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Posts posted by airmail

  1. I was at the Friday night CC game and was appalled at how many people cheered when it was announced that UMD was beating U of M. I don't care if you hate the Gophers or not... we're in a battle for 1st place with UMD, not U of M.

    I was thinking that too. I'll be honest, I love it when U of M gets theirs, but I certainly couldn't cheer about it on Friday night. I think the loud cheering was from the hockey illiterates... you could hear the disapproval of the real fans among the noise.

    Aside, there was certainly a loud cheer in Duluth on Saturday when they announced a 4-1 CC lead over UND. Talk about pumping up a crowd and the team. There was no stopping UMD after that. I have to say, my first trip to the DECC was a blast. They have a great atmosphere in that building... I certainly will be back.

    I have to admit, the gopher parents at the Holiday Inn were pretty cool too. Misery loves company. :)

  2. Any one have the stats for Ziggy and JPar last year as both were in the USHL? 

    Here's one site...

    USHL Stats

    Off topic: Looking at the stats page, what ever happened to Beiswenger? It seems he did a nice job backing up Vicari... I haven't heard anything of him lately.

  3. If Jake would have been in net Saturday, and given up 4 2nd period goals, I can almost guarantee he would have been replaced! So what's the difference here?

    I wasn't at the Saturday game, (yes... the tickets were used) so I have no idea what happened inside the game. But I have to agree, no matter what circumstance, Jake would be gone with 4 goals in one period. How many shots were these 4 scored on, anyway? :)

  4. After some sterling efforts, JP has had a few average (or worse) outings. I would expect JB to get in a game this weekend.

    I hope he does, and I hope he posts a shut-out. Then, if he get's pulled, I'll listen to more conspiracy theories...

    (oh wait... he's already been pulled during a shut-out performance, hasn't he) :)???

  5. Yeah...you can see how much America loves hockey.

    College hockey is a joke too...with barely a nadful of big, legitamate schools having programs and a bunch of little schools having programs as well.

    Obviously, our elementary school friend has gotten lost on her way to the bisonville.com smack board.

    Perhaps the admin can help her out? :D

  6. We got who we wanted out of ND, the athletes with the biggest potential to suceed at D1. The other leftovers who were good in high school but don't have the potential, UND got them.


    Don't have the potential? What a joke. You forget how little difference there is between D-II, and DI-AA. (not D-I)

    You beat Montana, remember? :huh:

  7. I thought this applied well to this thread... :huh:

    Issued by the North Dakota Tourism Bureau to ALL visiting Urbanites:

    1. Don't order filet mignon or pasta primavera at Kroll's Kitchen. It's

    a diner. They serve breakfast 24 hours a day. Let them cook something they

    know. If you upset the ladies in the kitchen, they'll kick your ass.

    2. Don't laugh at the names of our little towns (Minnewauken, Rolla,

    Gackle, Osnabrock, Cando, Walhalla, Zap, etc.) or we will just HAVE to

    kick your ass.

    3. Don't order a bottle or a can of soda here. Up here it's called pop.

    Accept it. Doing otherwise can lead to an ass kicking.

    4. We know our heritage. Most of us are more literate than you. We are

    also better educated and generally a lot nicer. Don't refer to us as a bunch of

    hicks or we'll bust your ass.

    5. We have plenty of business sense. You have to to make a living up

    here. Naturally, we do sometimes have small lapses in judgment, but we are

    not dumb enough to let someone move to our state in order to run for the

    Senate. If someone tried to do that, we would kick their ass.

    6. Don't laugh at our giant fiberglass cows and our turtles made out of

    car parts. Anything that inspires tourists to buy 50,000 postcards can't be

    bad. When you're in Jamestown, don't point at the genitalia on the giant

    buffalo or we'll kick your ass.

    7. We are fully aware of how cold it gets here in the winter, so shut

    the hell up. Just spend your money and get the hell out of here or we'll

    kick your ass.

    8. Don't order the vegetarian special at the local diner. Everyone will

    instantly know that you're a tourist. Eat your steak rare like God

    intended and have some potatoes with it, for heaven's sake! Also, don't ask

    what a hot dish is or you will get your ass kicked.

    9. Don't try to fake a NoDak accent. We don't have an accent. Do NOT

    mention the movie "Fargo" as that will incite a riot and you will get your

    ass kicked.

    10. Don't talk about how much better things are at home because we

    know better. Many of us have visited big-city hell-holes like Minneapolis, New

    York, and LA, and we have the scars to prove it. If you don't like it here,

    Northwest Airlines is ready when you are. Move your ass on home.

    11. Yes, we know that ice fishing is "not your thing." We don't care.

    If you don't understand the beauty of being out on a lake when it's 10

    degrees then you should go home and try fishing in New York Harbor. Also,

    don't hog the heater in the fish house or we'll kick your ass.

    12. Don't complain that North Dakota is flat and that there aren't

    enough trees. If you whine about OUR scenic beauty we'll kick your ass all the

    way back to Cleveland.

    13. Don't ridicule our mannerisms. We only speak when spoken to. We

    hold doors open for others. We offer our seats to old folks because such

    things are expected of civilized people. Behave yourselves around our sweet,

    little grey-haired grandmothers or they will kick some manners into

    your ass just like they did ours.

    14. So you think we're quaint or losers because most of us live on the

    prairie? That's because we have enough sense to not live in filthy,

    smelly, crime-infested cesspools like New York or LA. Make fun of our fresh air

    and we'll kick your ass.

    15. Last, but not least, DO NOT DARE to come out here and tell us how

    the prairie should "go back to the buffalo." This will get your ass shot.

    Just mention this once and you will go home in a pine box. Minus your ass.

    Enjoy your visit in the Peace Garden State!

  8. I think this too.

    Zach Parise was critical of the team on Saturday, saying they all didn't come to play.

    What I'm hoping is that later in the year, with one-and-out games the team will not have the second game let-down we seem to be seeing lately.

    The team has one-on-one meetings this week... Just in time, IMHO. :huh:

  9. Does anyone know what happened to Greg Keith (w/ the knee injury)?

    CB on the radio this morning said when he spoke with him, there wasn't much pain, although he also mentioned sometimes that is not a good thing. Other than that, no further word...

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