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Everything posted by MafiaMan

  1. I signed up for two, but haven't been contacted yet. They're probably assuming I'll be there sometime this season to pick them up.
  2. Sooooo...I still haven't heard anything about the Mike Commodore bobble-heads. Does anyone have the latest scoop?
  3. Shawn-O, don't tell me you're going to go "Urban Meyer" on us and use Kentucky to bolster your strength of schedule argument. I agree that conference championship should be the determining factor in who gets to play Ohio State, but watching Urban cry, beg, and plead to get into the title game is excruciating. Also, big slap upside the head to Kirk Herbstreit and Brent Musburger, who during last week's USC/Notre Dame game pleaded time and time again AGAINST having a Michigan rematch with Ohio State, then promptly turned right around suggested several times over that Notre Dame had done enough to warrant a rematch with Michigan in the Rose Bowl? Based on losing by 20 to USC they've shown enough to deserve a rematch with a team who beat them by 26 earlier in the year? While at the same time saying that Michigan had its shot at Ohio State and dropped the ball? Oh, nevermind, Brent and Kirk, I forgot that ABC needs Notre Dame in the Rose Bowl because they haven't been there since 1925. Nice arguments, guys!
  4. Spokane Indians Logo Change
  5. You know, this is what bugs me about society today. We jump down the throats of Mel Gibson as an anti-Semite, we want to lynch Kramer ASAP (he's an idiot anyways and I'm not defending his N-word tirade at all), but last night, I watched as an African-American activist on Hannity and Colmes left the show with a parting shot at Sean Hannity calling him a "rich white boy." If Sean Hannity had called the guest a "poor black boy," he'd have been fired about 15 minutes after the show ended. It's a giant double-standard and it's getting old.
  6. That's IT! This team clearly needs more support from fans at Joe Senser's. Runninwiththedogs, 01grad, 7>5, Smoggy...who's with me at Senser's tonite? I'll even have little MafiaMan with me!
  7. I'm aware of that definition of "orangemen," but SU was not nicknamed the Orangemen for that reason. Nike was the driving force behind the change to "Orange."
  8. The Syracuse Orangemen were named because they wore orange, much like their big-rival the St John's Redmen who wore red. Neither connotation had anything to do with anything other than the color of football or basketball uniform the players wore. St John's changed their name a long long time ago DESPITE the fact that it had absolutely no direct relation to Native American imagery. Syracuse changed their name to "Orange" to better recognize all SU athletes, not just men.
  9. SiouxMD, did you catch how they distinguished themselves from UMass-Lowell by making their name "RiverHawks" one word as opposed to "River Hawks" two words like UML? Brilliant!
  10. NSU New Nickname I love the nickname nominees: RiverHawks War Eagles (sounds a bit too hostile and abusive, doesn't it?) Wolves (yea, you and 10,000 high schools around the USA) Thunderhawks (as opposed to what, Lightninghawks? And why no capital "H" for this one, but one for RiverHawks? I'm confused) Thunderbirds (see above, particularly with small "b" in birds) And my personal favorite, the Riverwolves (heck, why not the Landfish? Seascorpions? Watercows?)
  11. When I was in high school in good old Belfield, during lunchtime, one of my classmates started laughing at something so hard his lunch flew out of his nose. That was the biggest clam I've ever seen in clam chowder soup. Wow.
  12. Seventeen dollars, how's that?
  13. Chopping wood has been coach Schiano's battle cry all season. He's been preaching the theme since day one. I follow college football religiously and Rutgers was a joke for years. It was fun to watch the game last night and see the crowd reaction when it ended. What a sight. For those of us in Mpls/St Paul, are most of you like me when you hear the expression "choppin' wood," you immediately think of Ken Thomas and WJJY's cash call in Brainerd that's played on KQRS? "I was out choppin' wood and I hear da phone ring so I run."
  14. Yea, come to the Final Five so you can watch RWTD and 01grad drink and do this:
  15. I love that when the press announcer says "check the scoreboard to see if your section has won the Keebler cookies...". Yea, you can check the scoreboard or just look to your left for the gigantic ELF giving out boxes of cookies. By the way, RWTD, when they say "we're getting ready to toss our cookies," they don't mean it's time for you to chug your beer so fast that it makes you puke.
  16. Yea, TRIOUXPER, I've read all about your sex-capades! I'm a lover not a hunter
  17. Plus, you'll have to compete with Darth MafiaMan this year, RWTD!
  18. Oh, Cheney's visiting. For a moment there, I thought that Tom Daschle had somehow been reinstated to the Senate. Whew!
  19. Or HAVE committed. I'll tell you one thing that should have gotten you arrested: Your version of The Macarena or whatever that was on the jumbo-tron at last year's Final Five. Go white girl...go white girl...it's your birf-day...gonna par-tay like it's your birf-day...
  20. I bought that very same blanket at REA 3-4 years ago. I am not sure if it is stocked anymore.
  21. The second one that was waived off due to kicking the puck. It was almost impossible to tell is he got a stick on it AFTER he kicked it, however.
  22. Labour? A bit close to Canada, eh?
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