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Posts posted by airmail

  1. Wow! ;)

    If it were not for bad luck they would have no luck at all! :sad:

    At least no score boards have fallen on any players this year... that has to help. :p

    BTW... on the radio, they said 7:00 Game time? It is at 7:30, right? :ohmy:

  2. One of Ralph's mottos was:  "The harder you work, the luckier you get."  But, a lot of other people used the same one (or very similar ones).  I'm not sure who is credited with saying it, or something like it, first. 

    Thomas Jefferson?

  3. Merry Christmas Sioux fans.

    Thanks for putting up with this obnoxious Gopher fan. ;)

    Merry Christmas to all you gopher fans too. (yes, I mean it) :(

    I wish you a great post Christmas hockey season. (don't really mean it) ;)

    Thanks to the board admin for a fun year talking Sioux Sports! :) I appreciate it!

    Merry Christmas everyone!

  4. It's the fact that our PP is sponsered by The Herald. I don't remember it ever being "brought to us by....." in past years. :blush::love:

    Yeah... that's almost as bad as "in the land of whoppers, burgers are king." Having your starting line-up sponsored by a fast food joint is (to quote slap-shot) "f***ing embarrassing." I cringe every time I hear it. Visiting fans must laugh their butts off...

    I know REA is a "marketing machine"... but please. We have a "paid for" 100M dollar arena, and they're pimping out the power play? I'll say it again...

    f***ing embarrassing. :silly:

  5. Maybe I went overboard with my previous post, but a "suggestion to fans" versus a "scolding" would have been more appropriate on a broadcasted post game interview.

    I actually agree with Blais, and understand what he's saying. However, I don't think a comment either way was necessary, especially after a win. I just wasn't impressed.

  6. Take Mussman .... please (and his "over the left guard on first down" and "bubble screen on second down" offense).

    My thoughts exactly, Sicatoka. Take Mussman, leave Bubba.

    For the love of God leave Bubba... :lol:

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