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Boy Named Sioux

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Everything posted by Boy Named Sioux

  1. Grabbing the mask is wrong - along with alot of the other calls Don made or didn't. In this case Malone wasn't really aware of how close he was to the door ( he wasn't facing it as he got closer to it), when he got to the box, Adam directed him into it and he tripped over the base of the door. Not really a result of a shove - kinda looked like it b/c Adam still had ahold of Malone as he was falling.
  2. Other reasons Don makes a good ref: -After a disallowed goal he always says "missed it by that much". -Experienced at keeping KAOS under control (which there is sure to be plenty of). -Anyone jaw-jacking him for missed/bad calls get the "Cone of Silence dropped on their azzes. -When asked by coaches why he made/didn't make calls on a play he always starts out his explaination "would you believe..." -Video Replay official for tonight is Agent 99 (she's hot)
  3. let me play too After being butt-ended for the 4th time by Bickle, Oshie fires a puck at Bickles' junk. Since there is nothing there to stop it, the puck continues into the Gopher bench striking the Don in the hair (which he doesn't seem to notice) - instead of stopping, the pucks' momentum is actually doubled by the invinciblilty of "the do", deflects off a gophers players' helmet - interrupting his conversation on how to properly 'pop' a jersey -instantly knocking him unconsious. Still moving, the puck heads towards Frazee who reaches out to glove it. Still moving (you didn't think he would stop it did you) it continues into the stands where it hits Radke (which he doesn't seem to notice) - who climbed the glass and is now on top of "flag guy" who has finally shut up due to lacerations on the face, neck, head and chest - and drops to the floor.
  4. Sweet - I loved that guy in Get Smart. Wonder if he'll call upstairs for video review on a "skate-phone". note - if you are under 30-35 years old - you probably won't 'get' this one (which is just fine cuz its not very funny anyway).
  5. I didn't hear it - but I would speculate he meant it as a compliment. Even Vikes and Bears fans know that the Packers fans create the best (or close to it) atmosphere in all of sports. It's not the Stadium - its the fans. So if he is comparing us to that - I'll take it. If he meant it as a slam - it is really purdy ignorant.
  6. Deleted - thanks again.
  7. Didn't realize that (should have) - my bad. Thanks for the heads up AZ. Will remove it if I figure out how. Otherwise I'll let admin remove with my apoloigies.
  8. LOL. (Homer Simpson voice says "It's funny cuz it's true.") Keep this one on hand for all future games - change names of opponent as needed.
  9. I love a good rowdy crowd as much as the next guy - but seriously - when that flag is on the ice, shut up. To tell you the truth - I don't even like it when our fans shout "sioux" in place of "brave" at the end of the anthem. Call me what you will - but those things are disrespecting some ideals that ought not be effed with. Once the anthem is over and flag is retired, shout whatever you want.
  10. Not news to you guys, I know, but we are number one in the country in PIM(s). I don't think I have seen anyone here mention this fact in a way that indicates they are concerned about it. I know part of the reason for the big number stems from a few (or couple) of games - but considering we are not the biggest most physical team in the league (not that we are sissies by any stretch), the large number seems to indicate we are taking alot (too many?) penalties that don't have anything to do with being a bit "over-aggressive". The question is: Are you concerned at all about this? And/or should Hak be concerned?
  11. Good to see the sweep - better to see it done playing well in all aspects. Good to see people wanting this board to remain spirited - yet civil (for the most part). I LOVE watching Trupp and he may be work out on the top line. I think we would be better served by putting a guy who is a little stronger on the puck (although he is not bad for his size) . That is why I am thinking we put VV back up there. I thought when he was up there earlier in the year it worked as well or better than any other guy they have tried on first line. I feel like that was an effective line and any in-effectivity they may have shown was probably more mental than anything. Now that everyone is older and wiser - put him back up there. I think he creates good space for the other guys AND can snipe.
  12. And that was when they HAD Okposo!
  13. What about Kozek on the top line? Is that a bad idea? I know you generally want to spread the scoring - but in the spirit of trying to find the right combos.... I am actually all for going back to Dunc Osh and VV and the other lines that we played most of the early part of the season with. It may be naive of me - but I think the reasons for many of those losses didn't seem to have much to do with the line combos as much as mysterious motivation (not REALLY the correct word -but closest I can come up with) issues. Bucci calls it playing with "jam" - the term kinda bugs me for some reason - but I understand it and I think we need more of it. dunc osh vv and kaip watkins kozek is my vote for top two. And as far as "after the whistle" stuff (as discussed in another thread) - it stems from the type of play that I think we need MORE of. Just an extension of playing with EMOTION - which we need more of right now. I'll exchange a couple charging, boarding, unsportsmen like calls for a bit of (ugggh) "JAM" right now. All that being said - Hak has his Hockey Masters degree, and I have a Hockey special Ed certificate: so I will agree with him until he gives very good reason not to.
  14. Dagies is right again. The responses to the news that TJ was arrested varied from people basically calling for his head to people who said they were dissapointed by or questioning some of the decisions TJ has made. Seems to me that since Hak rendered his judgement "I am dissapointed" before the details of the reason for the arrest were "leaked" ; ) - there is no need for anyone who was only agreeing with Hak to make any apologies to anyone. No jumping to any conclusions - just agreeing with the head coach of the team. It doesn't even matter to me if there IS more to the story. As soon as Hak said what he said - there was reason to be dissapointed. I doubt that even TJ would demand an apology form anyone who is siding with Haks' judgement.
  15. Or maye a little green Calvin wearing a number 7 pissing on the letters GFPD?
  16. Gimme some ideas for some t-shirts and I'll make them up -as a protest. Unless you think it will only make matters worse. I'll start: If it was only piss - you must dismiss! Ur-ine trouble if you think this will stop the OSH! There should be no suspension involving urine retention. Then maybe put "Pissgate 2008" on the bottom or back.
  17. I love... desk. I love.. carpet. I love lamp - I love lamp.
  18. Gotcha - just seemed like dangling a carrot - but i understand the drive to want to protect someone without telling tales out of class. I am sure it isn't easy for you to have the knowledge to set the story straight but not the permission. I hope you understand I wasn't trying to attack you. I think I understand your intent better now.
  19. The difference is the coaches aren't on this forum saying that the media/public has the story wrong -she is and thereby indicaties she knows the correct version. I have nothing against Aleah AT ALL and I'm not expecting her to tell us what she knows. I just think if she really wants to keep it quiet - then do just that OR set us straight. Otherwise it seems lie a "I know something you don't know" kind of thing. She might not mean it that way - but it does seem like it. I dunno... maybe I'm wrong.
  20. One thing is for sure - if Oshie messed up Radja's face - we'd never be able to tell! http://www.citizen.com/apps/pbcs.dll/artic...5422/-1/CITIZEN
  21. Yeah.....talk about crappy journalism! I had no idea downtown was "on campus"......I'm wondering where they picked up the fighting part of that as well...hmmm
  22. I think you still miss the point or refuse to acknowledge it at least. Even if the charges are dropped - he was in a place where he shouldn't oughta been doing SOMETHING that has caused his coach to say "I am dissapointed right now". What scenario could play out that would make us all say "Ohhh. Now I get it! "? I just don't see one. If Hak is "dissapointed" - why aren't you? And if you are - why do you think the rest of us are over-reacting? Someone said in an earlier post they were upset b/c they had to explain to their kids that their hero (my word not hers) was arrested again. How is that "completely over-dramatic?" For someone who seems to be an expert on "over-drama" - seems you would have an easier time not using it in your own posts.?
  23. This is a forum. A forum is a place where people post their opinions (and other stuff). This is the reason forums exist. Do not be suprised if someone thinks yours is wrong. Do not be suprised if someone calls your kid a "fat little bastard" even if it has nothing to do with the topic. In my opinion we are all accountable for our actions and this accountability grows when your actions affect more people (i.e. a team). If you are not acting accountably - to your team, fans , self, etc. - it warrants AT LEAST a few people questioning your judgement. I believe any of the players on any team would agree with that. When we screw up as young'uns - we expect to either A. get away with it. - or B. deal with the consequences. BUT NOT C. - expect to get caught AND get away with it. I for one am thankful that my parents and community told me when I did something wrong and made me accountable for it - rather than saying "I know this is your second arrest in less than two months - but boys will be boys!" I turned out bad enough the way it is without having to deal with people doing me the "favor" of never pointing out my errors in judgement. Being a great person and having some lapses in judgement are not mutually exclusive. TJ IS a great kid. He DID screw up. It IS not only sane, but warranted to call into question his actions and tell the rest of the Sioux fans how you think. Even if the charges are dropped I just don't see how questioning his judgement is out of line. All the people trying to make their point by saying "He is obviously an axe murderer and hates puppies and old people and should be cut from the team..." Lame. Although as I said above - this IS the place to say it (even if its lame). I love the guy -but I'm not going to make any excuses for him, and I am sure HE is not going to make any either - there seem to be plenty of people who will do it for him anyway. OK - let 'er fly!
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