My two cents
Walk-on Sofie,Ranfranz and Ziggy all will tryout ,why not DB is getting them for free
Brandt will recieve 75% of a ride
Siembia, Praise will each get 50% rides
Look at the stable of goalies DB will have for less then 2 full rides.
If this is true , Zach will be here all 4 years. This team belongs to Zach, DB is along for the ride the next 3 years. I think this explains the pulling of the scholarship from the Topeka Goalie.
Sedevie is just fine. There is nothing wrong with going to the State High School Finals. I seen him walking around and look like he is getting better. Rehab!! What rehab can he do with a neck brace on. It's been 3 weeks . I think the brace has to be on 6 to 8 weeks. CB knows what he has in Sedevie. CB can go find any goalie he wants, but if you were a goalie and could play D1 anywhere. Why would you play for CB, knowing the way he treats his goalies?
Do you think a Red River Goalie would ever play 2nd fiddle to a Central goalie. No Way!!! . There is know chance Ziggy or Lammy are going to say the dislike each other in a interview. I wish them both well in the future and I believe the sioux got the better of the two.
? Does Ziggy and Lamoreaux get along? Sedieve will be just fine. You just can't go out and load up on a bunch of goalies, things will work out with the netminders they have. Lamoreaux should stay in the ushl until 2004, and as for Ziggy all you Grand Forks faithful this is not Red River. Ziggy is not the answer to your prayers. He would be crazy to walk on at UND if there was a chance he could play elsewhere.