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Boy Named Sioux

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Everything posted by Boy Named Sioux

  1. Yeah - i heard that too! I am also not here to bag on him (I am MOSTLY indifferent about the announcer change thusfar) but I will add a little fuel for those that want to : Gleason - "offensive minded defenseman" EVERY time. Mention he is from Edina every other time. " and the pass is intercepted by Mac...milli-wialliam-s-son-ston..." "the puck is stolden away by Grimaldi" Here is a fun thing to do while listening to Hammer and Koooober call the game. Try to keep track of all the botched common phrases and mixed metaphores. I.E. " You hit then nail right on the nose there Dan". or "he was plastered into the boards like a ton of bricks". or "Kristo picked up the puck and undressed the Alaska d-man like a trafic cone pylon orange cone thing for traffic control purposes...pylon." (you get the idea). Its pretty entertaining.
  2. I'll take "Split" for $2000 please Alex. Would like to say 3 points, but...can't. I also predict the "Tripple A" line is gonna heat up.
  3. I say we double-shift the the fourth line from here on out. Keep the top three lines fresher for next year. Let Tate get the rest of the starts. UNLESS, for some reason, this team can start over-achieving and back their way into a spot in the NCAA's. You know what...now that I think about it - I guess we might still have a chance. Nevermind.
  4. Thats HP on the PP!
  5. Looking for a room at the Holiday Inn for thurs, fri, sat. Two beds. If you have one or hear of one, please let me know. This is for a 8 year old homeless foster-child sioux fan whose real parents were meth addict gopher fans. This might be his only chance at something good in his life. (O.K. - I made all that up... but I do really need a room!).
  6. dont care who you are thats funny right there
  7. Add to list of Hakstols' best attributes: Ability to spot and avoid doosh-nozzles.
  8. I think you are thinking about this from the wrong angle. Your post wasn't taken down because no one agrees with you or that you were way off base...its just that no one likes you. See? -makes sense when you think of it that way doesn't it?
  9. The Constitution IS a wonderful thing. But don't forget that the man who wrote the US declaration of independance was an advocate of ripping up our Federal Constitution and starting over every 20 years (Thomas Jefferson). In my opinion what you are overlooking is the fact that just because there is a constitution in place, does not mean the contents are infallable. The people, both non-Native and Native have declared that we do not agree with this change. We are the same people whom the constitution was written FOR. And we are the same people who , through our voices and votes, are granted the power to oppose statutes, laws, - and yes - even the constitution of our governments (state or federal). Keeping the name will NOT be (has not been) easy... nor should it be. The constitution (state or federal) BY DESIGN should be diffucult to oppose or ultimately change. God forbid we see a day when the legislators do not listen to, our act on, the will of the people because the constitution is difficult to oppose or change . In my estimation that (to an extent) has been going on too often when it comes to this situation But now, with the passage of this bill in the House, it appears that maybe someone is listening. Your arguement seems to be that this is unconstitutional - and it may be. To that I say - "that doesn't mean it is the wrong thing to do". I realize we are talking about the state constitution, but the principles governing the state and federal are the same. Now - do you think the Constitution of the U.S. (or our state constituion for that matter) is a STRONGER document or WEAKER document because there have been some ammendments (read: CHANGES) to it? I would say there are more than a few women, black americans, land owners, taxpayers, minorities and other citizens who are glad that someone decided along the way that just because something is difficult or unconstitutional doesn't mean it is not the right thing to do.
  10. Thanks Iceberg. Been meaning to ask you since the Gopher series: What is the limiting factor for FSSN to broadcast in HD? Is it the cost of the cameras/equipment or an transmission/bandwidth/sattelite issue? Is the fact that MIdco now has an HD channel an indicator that they and the REA will be going HD anytime soon? I know many said they would rather watch standard def than have to listen to the Goph announcers... but I would gladly listen to Joan Rivers call the game if it meant I could watch the Sioux in HD.... OK...maybe not GLADLY, but you get my meaning. I think you clarified this problem before, but can't remember the answer.
  11. Anyone care to join in some wild speculation about what role Gleason will play? I fully admit I have no idea what kind of forward he would make...but I'd be interested to see him split some time with Brunetooth, Rowny, or possibly even Cichy. I just really liked what I saw from him last year and think it is a shame to think the only way he gets back on the ice is if a d-man gets hurt. Maybe its not even considered WILD speculation to think he will skate forward (since he is listed as D/Fwd) - but I would have guessed if that was a REAL strong possibility we would have seen it against Manitoba. Your thoughts?....
  12. Club level also!! Cant wait. I also have two ticket packages right next to us in club level that I would sell for $115/ea. If you know anyone who still needs...
  13. Club Level section C12 Row 4 seats 3 and 4. Gotta get rid of them. PM me or write to kochia88@yahoo.com
  14. Actual cost is $177/night. Two beds. Thurs, Fri, Sat nights. Total is $530. PM me or email at kochia88@yahoo.com. also have two CLUB LEVEL seats less than face value $150 each for all five games. section C12 row 4 seats 3 and 4
  15. Just trying to get rid of these. Section C12 row 4. Seats 3 and 4. Two tickets for all 5 games. Club level is awesome- just ask anyone who has been there. Good luck. PM me or email at kochia88@yahoo.com. Also have one room at Holiday Inn for thurs, fri, sat nights. Actual cost is $530 total.
  16. A couple people in our group can't make it to the Final Five so I need to sell their tickets and their room at the Holiday Inn. Two CLUB level tickets for all five games and one room with two beds at the Holiday Inn across from the X for thurs, fri, sat. Send me a message at kochia88@yahoo.com if you would like to discuss. Gonna be an AWESOME time - come on down!
  17. Two WCHA Final Five ticket packages (all 5 games) plus one room at Holiday Inn. We have one room (2 queen beds) at the Holiday Inn that is across from the Excel center. Walk back and forth to the games. The room is for Thurs 3/18, Fri 3/19, Sat 3/20. The room total is $550. We have 2 CLUB LEVEL tickets that are located at C12 row 4 seats 3 and 4. They are $175 ea = $350 total. If you are unfamilliar with the club level at the X- ask someone who has been there. The seats arent cramped together, you don't need to stand as people walk by to their seats, you have access to several eateries and bars that are only for club level ticket holders, the bathrooms are FAR less busy because there are far fewer people, etc. In total: $900 for room and tickets. If you have any doubts - just ask someone who has been to the Final five and they will tell you this is a great package at a great price. PLease email me at kochia88@yahoo.com - which is also my address for yahoo IM.
  18. This one will go quick - so be ready to pull the trigger. We have one room (2 queen beds) at the Holiday Inn that is across from the Excel center. Walk back and forth to the games. The room is for Thurs 3/18, Fri 3/19, Sat 3/20. The room total is $550. We have 2 CLUB LEVEL tickets that are located at C12 row 4 seats 3 and 4. They are $175 ea = $350 total. If you are unfamilliar with the club level at the X- ask someone who has been there. The seats arent cramped together, you don't need to stand as people walk by to their seats, you have access to several eateries and bars that are only for club level ticket holders, the bathrooms are FAR less busy because there are far fewer people, etc. In total: $900 for room and tickets ($1500 if you are a Gopher or Pio fan!!!). If you have any doubts - just ask someone who has been to the Final five and they will tell you this is a great package at a great price. PLease email me at kochia88@yahoo.com - which is also my address for yahoo IM.
  19. I am not trying to be sarcastic - just honestly looking for answers. What is the theory of the point men on our powerplay switching sides constantly? Was is coincidence that 9 times out of 10 when the puck comes to them, they are on their "off" hand for a one timer? I think conventional wisdom says, one strategy- when you are up against a goalie who is playing very well- is to get the puck to the point, shoot it (this is key in scoring (ok- that was a bit sarcastic- sorry)), and try for deflections, rebounds, or general trash of any kind. Why not change our power play half-way thru the UMD game or, failing that, half way thru the Wisonsin game? I know about changing horses midstream and all that, but when your horse is DEAD...aren't you just gonna drown?
  20. Count me as another who thought we didn't go as hard as we could have. Sure - when we were in a battle for the puck our guys were working hard - but there is a lot of other facets that suffered due to not giving 100% (line changes, back checking, etc.) It wasn't constantly apparent - and it wasn't the biggest reason we lost (probably) - but it was enough for a few of us who were there to notice it. I noticed it with UM, Wisco, and our team. Strangely, I didn't notice it at all with the UMD club.
  21. Was wondering the same thing. If it's just a random lady, why do they put her on the jumbotron and cheer like she is a celebrity? Is it b/c she is an old lady that likes beer? I mean, that IS cool, but wasn't sure if that is the reason she was being cheered.
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