believe what you want this is a Praise show.
  18. JP will be starting most of the games by years end. All bet will be taken @ the ticket window, second floor of the Palace in Vegas.If you have not caught on yet!!! SSM connection, don't let this fool YA!!!!!!. I know DB would never allow this to happen I have a ? for anybody that has contact with a player. Ask them if there is SSM connection. I will take all bets and give 100 to 1 over half the player say yes.
  19. (Not sure about the goalies, as their season numbers are close, but Ziggy seems to have an edge for now) Why would ziggy have an edge?
  20. Does anybody think Ziggy or Jordan will be on this list. Where is josh playing this year?
  21. Same old topic what new for 03-04, nothing DB will be playing musical goalies from day 1. Jake(1),Jordan(2) , Ziggy and Ranfranz will battle for dressing home games. I willing to bet most of the vote for Ziggy are from GF. Jake is give us the best chance to win and thats not saying much. We are in big trouble in net. Before christmas you will all be asking for DB to call up Lammy. I think DB jump the gun on his goalie problem, only time will tell.
  22. MK you might be right but, thats does not give DB a right to screw with Sedieve for 2 years and then pull the scholarship with the bad neck excuse. Jordan might work out. Alll I'am saying is if Jordan And Sedeive were that close why would DB pull Sedieve scholarship for Jordan. Think !!!!! MK .
  23. Wow, I thought DB said he had a bad neck. Did Sedeive get the short end of the stick with the Zach signing in 2002. Did DB tell Zach if he signed with UND over UM he would bring his brother in? Its possible. I not saying that happen, but a deal could have been made. Jordan(20 year) is your average USHL goalie who had no offer in the past and BANG he with UND. It makes sense DB would have done what ever it took to get Zach from the UofM. When he got Zach along came all he's teammates from Shattack. I'am just throwing this out there. I believe somebody got the shaft. If you look back at this thread you will see I told you Jordan was coming before he was signed.
  24. DB is gone. UND will not cough up the C$$H to keep him around long term. Larry Brown " I don't want to the hold the team back"
  25. Dagies is right on!!!. DB is going to bring in one more goalie before this is said and done. What happen to Sedieve and why? He is an above average junior goalie. NECK problem, I don't by that.Some thing is going on here. Lammy will be here in 2003 or he will not be here at all.
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