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Posts posted by airmail

  1. I agree that this stuff gets old, but there has to be some credibility to these letters.

    Agreed... if it didn't happen, people wouldn't waste their time writing letters. Like all places, we have our a-hole fans too... :)

  2. What can you do outside when it is 90+ F and 90% humidity outside?

    All the same things you can do when it is -40 F outside.

    Except pour a concrete garage slab for your new home... :glare:

  3. Instead, you use them like the Godfather uses a consiglieri.

    So prospective conference affiliates can expect horse-heads in their beds? You just might get into a conference yet! :glare:

    Certainly there is risk involved with UND staying DII, yet I don't think it is as significant as the risk NDSU is taking. The risk UND takes on is that of the DII structure, and the changes made to it. Overall, not anything big... at least not at this point. By staying DII, we are not jeopardizing gate $, competitiveness, or alumni donations... all of which I believe will be affected at NDSU, given their current situation.

    As a leader nationally in DII, I think things look pretty good. At least for the moment. Certainly, if drastic changes are made to the DII structure, which aren't in the interest of UND, I'm sure we'd jump on board. I just don't think it has gotten "bad enough" to consider leaving at this point.

  4. My question is how much does his "playing US treasury" hurt his chances?

    Lets hope they keep the past in the past. :)

    The Hobey Baker Award represents more than just the top on-ice performer. Award criteria include strength of character on and off the ice along with scholastic achievements and sportsmanship
  5. In the interviews and such that I've heard, I interpret it differently. Never has Blais mentioned that Bochenski will not get his backing. In fact, he's put it quite to the contrary, stating that he is probably the best candidate right now in the nation.

    The references that I've heard about Parise is that if he wants to seriously contend for the HB, he needs to start scoring some points.

    Never have I heard him say anything to make me believe that Parise is his "choice" for the Hobey. Have I missed something in the coaches show? :)

  6. I have tickets but a couple of friends don't. How does the rush tickets deal work? They must be SRO? I'm guessing showing up early would be beneficial? Just curious how the process works if anyone knows.

    Someone please correct me if I'm mistaken, but I believe it works the same as it did at the old REA.

  7. Riots have happened Detroit, Denver, Montreal, Chicago, etc., etc. If there was anything to burn down in Grand Forks aside from silos, they'd happen there too.

    Isn't that educational. Can you please get off the stage now?

  8. By the way airmail....since you are a skier....you ought to get out to the Rockies skiing this year.  The snow in Utah is incredible.  The Wasatch Mountains have been really hammered with snow. Jackson Hole is looking good too.....nice to see after so many dry years.

    Thanks for the tip, but I'll be taking no trips this year. Last year at this time we were actually thinking about PC Utah, but that idea has been laid to rest. I'm in the middle of home construction, and all my vacation time (as well as free time) is going directly into the project. (oh yeah, all my $ is going there too. :) )

    Sounds like a great season out west, though. There's always next year. Have fun...

    That was quite an effort for your first post, "ndsubison." I only hope we can look forward to more of these brilliant witticisms in the future.

    What UND92,96 said.

  9. Anything here give us a hope for improvement?

    I think so. Even though "generic", I think it is classy to respond to the e-mails and letters.

    Like PCM pointed out... if they were already talking about it last Sunday, Greg S. saw something he didn't like while he was at the game on Saturday. I suppose the system is working to a degree. I just hope it lasts, and it isn't the annual, "lets get better officiating right now, and in a month we'll let them go to crap again."

  10. Great post, PCM. Its good to see that the problem is getting more press.

    Aside, is it a coincidence that I heard a bunch of holding calls made against Tech, and ZP had 7 points this weekend? I don't think so...

  11. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah... No team has proven so far that they can take the ball away from UND so far this season. We will see though...

    And it would be nice to end the...

    "the gophers are right where they want to be/ peaking at the right time/ its all coming together" ...BS that is everywhere right now. But I guess the world does revolve around Minnesota. :lol:

    Kill 'em Sioux!

  12. The FSN Clowns were ripping on UND for only having played 6 away games this year, and for having a weak non-conference schedule.  They said it is better than last year, but continue to discredit our team's success.  :lol:


    Add Mazzacco's cheap hairpiece, and the similarities are absolutely striking...


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