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Boy Named Sioux

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  1. Amen to that. Herb Brooks couldn't have said it better. That's HP on the PP.
  2. Once the game ends, how long does it take for that game to be available on demand? Anyone have any idea? For years i have DVR'ed the games and watched them after kids go to bed. We don't have cable any longer, so I am relying on watching online. Obviously it can be different from game to game - but- on average?
  3. Reminds me a lot of Bill Braskey.
  4. A quick word on the "prevent defense" and the "bad coaching" that we overcame to win. ESPN showed and discussed a graphic at or near the end of the second period that said something like: UND is 69-0-5 the past three years when leading after two periods ( i don't know if it is accurate - I am just telling you what they said). Cut to the third period - Denver scores and the same announcers (and MANNNNNY UND fans) can't believe how dumb our 69-0-5 coaches are. Some people should try to shut-up more.
  5. If you really are The Star-Man, first of all, thank you for your enthusiasm for and promotion of the college game. Second, you owe me $12.50, a Sega Genesis controller, and two months rent. You'll get your ABBA tape and hair dryer back when I get my stuff. If, you are not really The Star-man, find a new pick-up line because I've used that one up.
  6. I thought I remembered you predicting this. Not bad. Just out of curiosity - do Debbies feel the same way about you?
  7. I am surprised at the number of people who are surprised he didn't tell the players. The moment he agreed to take the position, he answered to a new boss. If that boss says don't tell anyone because WE (the flyers) want to control the announcement - that is what he had to do. There is no other option. I would sure think the players understand this. Even if they are shocked, I guarantee they understand it. The only alternative theory is to believe that he just DGAF about UND and their players so chose not to tell them. Hak to his wife last night: " Looks like I will be announced as the Flyers new head coach tomorrow a.m.!" Wife: Great ! I suppose you better have a team meeting and let the players know, huh? Hak: Who? Wife: the team...you gotta tell them Hak: I don't follow Wife: The hockey team, Dave. The kids you have recruited, mentored, coached and spent hundreds and hundreds of hours with over the years. Hak: Right... of course... those guys... well I am sure they will find out eventually. Wife: But don't you think YOU should tell them? Hak: I work in the NHL now. The BIGS. The SHOW... I don't spend my time with a bunch of wanna-be's.
  8. Sounds about right. I had this game at 45% huge - or 35% gigantic. So I would say 60% big is about right. Might be closer to 50% big but definitely not 75% big. By comparison last weekends games were 97% big and the Manitoba game was about 18% big. Which just goes to prove the old addage: " There are no small or medium games in college hockey; only varying degrees of bigness."
  9. I couldn't agree more. But I would also add: chili-cheese dog Go Sioux If there were robots
  10. Ha! This may be true. One thing for sure - if a person has time to verify all Jims numbers add up... that person definitely has too much time! **cough cough snake cough** I kid....
  11. Would rather eat the gopher...
  12. This is correct. No dedicated servers on site. Matter of fact I believe Neulion doesn't have their own servers either. It looks like they partner with Akamai, Limelight and a few others to handle their streams. Akamia and Limelight are absolute monsters of streaming capacity (handling streams for Netflix and Hulu, thousands of others). I am not 100% sure on the whole arrangement, but it likely works like this: Neulion exists as a way for their customers to monetize their streams. Think of it this way: they are a middle-man of sorts, so when UND needs a way to stream their games, UND doesn't really have to worry about the encoding,transmitting, bandwidth, etc. Instead, UND goes to a company like Neulion and tells them what they are looking for. Neulion arranges the rest and provides a link back to UND. That is over-simplified, but I think it gives a general idea. One of the main customers for Neulion is NHL. The NHL streams every game (with few exceptions) and mostly in HD. This amount of bandwidth is only a tiny fraction of what the Akamai or Lilmelight servers provide. So you can really forget about bandwidth from UND or Neulion being an issue. That doesn't mean there will be no problems. As with any data streaming, the real performance issues are what they call "last-mile" issues - because most performance issues originate within one mile of your home. Either with the internet service providers or (most often) with the modems,cables,pc's, laptops, etc that are actually getting the signal. These are things that are out of the providers' control. BUT - for the most part, this is getting better and better as we update our electronics at home. You can be sure that there will be at least some people who will have some problems with watching the games "on the internet" (video lagging and stuttering etc) - but for most people, most of the time, my guess is we are going to be impressed. You don't have to like it, or get used to it - but more and more programming is going to be available this way. It might be a while before it is as "idiot-proof" as hooking up a co-axial cable to a TV - but that ship has sailed. Technology benefits those who fight it the least. The good news is it won't be long before there won't be a need to hook up additional equipment to watch internet on your TV. For example, there are already literally millions of people watching things like NHL, netflix, hulu, HBO-Go on their TV's by using a wireless enabled "smart" tv or through a wirelss enabled DVD/blueray player, PS3, X-box, Roku,Apple TV and so on. It will be a short time before you can add Sioux games to that list. I hate the fact that our TV contract is "going backwards" in terms of exposure or ease of use. I hate the fact that this is the last season of the WCHA as we know it. But a LOT of things changed when the BIG got formed...it sucks - but we will get past it.
  13. Great... now everybody knows! No offense, but isn't this like saying we need good goal tending and special teams play to be able to win? Something that everybody tries to do against every team that -if it works - will help you win? I'm not sayin'...I'm just sayin'.
  14. I like having fans from other teams around. I don't understand the "Go back to GPL so I can talk to someone I agree with" mentality. Sure they can be annoying, but if NOT being annoying was a criteria for posting here... I say welcome them all in. Make fun of them and put up with their Olive Garden jokes (mmmm Olive Garden), argue, discuss and point out how wrong they are... but FFS stop telling them to leave. I mean, it is your right to tell them that - but having them here keeps the threads moving and keeps things....interesting. Just my opinion...thought I'd share it. Gotta go, I just heard there is a real-live tree growing by Devils Lake. I gotta see this.
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