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Posts posted by airmail

  1. Yeah I remember this clown Gopher fan (synonymous) in front of me back in November when they played us at the REA - he was holding a sign that said "The Fighting Novembers". Well buddy why don't you put a line through that "November" and pen in "December" and "January" as well. Come to think of it I think he had the floppy ear cap on as well....Moron...

    You must sit VERY close to me... Obnoxious or not, we had to laugh at him. Every time the goofs screwed up, he'd run his hands through his hair. By the end of the game, his sign was gone, and his hair was standing straight up. Hilarious. :lol:

  2. My favorite "new Ralph" times are the DU series in 03 WCHA playoffs, ...

    That was one hell of a series, game 3 is probably my favorite game in the rink so far.

    But still, I'll never forget that series after Ralph E. died (I think the night they retired 23) that the microphone didn't work, and the crowd sang the national anthem. For those that weren't there, you're probably thinking I'm an idiot. For those that were there, you understand how amazing it was. Words can't describe it.

  3. March 15, 1998, UND versus the hated Minnesota Golden Gophers.

    Thanks for the trip down memory lane. Without question my favorite Sioux hockey game that I ever saw. Unbelieveable comeback.

    Good thoughts on the new arena, and they certainly held true on the atmosphere end. Overall, though, I think its a good thing for Sioux hockey, Grand Forks, and North Dakota. While we can lament what we've lost at the old place, we should also be elated in what we've gained. :glare:

  4. In its third season, the atmosphere has gotten a whole lot better at REA than it was the past couple of years. I think its really doing well; good crowds, great student atmosphere, and it even gets damn loud now and then. As a recruiting tool, it can't be beat. It is the nicest, most luxurious arena in hockey. What else can you say about it. (oh yeah, I can drink a 7&7 while I watch the game. Bonus points awarded)

    Things I miss about the old rink:

    1)Sitting by the same people week after week. Now I have corperate seats to the left and in front. (Although we still are by a few old friends, too)

    2)The vibration in your butt from the bleachers when it really got loud. (ATMOSPHERE THING, NOT BEING KINKY) :glare:

    3)As mentioned in another thread, the club room tables upstairs, to sit and talk with fellow Sioux fans before the game. Had some fun conversations, and met some great people. I really miss that.

    4)Smoking outside the front door between periods. Hell, I'll be honest. I just miss smoking.

  5. Great thread, SDD... not so great news about New Jersey and ZP.

    I can take a bit of solace in the fact that gopher fans hate Derek Shepherd as much as we do. At least that was my take after the FF last year...

    he then paused before using a very appropriate adjective to describe the officiating on Saturday

    Tell it like it is, Blais!

  6. If I were Blais next time I saw Parise get mugged, I'd get the guys number and send one of our less skilled players out to beat him up.  If the officials aren't going to do anything about it, then the team needs to.

    I think you're right on. Good points about Gretzky too.

    All night Saturday, I was waiting for a serious speed bag performance to erupt. I guess its good that it didn't happen, but since we have Tech as the next series, I thought maybe we could afford a 1-game suspension. Yes, its not cool, or PC to say things like that, but that's how I feel about it. I really think that a good ass-kicking would have cleaned up the rest of the game considerably. (See Prpich/ Peluso during scrappy Duluth game)

    Sometimes you have to "release the hounds."

  7. I'm a member of the Coaches Club too and was wondering if any members have gotten their copy of the Hockey Media Guide. I've called once a month ago, they said they would let me know and I haven't heard back yet. I also had to call and get my football media guide.

    My Football media guide was sent in the mail, I believe it came with my tickets. I haven't, however, seen the hockey one. Until now, I'd forgotten about it. Thanks for reminding me... I'll have to call this week. :glare:

  8. Pay the refs a decent amount of $$$ per game and bring in quality officials, both on and off the ice.

    Maybe Bruce McLeod still has that 18 grand that he pilfered from UMD some years back. He can probably pay out of his own pocket.

    If McLeod et al. can't/won't enforce the existing rules and players' are at risk, revise the fighting rules to allow things to be "settled on the ice".

    Absolutely. Look at some of our other teams. We had Panzer, Hoogsteen, Blake... all small players/ goal scorers. I can't remember any of them getting the drag down, hook and slash bull$%!# that we're seeing nowadays, and why? Because any perpetrator would've gotten his damn scull bashed in.

    I am sick of this style of hockey. It absolutely sucks. If it keeps up, the marquis talent will be playing major-junior, not in the WCHA. They'll go where they can score goals, not where they'll be drug around the ice. I guarantee it... just wait and see.

  9. Two questions: Is Mason the worst ref in the league? and what will it take to get better officiating in the WCHA?

    1) No. But I can't think of worse officiating than this past weekend... change answer to possibly. :glare:

    2) Big Bruce has to get off his ass and can Greg Shepherd. Officiating has gone on a bad downswing in the past few years, and nowhere has it been as bad as in the WCHA. I say blame the man in charge... that's how it works in my world.

  10. For my wife and I, we enjoy a drink or two and some socializing in the club room before the game. After the game has started, though, we hardly ever go back upstairs. Even if it was less crowded, I doubt we'd be up there any more than we already are. The bar thing just isn't a big thing for us these days.

    Just like at the Alerus, I think the beer garden in the main concourse is ridiculous. I can't believe the number of people who uncomfortably squish in that area at halftime just to have their precious warm overpriced beer. And they absolutely SWARM in there too. Unbelieveable! ;):p

    Anyway, I see I've started rambling and ranting. But to address your point... Yes, I would enjoy more exclusive club perks... I'd be lying if I said I didn't. But it really doesn't bother me that much. These days, its more about the sports programs than the booze and social setting. Been there, done that.

    (but if I lose my parking spot... :ohmy: )

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